Chapter 1 – Unexpected Discovery
4 May 2019

Dammit, why hasn’t Thomas answered my phone call yet? It’s a shame that he’s the one who’s always handling these situations…I should do this too somet…
“Hey, Neve…what’s up?”
“Finally, Thomas…I’m sorry if I’m bothering you at work, but I need our bank account username and password! We forgot to pay our rent…for the third time this year, and the tenant has threatened us to do something about it if we don’t fix our mistake as soon as we can!”
“Chill out, darling…he’s really unpleasant: we’ve always paid our rent before, sooner or later! Alright, do you remember that PC boot stuff I taught you the last month?”
“Oh my…let’s say I do, what does this have to do with our current situation?”
“I don’t recall our bank account password right now, but I’ve stored it in a separate SSD on my desktop PC: you just have to boot it, and you’ll find what you’re looking for!”
“Uh…why did you have to hide it there? Alright…what should I do, again?”
“Just wait for that Azuz logo to show up, then press DEL, and select the 2nd element in the list that’ll show up! I’m sorry Neve, but I really have to go now! Text me if you have any problem!”
“Don’t worry, Thomas, love you, bye!” I tell him, putting down my phone.
How am I supposed to do this? So, I have to wait for that logo, then I have to press DEL, and the SSD he’s talking about is the second one in the list. Why does Thomas have to care so much about privacy? It’s not like a random hacker is going to turn on our PC on an average Saturday.
I enter his studio. This is something I don’t usually do, because he’s so tidy that I would feel guilty to mess something around. And here’s his famous desktop PC, where Thomas spends all his time when he doesn’t have to work and I’m not around: it’s fine, I rather have a boyfriend who likes videogames rather than drinking or gambling.
I turn it on. The logo appears. Wait…which key should I press now? Oh, DEL…wait, too late. I have to restart it.
Second try. Hurrah! I did it: here’s that boot list he was talking about. So, the first one should be his main one, then he has this second smaller one: I’ll select it.
Thomas’s PC turns on again, a little bit slower this time. There’s a file on the desktop called “passwords”…there’s no way he would have put such important data there!
So, I decide to dig around a little bit, and I find this software called “Folder Hidden” or something. Sadly, I need a password to open it. Wait one moment…Thomas told me that I would have found what I was looking for, and he could have foretold that I would have found this software, so I should know its password!
Let’s try with my name: “Neve”. Nope, doesn’t work. What about my surname? “Brisson”. Nope.
Uh…maybe I should type our anniversary date! “22/09/2016”…bingo! So, let’s find this damn bank account password.
Hehe, I finally see my Thomas is a normal guy: after almost 3 years together, I had never found a single nasty video on his PC! But here’s where he keeps them: “Erotic Stuff”. Pretty obvious, I guess. Alright, I don’t wanna violate his privacy.
I see no other passwords…Thomas actually puts it on his desktop.
A couple minutes later I text him “All done, sweetie, thank you for your help, see you later! <3”
Chapter 2 – I Wanna Know Thomas Better!
8 May 2019

Thomas is such a nice guy. I’m nothing more than an average woman: I’m not as beautiful as a top model, I don’t have big breasts, I don’t workout very much…and I’m even a short female, with my 156cm (5’1”ft) height. At least, I’m not fat, weighting just 46kg (101lbs). In any event…I feel like he’s so much better than me: he has a steady prestigious job, while I’m switching one job after another.
Thomas is quite a tall guy, with his 176cm (5’8”ft) height, even if he’s not very fit, weighting 78kg (172lbs). I’m also younger (21 years old vs 25), and all these factors make me feel like he’s so much mature, and smarter than me…but I love him so much, and I’m glad he feels the same for me!
I definitely don’t want to lose him, but I feel like he’s slowly slipping away: I always have to be the dominant partner in bed, and I don’t know if Thomas likes this, or if he’s just getting bored.
I know I probably shouldn’t do this, but I don’t see any way around it: I have to check his “Erotic Stuff” folder. I don’t want to violate his privacy: he can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn’t betray me with an actual woman. But I need to know his tastes.
Thomas is always so shy, and he never shares his sexual fantasies with me: how am I supposed to rock his world if I don’t know what he really likes? I’m pretty open-minded, nothing I’ll find will shock me.
So, after days of uncertainty, I finally decide to do it: I boot from his secret secondary SSD, I open that “Folder Hidden” software, and I…click on that “Erotic Stuff” folder.
Yes, I’m very open-minded, but I want’s expecting this. I thought I would have found terabytes of nasty videos…but this folder is very small, and it just contains Word files. What the heck? Is my Thomas into erotic stories? Or is this a disguise for some top secret files from work?
The first option is the correct one. I’m not a person who loves books, even if, sometimes, I try to read what Thomas suggests to me. Is this why he doesn’t share his kinks with me? Is he afraid I would get bored reading with him?
Dammit…I’d definitely rather to watch some fun videos together, but if I have to read these stories to know Thomas better, I’ll do it!
Alright, I’ll start with this one, it’s called “Conchita Takes Charge”.
No, please, don’t tell me he’s into that “master” and “servant” thing…I could dress up as his maid, but it would get boring pretty fast. Plus, he’s always so submissive in bed, I don’t think he would like to dominate his petite maid. Did he maybe download this story by mistake? Alright, let’s go on.
Uh, this is interesting: his Latina maid seduces him, over and over. I’m glad we don’t have any maid: as I said, I’m very open-minded, but I don’t want my Thomas to have fun with other girls. And this so called “Robert Graves” is doing this when his innocent wife is away…very bad, very bad! I could get angry at Thomas if he was into cuckolding stories!!! It’s a pity I can’t actually tell him that I violated his privacy…let’s go on.
Wait…why is this man now dressing as a maid? Don’t tell me that I’m with someone who likes crossdressing. Well, I guess I could live with it: do I have to buy him a maid outfit?
Then, something very unexpected happens: Robert Graves is transformed into…Conchita, his petite Latina maid. I don’t know where this is going: does Thomas like short girls? Is this what it’s all about? Then I’m a lucky girl, since I’m just 156cm tall.
What I really can’t understand is why Conchita turns into his master and steals his life, forcing him to live as an irregular immigrant who can’t even speak English. Very strange. I’ve seen many body swap movies in my life, but I would have never thought that someone could write erotic stories about this: I mean, I’m a woman, and I wanna be with men…I can’t imagine otherwise.
Maybe this story is here just by mistake, let’s try another one. This is called “Domestic Tangle”. A couple wishes to understand each other better, and they end up stuck in their partner body. Again, body swap, and a petite woman who turns into a dominant male, and has fun with it.
I start to see a pattern, and I’m tired of reading, but I have to admit that these stories are kinda fun: I’ll go on.
There are too many stories in this folder, but I start to grow an interest for my boyfriend’s tastes, and I keep coming back there, day after day. That’s how I manage to read, in less than a week, more than I’ve ever read in the previous years: I devour “Mind Swapping”, “One Favor”, “A Favor For Anna”, “The Mirror”, “I’ll Make You Happy”, “Even Trade”, “Once In A Blue Moon”, “The Very Reluctant Bride”, “The Witch Downstairs”, “New Experience”, “Switchcraft”, “Second Anniversary”, “Eye Contact” and “The Game”.
After reading 16 stories in 6 days I have no more doubts: my dear Thomas secret kink is body swapping!
At least I now realize that when he tells me that I’m beautiful he’s not lying: he really likes my petite body, maybe he even wishes to have it for himself!
I wonder what the couples of those stories would have thought if they had lived in 2019, with our “The Swapper 2nd Gen.”, capable of physical transforming any person, of body swapping and even of mind controlling: fast, reliable and affordable, and it’s even legal and reversible.
Oh my…now I sound like a TV spot. That Iris Felder girl will surely become a billionaire.
Chapter 3 – Temptation
15 May 2019

This has been an interesting week. On one hand, I’m very happy I’ve read all of Thomas’s favourite stories, but on the other hand it’s a pity I can’t tell this to him: he would see it as a violation of his privacy.
The strangest thing, however, is how those stories actually affected me. It started as a curiosity, it continued as a game, but now I feel…a little bit different. What I’m trying to say is that I feel more and more curious about those situations every day.
I find myself imagining what it would be like to be taller every time I have to use a stool in order to take something from the top shelf. And I don’t have to tell how much I’d like my arms to not hurt when I have to carry the groceries home.
Thomas gets up every morning, he quickly eats the breakfast I prepare for him, sometimes even enjoying one of my glorious “morning blowjobs”. I, on the other hand, have to wake up an hour earlier: I have to wash my long hair, to apply my makeup, to prepare him his breakfast, and, sometimes, to take care of his morning wood.
I don’t know if Thomas would actually like to become a petite woman, as in his favourite stories, but what I do know is that he couldn’t even imagine what’s like to be one. I mean, if he could…why doesn’t he wake up early and cook for me sometimes?
Plus, in those stories the woman usually ends up as a pregnant housewife…really, Thomas? Don’t you like your 6 figures job? Would you like to clean up the bathroom in my stead, in those periods of the year I can’t find a job because I’m not qualified enough? Do you know how humiliating is to let your boyfriend provide you with everything? I mean, I’m a very lucky woman to have such a nice boyfriend, but I’d rather be independent. Although, this is not his fault: I should have planned my life better.
Another thing that troubles me is “why doesn’t he go to the gym?”. I do it sometimes…at least I’m thin, but every woman would like to have a fit man by her side! I know he works hard and everything…but at least he has the luck to find me at home every night. I wonder what it would be like to have an attractive partner. I mean, I’m not a top model…but would I like my body through his eyes, as he likes me now?
I don’t wanna get my expectations up: maybe his is just an innocent erotic fantasy, and he doesn’t want to swap lives with me. Although, it would be a fun experience, and we would definitely know each other better.
But how can I send these new thoughts away from my head? I’m even finding myself fantasizing about being the man during sex, even if I know it sounds ridiculous from a petite woman’s mouth. However, am I not usually the dominant partner in bed?
The other day I even asked Thomas to take me from behind, in front of a mirror, instead of the usual cowgirl position. I told him that I wanted to watch my expressions, but the truth was that I was fantasizing about being him, and fucking the hell out of me.
I even asked him to make a tape of me sucking his member, from his POV, and I’m watching it over and over while I masturbate, wondering what it would be like to be on the other side of the fence.
I can’t accept this: this new obsession is wasting my time, and it’s getting more and more dangerous. What if someone found this tape? My reputation would be ruined!
Come on, Neve, we live in 2019: you could fulfil these fantasies. What do I have to lose? I’ll just contact Iris Felder, and see if she could do something for me.
Chapter 4 – The Swapper 2nd Gen.
19 May 2019

“Hi beautiful girl, you should be Neve Brisson, am I right?” a tall strong woman with short blue hair in a punk outfit greets me.
“Indeed I am! And you’re the brilliant Iris Felder, right?”
“Yep! Come here, Neve, what can I do for you?”
“Uh…I have to ask you: is this conversation confidential?”
“Of course it is! Do you want to transform your body, to swap it for another one or to apply some mind control on yourself?” Iris asks me, with a charming spontaneity.
“I…I…you see, I’ve found some stories…about body swap…and I was wondering…”
“Let me guess” she interrupts me “your boyfriend is secretly into body swapping stuff, and you’re curious too, so you want to try it out with him?”
How the heck does he know??? “…do you have many patients with a similar request?”
“You couldn’t even imagine…but it’s all confidential, remember?” Iris laughs. “Listen to me, we could transform you into a male, and you could hire a hooker or something, but it would not be a complete experience, you would feel guilty about the betrayal and, eventually, this would affect your relationship”.
I don’t even know why I’m here. I don’t want to be a man. I’m so embarrassed right now.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, Neve! I have to admit that I’m into that kind of things too…” she now lowers her voice tone for the first time “You know…last year I even pushed two friends of mine into some pervert stuff, just because it turned me on so much…”
Oh…at least there are stranger people than me or Thomas on this world. “…so, what are you suggesting?”
“Just gift him your body! Bring your husband here, try his body out for some days, and then go on with your life!”
“Ehm…we’re not married, and I don’t actually want my boyfriend to know that I know! It’s complicated…I don’t even know if I want to do this…”
Iris smirks. “Oh, now I get it: you’ve found some erotic stories on his laptop and now you’re kinda torn! Don’t worry, you can gift him this wonderful experience, and you’ll probably end up loving to be a man too: trust me, I have assisted many couples”.
I blush. Iris is so direct and intrusive, but, at the same time, her confidence makes me feel safe. I look back at her, without knowing what to tell her.
“Don’t worry, just tell him you have a surprise, and we’ll arrange everything!”
Eureka! “His birthday will be on the 4th of June…do you think he’d like that kind of gift? It’s not like he ever admitted it…” I finally say.
“That’s perfect! I can’t wait to see his face when he discovers your surprise for his birthday!”
“Uh…let’s say I actually want to do this: is it reversible? And don’t we need his consent?”
“Everything we do here is completely reversible…but I can’t assure you your psyche won’t be affected” Iris stops for a moment. “The rate of the couples that decide to swap lives forever is kinda alarming…” she finishes.
“That’s another thing I wanted to tell you…I think my boyfriend is not just into body swapping: if he actually wants his favourite stories to become real, Thomas wishes to become a petite younger woman, less smart than him, with a humble job, who has a bright confident and dominating husband…”
“…and this is perfect, because you could actually become that kind of girl! Could you make him hire you as his secretary?”
“Hey, I’m not dumb! I know he’s smarter than me, but…”
“Honey, are you forgetting we have mind control too here? But if he’s already smarter than you, we don’t have to manipulate your current brain, don’t worry. So, could you become his secretary?” Iris asks me again.
“Actually, I’m currently unemployed…he doesn’t have any secretary, and he has asked me before to help him organize his days…”
“This is just perfect! Sorry, what does this Thomas do for a living?”
Am I really going to tell this stranger about our life? “Uh…you probably know him…Thomas is the host of the biggest national newscast…”
Iris opens her eyes wide: “Are you talking about Thomas Hammond??? Oh my…I have to take this job!”
“Yeah, he’s my boyfriend…”
“…we don’t have any time to lose! Come on, Neve, let’s write a contract, and you’ll make him sign it!”
“How am I supposed to make him sign a contract without knowing what’s in it?” I ask her. Thomas is not a fool.
“You’ll just have to tell him that this is a surprise for his birthday, and he’ll sign it, because he trusts his girlfriend: I’ve seen this happening many times, don’t worry!” Iris answers me, while I wonder if there really are couples who are willing to swap lives forever.
Together we write down that contract, while Iris gives me useful suggestions, like the one that allows us to swap back no sooner than a month, because, she says, most men want to go back as soon as they can, but then they end up loving their new life. In order to do that, I need to carry on his work for a little while, so she’ll swap our knowledge and abilities. She’ll even swap most of our memories, so that we’ll have no problems to recognize people or to dress ourselves.
Iris most controversial proposal is when she suggests me to change our sexual preferences, because our current ones would prevent us to really embrace this experience. I don’t know if I’m okay with this, but if I won’t sign this same contract, nothing will happen, so I still have some days to decide.
I read the contract again: “We, Thomas Hammond and Neve Brisson, ask Iris Felder, representing The Swapper Co., to use The Swapper 2nd Gen. on us in order to swap our bodies and to apply some mind control: we’ll swap most of our memories too, together with our knowledge, abilities and sexual preferences. These changes won’t be reversible until the 4th of July 2019”.
“This is great, Neve: you’ll see, you two will have a lot of fun!” Iris pats me on my shoulder.
“How are we supposed to bring him here, again?” I ask her.
“Oh, that’s pretty easy: put some drops of this in his tea” she says, handing me a container with a clear liquid in it “and Thomas will get to sleep. Our men will come to your home and take both of you at my lab, where we’ll sedate you too…”
“Wait, why do you have to sedate me?”
“We don’t have to, but that’s the best way to do it! This way, you’ll soon be awake in his body, while we keep him sedates in yours, during the mind control procedure…”
“…and he’ll wake up at hour house again, without suspecting anything…this is genius! Wait, I don’t want to make him spend his whole birthday sedated, how much time will it take?”
“We’ll need around 20 hours!” Iris answers me.
“But that’s really a lot!!!”
“That’s not…for something so drastic we used to need weeks of mind control, but our machine is getting better and better! Don’t worry, you could just start after his newscast broadcasting, and you’ll have most of his birthday free!”
I can’t help it: I’m really excited. “Thank you, Iris…I’ll think about this!”
“I’ve learnt to read my patients eyes with this job, and I can already tell that you won’t pass on this opportunity. Whenever you’ll decide, bring me this contract back with your signatures!” Iris says hello to me.
Chapter 5 – Humbling My Life
20 May 2019

“Honey, I was thinking…” I say to Thomas, massaging his strong shoulder. Maybe the pause I’m making right now is too long, but these complex days keep coming back into my mind: am I really going to humiliate myself?
“What’s up, Neve?” Thomas asks me, looking worried straight into my eyes.
I have to say something, quick. “…I was saying…do you recall when you told me that you…needed some help, someone that would organize your appointments for you?” I continue. I know that in all his stories those petite female have humble jobs, but I don’t want to transform my life just for his kinks. …who am I kidding? This whole situation excites me too much!
“Of course I recall it, and I remember also you answering me that you didn’t want to become my secretary, that it would have been strange for our relationship” he sighs.
“Well, darling, I know that I used to state that…but maybe it’s even more humiliating to not have any job at all…” I lower my gaze. I’m actually 100% sincere right now. “…sometimes I wish I could just do something beautiful for you, I want to take care of you, as you always do for me…”
“You don’t have to add a simple thing: if you want to be my secretary, or, let’s say, just someone who helps me, without being my employee, you can start tomorrow right away!” he smiles at me. Thomas is such a nice guy. His smile makes me forget all the doubts I have: if he secretly wishes to realize that strange fantasy, I have to help him…it’s not something he could do on his own, after all!
“Thank you!!!” I kiss him on his lips, accustomed to the stinging sensations his beard always gives me at this point. “I won’t disappoint you! And don’t worry, you can call me your secretary, and I will be your employee!”
“I think it would be a little bit humiliating for you…to work for your boyfriend…” he caresses my cheek. I love the rough texture of his skin brushing my delicate face.
“Actually…” alright, here we are. I only have 2 weeks to prepare my life for him, so I have to act fast. “…I find it kinda exciting, to perceive you, my man, as the dominant partner!”
Thomas lowers his gaze “…uh?”
“What I’m trying to say is that…you know I always act as the dominant partner in our tender moments, but…every woman loves to have a confident man by her side!” where is this going? I don’t want to be a dominated woman, because I love to be an independent one…but this will definitely make that month on the other side of the fence more interesting.
“Oh…am I too shy for you?” he asks me, embarrassed. I’m feeling bad for him. If I’m going to spend a month as a man, I don’t want to be a shy one, and, since we’re switching so many things of ourselves, thanks to that mind control stuff, I could make him more confident in the next 2 weeks, and I’ll become more submissive!
“I love you the way you are, Thomas: you’re wonderful! But, sometimes…I’d like to feel your power on me! Would you like to try out something different?”
“Like what?”
“I was thinking…what if until your birthday I’ll do all the housework myself? Together with becoming your employee at work?” I finally ask him. I don’t know if I should be glad or upset if he accepts my conditions.
“But that wouldn’t be fair! And it would be stressful for you…you’re already starting a new job…I don’t need this gift for my birthday!”
“Oh, darling, if you knew what I’m planning for your birthday…I can already tell you that it’s something big, that you’ll like very, very much!” I anticipate him, but I don’t want to uncover my cards yet.
Thomas looks surprised. “You know you don’t have to gift me anything: your daily presence is already the best gift I could ask for! But…if you don’t mind me asking, if it’s something big, where are you taking the money?”
Dammit, he’s right! For how accessible The Swapper is nowadays, I’ve not been working in the last few months, and I still need him to pay for it. I just hope he’s not going to read his credit card movements this month. “You’ll perceive my presence a lot thanks to my gift, trust me! Ehm…regarding the economic part, since money is not a problem for you…will you pay for it? I am already planning everything, you’ll see!”
Thomas kisses me on my forehead. “Of course, Neve, you don’t even have to ask! I don’t care about money, I’m just glad you’re spending some time thinking about me: indeed it means a lot to me”. This is perfect! I really wish Thomas will enjoy my unique gift…it would be just too embarrassing to tell him that I know about his body swap kink yet. “Thank you, my love: I’ll make sure I’ll bring you a pen to sign a special contract and a check to pay for it tomorrow, my first day as your secretary!”
Chapter 6 – First Day Of Work
21 May 2019

Here I am, at my new workplace. Thomas insisted on giving me a ride, but I have a mission: I have to prepare my life for him. And I know that, in his fantasies, the petite employed woman goes to work with her own car, struggling to drive in heels and with the intrusive seatbelt between her breasts. Oh my…listening to me I sound like some erotic literature expert…but I have to! Since I’ve been a woman my whole life, I can’t just imagine what it will be like for Thomas to be in my body. And who knows how many surprises his body will save for me.
I hope Thomas had the time to warn the security about my arrival: it would be embarrassing to have to explain them who I am, and why I’m here. I know some people who work here already know I’m Thomas’s girlfriend, but I don’t want to take any risk.
I step out of the car. I’m not so used to walk in heels, but I’m a woman, after all, so this won’t be a problem. I’ve decided to put on an elegant and conservative outfit, just to make a good first impression on Thomas’s co-workers, but I’ll have to pick some revealing outfits for the next days: I don’t want him to feel bad when he’ll desire to put sexy clothes on my body, so, if Thomas will realize that’s actually how I usually go outside, he won’t feel guilty about it.
Thomas has indeed warned the staff about my arrival, so they just say hi to me, and I’m ready to reach my boyfriend in his office.
“Hey, Neve, welcome to your new workplace!” the man of my life greets me.
“Hi…” should I call him Thomas? No, again, I have to prepare my life for him: if he really wants to be a submissive secretary, I’ll give it to him. “…Mr. Hammond. I’d like you to call me Ms. Brisson, because I don’t want any privilege: this is my work now, and I get paid for it”.
He looks back at me, bewildered. “Neve…what’s going on? Why are you telling this to me?”
I wonder if this is the right way to go. I really want to give Thomas the best possible gift for his birthday, something only I could give him, but I don’t want to push my boyfriend away: on the contrary, I want us to grow closer than ever, I want Thomas to know that I fully understand him, and that he should always open up with me, without the worry to receive any judgement!
“Look, Thomas, I’m very grateful to you for this opportunity, and I want to take the most out of it! What will I learn if you continue to treat me like the love of your life?” From his expression, I can tell I’m doing a good work. “So, we’ll still be a wonderful couple outside of here, but at our workplace I’d like to have a standard boss-employee relationship”.
“Neve…that’s not necessary at all! You could just attend your duties without this weird stuff…”
Thomas can be stubborn when he wants to be kind, but I know how to get to his head. I get closer to him, and I whisper in his ear “I don’t want to say it out loud, but one of the reasons I like to be your secretary is that it turns me on so much to see the dominant side of yourself…” I brush my index on his lips. “…think about how we could use this excitement, once we come back home…”
I hear his breathing getting heavier. “Alright, if you really want this, Ms. Brisson…” he finally says.
I kiss him on his cheek. Then I reach for my purse, taking out the contract Iris has given me, together with one of Thomas’s handcrafted precious pens and a check. He’s staring at me.
“Don’t you recall your birthday present, Mr. Hammond?” I place the contract on his desk, being careful to cover everything except where our signature will go with another sheet of paper. “You just have to sign this contract and this check for me!”
He analyses the situation, then he asks me “What is this all about? Why are you sounding so mysterious?”
“I can’t tell you, it’s a surprise!”
Thomas examines the check too “A surprise that’s costing me…I mean us 10 thousand bucks?”
I know 10.000$ is not a small sum, but we’re talking about a complete body swap and two extensive mind control 20 hours sessions. “Since when money is a problem for my mighty Thomas Hammond?” I tease him, trying to cover up my uncertainties.
“Uhm…” he looks up at me, still dazed. Then, he quickly signs both the contract and the check. “…alright, I trust you, Neve. Is this some kind of luxurious holiday? How am I supposed to take several days from work? You know we’re broadcasting every day, and I’m the main host…”
“Don’t worry, my love, I’m your secretary now, remember? The show will go on” I’m not specifying I’ll handle it by myself “but you’ll have a very unique holiday!”
Thomas finally smiles at me. “Thank you, darling! You know me very well: I could really use an holiday the next week, after my birthday…this work is so stressful!”
Don’t worry, my love, you won’t have to worry about your job anymore, at least for a month. Now all I need to do is to add my signature to Iris’s contract and to deliver it to her lab, together with this big check. “Perfect, now that we’ve handled these matters, I’ll start to organize your day. Is there something I could do for you, Mr. Hammond?” I get back into character.
“It’s okay, Ms. Brisson, I’m fine, thank you!” he laughs. “Then I’ll bring you a lukewarm macchiato coffee with two teaspoons of brown sugar, your favourite, boss!” I tease him. Thomas looks happy, but in embarrassment: you don’t have to be, my love! I sure won’t when you’ll bring me this same coffee.
Chapter 7 – Our Life Changing Afternoon
3 June 2019

Tomorrow is my Thomas’s birthday, and today is the day we’ll swap bodies, knowledge, abilities, most of our memories and, in summary, our roles and lives.
I asked him to give me a free day to organize his birthday, and he couldn’t say no. After all, I’ve been a perfect secretary for almost 2 whole weeks. I’ve always gone to our workplace with my own car, we’ve called each other Mr. and Ms., I’ve worn a more revealing outfit every day. I’ve been as submissive as I could, both at work and at home, dealing with all the housework: at first Thomas always wanted to help me, but then he slowly got accustomed to his new and more relaxed lifestyle. I’ve also satisfied my boyfriend sexually in every way I could: again, both at home and at work, just to set a precedent.
Everything is already set up. Iris told me that the whole process will need around 20 hours: it’s 4 o’clock PM, if we started right now, Thomas would wake up at 10 AM on his birthday, ready to enjoy this huge surprise I’m preparing for him. Actually, he should already be here…maybe he’s found some traffic along the way.
Iris’s employees are waiting in a black van round the corner for my call, then they’ll take both of us to her lab, where the magic is going to happen.
I still have a lot of doubts: will Thomas really like my surprise? I mean, is this something he really wants to do, or does he just like to fantasize about it? And what about me? How will this transformation affect me, and our relationship? Then, given that he likes my body, isn’t taking his life and job, even if it’s just for a month, an extreme violation of his privacy?
Maybe I’m worrying too much. After all, this is just temporary. And it’s not like I want to handle him my life either…it’s strange, at least, to remove any barrier between two human beings, even if they’ve been together for almost 3 years already. But I’m doing this for him!
I won’t lie, I’m curious too, and if I’m going to temporary give my life to someone, that someone is Thomas, who I trust with my life…literally.
Oh my…I can hear the engine of his car stopping. He’s coming, he’s really coming!!! What should I do? I’ve already given that check to Iris! They’re waiting for us! But do I really want to do this? Oh my…I’m gasping, my heart is beating faster and faster each second.
“Hey beautiful, what’s up? Am I interrupting the preparation of my birthday surprise? You look kinda off!” Thomas says to me, entering our house. Oh, he knows me so well! He’s perceived my tension, but he hasn’t realized why I look like this yet.
“Uh, I smell peach tea, my favourite!” he changes the subject, not wanting to embarrass me any further.
What the heck…I’ve already spilled the strong sedative Iris gave me into the tea: this is the moment, should I stop him?
Thomas slowly walks towards the kitchen, pouring a generous share of tea into his favourite white mug.
“Wait, Thomas…” I try to warn him, still unsure about what I’m gonna do.
He takes the first sip. “Why? Uhm…I can tell that you forgot to put some sugar in our 4 o’clock tea today, but it’s fine! I’m gaining too much weight lately…”
One sip is not enough to make such a big man sleep. I still got time. “Come here, darling, sit next to me!” I invite him, just to be sure: there would be no way I could avoid his fall to the ground if the sedative actually worked!
Thomas obeys, but he continues to savour his tea.
“No, wait…I’ve put something in it…”
Untamed, my boyfriend continues to drink his tea. “Have you? It doesn’t taste different from the usual, other than the lack of sugar I mean…”
He has already drank half a cup: there’s no way I could prevent him from falling asleep in some minutes. All I could do is to investigate his body swap kink, to see if that’s something he could actually be interested in. “Enough, Thomas, don’t drink that!”
“…but why?”
What should I tell him now? “Ehm…you forgot to serve your girlfriend! Are you planning to drink it by yourself? I know it was me who proposed to do all the housework, but I’ve already prepared you that tea, you could at least give some to me…” This should work fine.
“Oh, you’re right, sorry Neve! I’m going to fix this right now!” he states, standing up again.
No, I can’t risk him walking with so much sedative in his blood. “It’s okay, I don’t want any tea right now, it was just that…” I don’t have much time. I’d like to take this slower, but the procedure has already been paid, and two strong men are waiting around the corner to bring us to Iris: I have to be as direct as I can. “Listen, honey, there’s something I’d like to talk about with you…”
“I knew something was not right! Spit it out, Neve, what’s up?” he asks me, worried.
I have to tell him. “Thomas, I know everything about your body swap kink” I finally manage to say.
My boyfriend takes an insane amount of time to realize what I’ve just told him: is it because there’s a lot to process, or is the sedative already working? “What do you mean?” Thomas asks me.
“You know what I mean…” I’ve been pretty direct, he shouldn’t have any doubts about the meaning of my words.
“But…how?” Thomas asks me, blushing, under his beard, while his eyelids keep getting heavier and heavier.
“It happened when I was looking for our bank account password, some weeks ago…and I ended up reading all your favourite stories…”
Thomas is fighting to remain asleep. “I feel kinda strange…maybe I wasn’t expecting this conversation. Please, don’t tell me you know see me as a weirdo! Please, don’t leave me!!!” he suddenly looks desperate.
Wow, I’ve violated his privacy and he’s not angry at all: on the contrary, he’s just worried I might see in under a different light. “Of course not, silly one! Actually…I find it kinda hot, you know?”
Thomas looks surprised. “Thank you…” he says to me, putting his head to rest on the sofa. “Is this about my birthday surprise? Are we going to The Swapper Co. to watch some random couple getting body swapped?” he continues, before stopping to think a little bit. “But that kind of tours doesn’t cost 10 thousand dollars…are we sponsoring this? Wow, this is so cool…”
Maybe Thomas is much more open-minded than I thought. But no, today we’re not going to pay for some random couple to swap bodies. “Actually, Darling, they’re going to use The Swapper on us…”
Thomas tries to speak, but he just mumbles something like “I know we’ve put some weight on in the last few years, maybe it’s a good idea to transform our bodies to be thin aga…”. Then, he sins into our armchair.
He has understood that someone will use The Swapper on us, but he just thinks we’re going to transform into a thinner version of ourselves. I get closer to my sleeping boyfriend, shaking him up, without any result.
What the heck should I do??? Thomas hasn’t specified he doesn’t actually want to swap bodies, but he should have understood what I was trying to say: he’s my smart guy…I tried to warn him. But now, what should I do? Should I call Iris’s employees, or should I waste Thomas money?
Should I wait for him to get up and ask him directly? No…he would be too embarrassed to admit that he wants to try my body out. Furthermore, it could take hours for him to wake up again, we wouldn’t have enough time to undergo both the body swap and the mind control, and I would have just ruined his birthday.
Come on, I’ve decided: I have to do it. My Thomas will love my surprise. And if he won’t, we’ll still go back to our bodies in a month.
I take my phone from my purse, and I give a call to Iris’s employees. I’m ready.
Chapter 8 – A Scheduled Ride
3 June 2019

Two or three seconds later, someone knocks at the door, without using our bell. Okay, maybe it took more than just a couple of seconds, but with my current state of mind it’s not like I care so much.
I still have time. I still can tell these men to go away, leave my Thomas sleep for a while, before waking him up for one of my warm delicious suppers.
He loves me the way I am, because I always take care of him, Thomas always says. Yet, I feel…replaceable. We could go on like this a couple more years: I’ll always love him from the bottom of my heart, but will Thomas get tired of me? When the time will come, and he’ll have to decide whether to marry me or not, what will his decision be?
That’s one of the reasons of what I’m about to do, because I’m about to open the door to these strangers, letting them carry us to Iris. I want him to see that I’m not just a boring secretary: I can be bold. And what could be more daring than putting your own life in someone else’s hands?
I want Thomas to see that I know how to take care of him, and not just by handling some basic tasks. I want him to know that I understand him, and that there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my love. Again, what in the universe could ever teach me better to understand my boyfriend than being him for a whole month?
Maybe I am thinking too much, and a second clear knock reminds me that someone is working today. They’re waiting for my decision.
When I finally welcome them into our house, I feel paralyzed by their huge stature and musculature.
“Good evening Ms. Brisson” one of them says hi to me.
“Where is your partner?” the other one finishes the sentence.
I hesitate. A couple seconds later they find Thomas by themselves. Noticing my indecisiveness, one of them asks me “Is everything alright, Ms. Brisson? Do we have your permission to continue?”.
They’re actually kinda nice. Since we’ve already signed and delivered Iris’s contract, they’re not obligated to listen to me.
I nod.
From there, everything about the trip (outside of my mind) is uneventful: they carefully place the sedated body of my boyfriend on an inflatable mattress on the back of their black van, while I choose one of the back seats; they drive slowly, without catching any unnecessary attention; they finally bring us to Iris’s laboratory, perfectly on schedule.
Once there, the two men directly take my Thomas in the room where The Swapper is placed, as instructed by their genius boss, Iris Felder.
Uneasiness and apprehension run through my veins while my boyfriend goes out of my field of view, but Iris has something quick to tell me, she says. And she’s going to do that in her office.
Chapter 9 – Ethical Dilemmas
3 June 2019

“Welcome to my office, Neve” Iris says, sitting down behind her desk. “Please, you can sit right there” she points at the chair in front of her.
“Hey, Iris…shouldn’t you do your thing? Thomas has only drunk half of your sedative, I don’t want him to wake up before the swap, it could be traumatic…”
“This will be quick: I just want to let you know that not only we can alter minds and swap bodies, we could transform them as well!”
Why is she telling me this? “I know…so?”
“Do you want to make some improvements to your bodies?”
What does she want from me? “Eh? …why? Do you think we’re ugly?”
“No, no, you’re fine…but I think you’re just on the average side, don’t you think?” the scientist continues, with a disarming certainty.
“With all due respect, Ms. Felder…why do you care? And what is it that’s wrong with our bodies?”
“You know…you both have a little too much body fat, especially Thomas, and you…you’re too short, I guess. Wouldn’t you like to be taller?”
Oh yeah, I’d definitely like to be taller and to have a fit body, but I could achieve that with some exercise, I don’t want any unnecessary alteration. And, about being taller…well, this month will be enlightening to me. “Thank you, but I think Thomas will want to be a short woman, like in his favourite stories, and we’ll have fun going jogging together to remove some body fat…may we start now?”
Iris snickers. “As you wish, Neve. Before going further, I’m going to recap everything, is that alright?”
“Well…what if Thomas woke up in the meanwhile?”
“Don’t worry, that won’t happen! Even with half the sedative, we still have hours before that” she answers me. “Then, at first you’ll swap bodies: it will only take a couple moments!”
“Wow…I thought it required more time than that…”
“That part is pretty fast! But, as I said, it would be traumatic to wake up in another’s body without a little bit of mental preparation: this is the longest part, and the reason why we’ll need 20 hours in total”.
“20 hours…Thomas will definitely wake up before we finish this…”
“Neve, Neve…without any offense, you could use some of Thomas’s intelligence!” Iris laughs.
This is embarrassing. Thinking about that, it wouldn’t be half bad if Iris made my current brain smarter. “…why?”
“By the time the sedative you have given your husband will wear off, you’ll already be in his body. Before the swap, we’re going to sedate your body too, and we’ll keep doing that until you’ll bring Thomas home, after the long mind control session” Iris explains to me. I should have imagined this. Maybe I actually am a little bit dumb. Or maybe I’m just amongst geniuses, and this is not my fault.
“Why did you say that I should bring him home? Won’t your men carry us home?”
“They will, but you won’t have any problem to lift Thomas and take him anywhere you’ll want to” the genius answers me. She stays silent for a little bit, then she continues “…what I’m about to tell you should remain between us two…you know that my guards were once two petite women? I’ve given them a new life, and they’re repaying me providing a really polite and safe surveillance”.
Oh, that transformation stuff again. “Wow…Iris…this is at the same time cool and terrifying…the government should regulate these practices, they’re too powerful to continue without any limitation…” I comment, worried about the future of our World.
I’m able to perceive her bother behind those eyeglasses: this is probably what happens when a brilliant scientist has to face the business applications of her researches.
“These things are much bigger than you and me, Neve…if our government put too many limitations on us, we would gladly find another Country that would welcome us and our rich costumers…and the politicians themselves often ask us…let’s say some courtesies…but I really can’t tell you anything more” Iris explains to me, letting a little bit of light through her thick armour for the first time since I’ve met her.
It feels good to have these elevated conversations. It would be really cool to be smarter, and to be treated as equal by geniuses like Iris. “Just for curiosity…” I ask her “…how could you transform our bodies, given that Thomas hasn’t given you his consent?”
“You see, Neve, when you’re in someone else’s body, you legally ARE him! So, you could transform yourself before the swap, then you could do the same to Thomas’s body once it’ll be yours”
“Again, Iris, this is very frightful! Okay, I trust Thomas and he trusts me, but signing a contract like ours could end up very badly if the other person were ill-intentioned!” I state, a little bit worried.
Iris lowers his head, before answering me in a low voice “This thing I’ve put into motion is bigger than me…but there’s not much I could actually do…The Swapper Co. already had its business before I came in, I’ve just realized the 2nd generation of The Swapper…”. Now I feel like she’s staring right into my soul “I have to admit that I’m having a lot of fun with my current job, because I, like you and your boyfriend, have a kink for role reversal, but I have to warn you…”
This is getting intense. “Warn me…from what?”
“I can tell that you’re a nice person, Neve…”
“Thank you!”
“…and I have no reason to think Thomas is something different. But be aware: yes, everything is reversible, but the mind control is very powerful!”
“…are you trying to scare me? It was you, in the first place, that suggested me to ask for some!”
“Yes, I’m trying to guide you in the right direction, and living another human being’s life all of a sudden would be too traumatic for both of you…”
“…then what’s wrong? What are you trying to tell me?” I ask her, much more worried than when I entered her office some minutes ago.
“As I hinted the first time we met, the rate of the couples that choose to swap lives forever is disturbingly high!”
“We’ll just do it for one month, as a birthday gift…” I interrupt this strange stuttering.
“That’s what they always say! But all of a sudden you’ll find yourself as a brilliant, rich, renowned and strong man, with a beautiful submissive wife at your complete disposal, and the call of that life will grow stronger and stronger!”
Hasn’t she just said I’m on the average side? “I could never steal his life!”
“Yes, you could…I’ve seen this happen many times” Iris exhales.
“…again, what are you trying to tell me?”
“I’m asking you to not subjugate your boyfriend: whether you’ll want to be a strong man or a smart beautiful woman, I’ll make your wish true! You won’t have to irreversibly condition Thomas’s life!”
Is she just paranoid, or does she know me better than I know myself? “Okay, Iris. Thank you for this conversation”.
“Alright, then!” she smiles. “Just so you’ll be able to recognize the mind control influence, I’ll recap what we’re going to do…”
“What? Of course I’ll recognize its influence, come on…”
Iris giggles. “No, you won’t: I’m too good at this! My first subject was a friend of mine…I made him believe that he loved tattoos…and he got 14 of them!!!”
“…so?” Many people have a lot of tattoos…who cares.
“He hated tattoos before me mind controlling him…and that was just my first try: now it’s working even better!” Iris explains me, with a strange pride.
Now I’m listening. “Uh…alright, let’s make a summary of what you’re about to do, please…”
“Sure! You’ll get Thomas’s immense culture, his knowledge about his work and about being a man. Of course, since you’ll have his body, you’ll also have his smarter brain: but don’t worry, if you want to make your current grey matter work better, that’s something I can achieve. Then, you’ll receive around half of his memories: that should be more than enough to let you set into his life”.
“This is so exciting! A part of me still finds it hard to believe it’s even possible…”
“Then I’ll make you feel at ease with his body and life. This is very important, please pay attention: you’ll feel great, but that won’t mean that life is meant for you!”
Again with those warnings. “Got it”.
“And I’ll make you only into women…it wouldn’t surprise me if you two wanted to celebrate Thomas’s birthday in a…special way!” Iris teases me.
Why should I… “Ew…I’ll never do something like that, with my own body…”
“Hehe, that’s exactly why I’ve insisted on putting this section on your contract, in order to skip all those days of hesitation and go straight to the fun part!”
“I don’t think so…” but she seems to know what she’s doing.
“Simultaneously, I’m going to do the same to Thomas. Regarding the dynamics of your relationship, I won’t influence anything: it’s your business, I don’t have any right to intervene”.
“I totally agree on that!” …even if, maybe, you’re already intervening too much. We’ll see.
“Here we are! Do you have any other question?” Iris finally asks me.
“I’m fine…” I breath in. “Let’s go!” “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear!” she stands up. “Neve, follow me!”
Chapter 10 – The Body Swap
3 June 2019

I feel like my heart is gonna explode while I follow Iris through the tangled maze of rooms where she does her magic. At first, the genius explains me, her laboratory was made up of just three small rooms, then “The Swapper Co.” invested in her work, and the result is what I have the honour to admire right now.
The retinal scanners scattered all over the building tell me that it wouldn’t be so easy to elude their security, and for good reasons.
“Alright, Neve, now you can undress yourself!” my new favourite scientist tells me, handling me a grey bodysuit.
Do I really have to? Don’t they have any fitting room? While I explore my doubts, Iris takes off her punk style clothes, replacing them with a conventional pink operating theatre outfit, together with a white mask on her face. “Is there any problem?” she asks me.
“No, sorry, I’m fine…” I answer her, going forward to substitute my beautiful clothes with this anonymous body suit. In the meanwhile, I can’t help but wonder if Iris got her sculpted body with a lot of exercise, or just with a session of her own machine.
“I can see your puzzlement: the room where we currently store The Swapper 2nd Gen. doesn’t need to be completely sterile, but it helps” Iris tries to comfort me. “You see, we’re going to put you in…let’s say a big tube, filled up with a dense greenish fluid, and we’re going to attach three pipes to your skull”.
Whaaat??? “Iris…in the flyers I’ve seen there were some standard capsules…nobody told me anything about getting stuff into my brain…” What should I do now? And where is Thomas?
“Uh…yeah, we still have that machine, and it’s functioning…”
“…so, couldn’t we use that?”
“It’s not that simple…” she explains me “…first of all, that machine isn’t capable of applying mind control, we would need to use another one after the body swap…”
“I’m not in a rush!”
“But the most important thing is that the capsules you’re talking about need you to be awake, and to fulfil the transformations yourself in a virtual room, under the guide of someone outside…”
“Speak in layman’s terms, please…”
Iris looks perplexed at me. “Neve…this machine we’re currently using will allow us to achieve both the body swap and the mind control in a single session. We’ll be able to sedate you two and we’ll monitor your vital parameters in the meanwhile, so that everything will go smoothly!”
Well, she’s never disappointed me so far.
“Plus…” she continues “…maybe I should have been more specific…but we’ve already connected Thomas”.
The first thing that comes to my mind is “…have you seen him naked???”
“Well…my guards probably had to, in a professional way, of course…but don’t worry, they’re into women now!”
This is bothering me more than I’d like to admit. At least now I know I won’t let them touch my Thomas once he’ll be in my body. “Whatever…let’s go on…wait, did you say I’ll be sedated too?”
“Uh…actually it would be for the best, but you could stay awake the whole time if you preferred…just don’t expect it to be fun!”
She’s definitely right: I won’t float in a tube for 20 hours staring at a lab wall. “It’s okay, just remember to give Thomas more sedative: I want him to wake up at home, I have to see his reaction!”
“As you wish, Neve!” Iris smiles at me, patting my shoulder.
When we enter The Swapper room, the guards have already gone. Finally, I can see my wonderful boyfriend again, and, I don’t know why, I almost cry out of joy! He’s floating in that dense fluid Iris was talking about. His sleeping face looks almost angelic: if you only knew what a great surprise I’ve prepared for your birthday!
“I guess my tube is the one on the left…” I say.
“You’re very perceptive” Iris jokes, and this time I’m laughing with her. Right now I’m too excited to take any offense.
The genius handles me a stool to get into my empty tube, and after she closes it, the tube starts to fill up with that same fluid.
I know it’s probably sterile, yet it disgusts me to have my ankles submerged in this greenish stuff that reminds me of…mucus. Luckily I’ve asked Iris to sedate me. “Really? Is this the best technology you have?” I shout out loud.
Iris looks up at me, she smiles, then she comes back to her work on her strange console.
After what I think was ten minutes, the fluid reaches my throat, and by this time I’ve already been lift up around half a meter. What worries me the most is how I’m gonna breathe. Uhm, Thomas seems to be just fine after all.
Some moments later, I hear a mechanical sound, and something brushes my hair. Suddenly I start: I wasn’t expecting this. Iris is looking at me: she shakes her head, and she signals me to stay still.
I obey, and I hear those three pipes getting closer and closer to my skull. The most disturbing fact is that I can’t see them. Oh my…what “The Swapper Co.” can do is amazing, but they should really work on the user experience! I hope I’m just an exception, and that they use to anesthetize their patients before the procedure: I don’t think Thomas has had such a disturbing experience.
When the noises stop, I understand the pipes are linked directly to my skull. To be honest, it didn’t hurt at all. Maybe they’ve put some mild anesthetic in this fluid. Actually, I’m starting to feel sleepy.
I notice I’m not breathing anymore, but I’m fine. Who knows what kind of technologies they’re using. Oh my…what if those pipes left scars on our scalps? But right now I feel too sleepy to worry about it. It’s like the whole world around me is slowing down.
I look at Iris again, and even through the fluid I can tell she’s still tapping on her console. Her presence makes me feel safe somehow. I guess I can rest my eyes, just for a little bit.
See? With one blink of an eye I’m already feeling better! I still feel sleepy, but now I don’t feel the need to sleep anymore.
I find myself staring at the wall. Maybe I’ve just fallen asleep for a couple moments, and I’ve moved my head: in this fluid you always keep the position you have, like a doll would do. A reasonable explanation for this is for it to have the same density of a human body.
I turn my neck, and there it is, Iris’s console! Uhm…this fluid is giving me a blurry vision. Of course, it could be caused by the different light refraction index it has compared to the standard atmosphere air one.
Again, I’m still not breathing. They’ve probably lowered our body temperature, in order to reduce our oxygen consumption: we’re not perceiving any cold because they currently have access to our Central Nervous System, thanks to these three pipes. Wow…one moment ago I was falling asleep, and now I’m more awake than ever!
Wait…wasn’t Iris’s console on my left? Why is it on my right now? Don’t tell me…no, it’s not possible, there’s no way 20 hours have already passed…
I try to move my limbs, and a muffled beep starts in Iris’s lab, matched with a pulsing bright red light. Of course, I perceive it as muffled because the transmission of sound waves between two items with a different density is altered. Wait…where is all this knowledge coming from??? What the heck, don’t tell me that I’m actually…
I raise my hands, and I don’t need a scientist to tell me that they’re not actually mine.
Chapter 11 – New World, New Sensations
4 June 2019

So this is real. This can really happen. Or maybe it’s just an hallucination, a side effect of all the sedative they’ve given us.
I turn my head to Thomas…to my old body. I can’t see much. Oh…Thomas wears glasses, and I currently don’t have any.
I try to caress my new skin, a skin I know very well, yet the bodysuit feels too slimy. All these beeps and light flashes are starting to bother me. I look around myself, and I realize that the tubes we’re in are slowly getting empty: I’m happy I won’t have to deal with this disgusting fluid in the near future, yet I feel bad if I think I’ll have to come back here in a month, to return into my own body.
With the current rate, I’ll be blocked here for some other minutes. I’m glad Thomas is currently asleep. What could I do in the meanwhile? Well…I have a whole new mind: I have to explore it!
What is the speed of light? 300 million meters per second. What is the GDP per capita in Luxembourg? 100 thousand bucks. What is the longest river on Earth? The Nile, 7000km. Wow…I love you, Thomas. How is it even possible for him to be so shy? Knowledge is power, and power is confidence! Uh…is it maybe the Dunning-Kruger effect? Will I lose my confidence too? …I don’t think so.
I have to check if I’m now able to shave my beard, to tie a tie or, in general, to do “men” stuff. I close my eyes, even if I can barely see anything. I don’t know why, but I feel like I could easily achieve all these things. I try to recall why, and images of Thomas shaving himself appear in my mind. Right: we’ve switched around half of our memories too. We’ve definitely passed the mind control session.
This is strange…I remember getting prepared for my first date with…me. I’m there, in my bathroom, shaving my…tender parts. Poor Thomas, I’m not the kind of woman that sleeps with a stranger at the first date, and I guess my strategy had paid off.
Like a shock, I realize that we now don’t have any secret from each other: I can access every part of his life, and he will be able to do the same to mine. Is there something I wanna keep private? Should I tell Iris to revert everything? …dammit!!! That damn contract! We can’t undergo any other procedure before a full long month will pass! I’m screwed. Think, Neve, think: what is that you don’t want him to discover?
It’s weird, very weird. I remember all of my life, like nothing has changed, it’s just a little bit…blurred. On the other hand, I can see my boyfriend’s whole life…through his own eyes.
Again, I wander among his memories of our first date. I was so worried that night: I really wanted to make a good impression on Thomas Hammond, my favourite newscast host. But he was already enchanted from the very first time he saw me, and now I know why: I have the exact body type he has always loved. I felt so insecure that I had to wear my highest heels that night, but there was no need for it. Oh, Thomas is so sweet…that evening a sexy bombshell was definitely flirting with him, after asking an autograph to him…yet he sent her soon away, because he only had eyes for me. I don’t know what I would have chosen in his place.
The fluid level is now under my chin, and I can see a little better. Iris is checking her smartphone, been quiet and uneventful: she’s probably seen this over and over, and no matter how magic our situation is, at this point she’s probably used to it.
“Iris!” I call her. Whoa…I knew my voice would have changed, but I wasn’t expecting this. “La la la” …it’s so low!!! “La la la” I try to raise my voice tone, without much success. It doesn’t quite match Thomas voice too. No…wait, it does! I can tell this thanks to his memories. This is probably because we’re usually hearing our own voice through our bones.
Iris gets closer to the tube where I’m currently locked, and she opens it. What follows is a waterfall of fluid all over her lab.
“How are you?” she smiles at me.
“Iris…” it’ll be hard to get accustomed to this new voice. “Ehm…Iris…” whatever. “Iris…why did you get your lab dirty?”
The genius stares at me for some moments, then she bursts out laughing. “Are this your first words in your new world? You’ve given us 10 thousand bucks, and I forgot to sedate you before the procedure: I know it was disgusting, with all that fluid around you, and the pipes attaching to your skull…but please don’t ask for a refund, I’m trying to maintain high customer satisfaction…at least in the statistics”.
“Oh…” I couldn’t actually care less right now.
“Hurry up, you need to take a shower! And you have to return that bodysuit to us!” Iris continues laughing.
What? Are they reusing these bodysuits? Did someone wear this one before me? They have to be really expensive.
“Do you want to wash Neve by yourself, or will you let my guards take care of it?”
Nobody is touching my Thomas!!! Wait… “…why are you calling him Neve?”
Iris pats my shoulder, regretting it as soon as she realizes her leaves are now stained by a greenish fluid. She cleans her hands on her pink lab pants. “You see…Thomas, you now legally are each other! You have Thomas’s knowledge, work, life, girlfriend, memories: no one in this world is more Thomas Hammond than you are!”
I guess she’s right, but it still doesn’t feel right. “We’ll stick to our old names, at least in private, thanks you. And I’m gonna clean Thomas myself”.
“As you wish, Neve” she comments my decision. “Aren’t you curious to see the world from another pair of eyes?” she asks, handling me Thomas’s glasses. I step out of the tube to take them.
Once I put the glasses on… “Bloody hell…I’m huge!!!”
Iris laughs at my observation. “You’re not that huge, come on! My guards are, with their over 2 meters height: you’re just 176cm! But we could change that, you know, the next month…”
No, we’re not gonna do that: Thomas is already too tall for me, I don’t want him to get even taller. “I don’t care. I repeat: I’m freaking huge!” And I really feel like that. In these days I got used to see inside Iris’s nostrils, like I usually do with every damn person on this planet, except for some children. But now I’m able to distinguish the different shades of her hair. “And I’ve just used the word distinguish in my head…I didn’t even know what it meant!”
“Speaking of that, just a curiosity: inside your head, are you thinking with your old Neve voice, or with your new one?”
Uhm. “No, I’m using my old voice”.
A rush of confidence runs through my veins: enough with this chitchat, enough with this lab. I want to explore this bright new world!
That’s why I decide to ignore my favourite scientist and to open the tube where Thomas is still sleeping. A new waterfall of dense greenish fluid goes over my bare feet. I suddenly realize that he’s gonna fall if I won’t catch him soon: luckily, I’m surprised by my new fast reflexes.
“Iris, where is the shower?”
“Follow that corridor, and open the last door on your right…” she answers me “…there you’ll find your old clothes, cleaned and ironed”. Carrying my boyfriend in his strong arms I notice that he weights nothing. It’s time for a shower.
Chapter 12 – Panic Attack
4 June 2019

The ocean is so calm today: its soft breeze, the warm sunshine that’s waking up after months of hibernation…everything is so peaceful. Everything except me.
I know I had planned to stay there, at home, waiting for Thomas to wake up…but I just couldn’t. I know, it’s his birthday…but what if he doesn’t want to see me at all? If I could, I would revert everything…but I can’t, because of that damn contract we’ve signed up.
I had everything set up: I was going to wait in our living room, while a small camera placed on our dresser would have updated me about Thomas’s current situation. Then, I would have waited for him to wake up, and I would have slowly turned on our hi-fi house music system, playing our favourite songs. Finally, I would have reached him, enjoying his heavenly smile…and maybe I would have even kissed him on the lips.
On the contrary, here I am, on this promenade deck, wondering if Thomas is awake yet or not. I could just come back home, and maybe I would find him still asleep…who am I kidding? I don’t have any watch, or smartphone, so I don’t have a clue about what time it is, but, considering the sunrays direction, at least a couple of hours have already passed. Iris has told me that he would have woken up in less than two hours.
I was so confident back then: I can’t believe it was just some hours ago. I felt so powerful carrying Thomas in my new strong arms, undressing him, washing him…dressing him in my sleepwear, and carefully placing my lover in our bed, at my usual side…but maybe I’m just a coward.
Is this why Thomas was always feeling so shy? It doesn’t make any sense! I can clearly recall how much I used to appreciate his intelligence, and now I can even feel it…well, when I’m paying attention, because everything is actually feeling too normal…maybe Iris would need a worse mind control: I guess it’s traumatic as well to realize you’ve completely changed, but to just not give a sh*t about it. Furthermore, I comprehend that I’m now a strong and tall man…yet I don’t care: all I can think about is my belly fat, how arched my shoulders are…why the heck is that my beard isn’t as virile as some other men’s one…
Is this how Thomas is always feeling? Dammit: just a few hours ago I was completely in love with him…now all I can think about is his flaws. No, please…don’t tell me he’s going to feel the same about me! Will he now realize that his girlfriend is just an average uneducated chubby petite woman? This is a mess! What have I got myself into???
It doesn’t matter, I should probably come back home: whatever will happen, Thomas is now in need of me.
I stand up from the bench where I’m sitting, and while I dry off the sweat from my forehead, I notice the dried salt that the sunny atmosphere is spreading anywhere. I can’t help but wonder how cool it would be to go to the beach with Thomas, in each other bodies…to hug him, to splash his hair with waves of ocean water…
Just a few hours ago I was sitting on our sofa, waiting in a humble t-shirt, that was not matched at all with a pair of yellow shorts. When I was going out for a walk, to let the growing panic wear off, I decided to put on a more elegant, yet casual, outfit…just in case I was going to bump into some of Thomas’s colleagues: maybe I had already ruined his birthday, I wouldn’t have done the same to his reputation.
During these strange hours I had even read a damn newspaper…why? I could have never cared less about the news…maybe my new work is going to force this kind of behaviour on my days from now on. “Good afternoon, Mr. Hammond” the newsagent has said to me “great broadcast yesterday! Are you taking the usual?”. And “usual” I have answered.
I could use the public transportation…but I still need to walk. These new legs are so long, after all, that every sidewalk seems shorter, and every walk is more relaxed. And…I don’t know why, but I think I’ll have to learn how to live with this new urge…the urge to lose weight…I don’t want Thomas to leave me, I really don’t…
Step by step, my mind wanders from a problem to the next one. Before the swap I would have just thought about the pair of shoes I would have bought if my current one would get ruined. Right now, on the contrary, the red wagon that’s driving down the road is reminding me of that terrible car crash that’s happened not too much ago, in a town not far from here. The blinking floor lamp sends me back to last January report, where I had denounced the electric company for a scam against the municipality.
Is this why Thomas was always saying “the smarter you get, the sadder you become”?
After a few other minutes trying to solve the many problems of the world, I finally get back home.
And, of course, I’ve forgot my keys.
While I’m wondering if I should knock, or just go back to the promenade deck, I hear our door creaking, and, behind it, I can see a short woman.
She looks back at me, straight into my eyes, without the slightest sign of empathy. I can’t believe this is actually Thomas: from this perspective, my previous hair seem more fine, my breasts seem bigger, and, overall, I look even more petite.
Dammit, I knew it: now he’s angry at me. I should have told him, I should have asked Thomas if he wanted to…I should have never violated his privacy in the first place, I should have…
He suddenly throws me a punch, hitting me on my chest. I wonder if the reason why he hasn’t done me any harm is because he didn’t want to, or if he’s now too weak to threaten me.
Thomas blushes, massaging his right wrist: now I get it, he was indeed too weak. His fist couldn’t hurt me in a thousand years, but what is actually hurting me is what I’ve done to his feelings.
Then, he looks up at me, with a faint face…and I can’t help but to burst out laughing: he’s so sweet!!!
After a couple of awkward moments, Thomas is laughing with me.
He looks left and right, checking if anyone is looking at us, then he finally speaks “Come in, silly…partner!”
I obey, and I decide to stand quietly while I take place in that same armchair where my boyfriend has fainted a few hours ago, because of the sedative I had secretly hidden in his tea.
“I should be angry at you…” my love says, taking advantage on the fact that, standing up, he could look down at me once again. “…but I can’t!!!” he finishes, sitting on my lap and giving me the biggest hug he could have ever given me.
Of course, I hug him back.
“At first, it felt so strange to wake up in a petite female woman…as you know, that’s something I have often dreamed about, but I have never thought it could have actually happened me…by surprise!!!”
“…as I know?” I can’t help but wonder.
“Silly Neve…by now, I’ve already understood that you’ve asked Iris to swap our memories and knowledge, together with our bodies!”
“Come on, you should be smarter than me by now!” he laughs. “You know…I didn’t actually had a clue about what surprise you had prepared for my birthday, but I’ve always know what The Swapper is since its early days, and I know what it’s capable of!”
Of course. “So you’ve realized that you had new memories, and so…”
“…and so I’ve reconstructed your last days! You’ve discovered my body swap kink, you’ve asked Iris for help, you’ve drugged me…”
Thomas knows. He knows it all. “About that…I’m really sorry…” I can’t keep his gaze. “…are you angry at me?”
My boyfriend laughs. “I was, believe me…but you’ve given me enough time to examine every hole of my new memories, and so now I know that you’ve done this for me…well, let’s say mostly for me…”
This is really embarrassing: has he realized that I was curious too? Who am I kidding…of course he has.
“…what I don’t understand is why you’ve accepted to block us in each other bodies for a whole month, and to stole my knowledge…but I guess Iris had a big part on this, and I should have read that contract…”
“I’m so sorry, Thomas, please, forgive me…”
He caresses my beard…for how strange this sentence sounds. “Actually, I could really use a long holiday, with the best substitute I could have ever desired…and I’m talking about myself!” he giggles. “I hope my boss won’t be harsh with me!”
His boss? Oh…does he actually want to be my secretary? Oh my…men can be really strange at times.
“I know you wouldn’t miss my awakening for anything in the world, so I’ve prepared a video clip for you…thanks to that camera you’ve hidden in my bedroom, weirdo!” he laughs, standing up. “Let me take my…I mean your laptop!”
While he walks towards the other side of the living room, I can’t help but notice how nice my previous bottom looks! I mean…what I wanted to say is that I was always worried that I was too fat, but I look perfectly fine from this perspective! It’s not like I’m thinking about that, no, no…
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Thomas asks me, when he finally comes back. I know his laptop is quite standard, yet seeing him carrying it around makes me wanting to help him.
“Ehm…do you need me to carry that laptop for you?”
“I’m not that weak, Neve!” he laughs. “I mean…is today a special day, maybe?”
Oh my…I’m so stupid! How could I ever forget something like this???
I stand up, I take Thomas’s laptop with just one hand and I place it on our sofa. By the way, I notice it’s already 7:30 PM.
“Happy birthday, love of my life!” I finally say, wrapping him in my strong arms.