In the beginning, I wanted to make an HTML videogame out of this. I’ve actually downloaded Twine, watched tutorials, and tried it. The problem with that idea was that, with the level of customization I would have liked it to have, it would have required me to make something like 30 thousand renders. Well, so far, in more than two years, I’ve done around 1300 of them, so it’s not doable, at least with the technology and hardware I’m using.
But the idea refused to leave my head, so I decided to bring it to life with this comic.
It only has 56 pages, because it wants to be a short and simple story, but I wanted to experiment, and to tell it in the best way I could. I’ve put a lot of attention to detail: for example, those 56 pages have 106 different renders.
Colony Admission
The year is 2020: The Swapper Co. is making its first steps into healthcare, allowing very few wealthy citizens to access exquisitely crafted organs. Austin's mother is in desperate need of a new heart, but there's no way her family can afford that. What if the only option for Austin to save his mother's life was to shred his father's ideology?