Disgracing Duty

Disgracing Duty is the story of Richard Hatten, a special FSS (Fantasity Secret Service) agent who failed his first BRA (Black Rated Assignment), but has been giving a second, last, chance to make his dreams come true.

I’ve put a ton of effort and time into Disgracing Duty, but, even if many people have read it, it’s one of my less appreciated stories. The main critics have been that it has too much text, and that’s true. At the time, I still had a very weak PC, and each render took a very long time, so I used to try to reduce the number of needed pages, putting more dialogues into each page. It also didn’t help that I wasn’t using Comic Life 3 yet.
I had the inspiration for it playing the game Female Agent, even if it’s a completely different story. It was nice to play with spy agents.
It’s set in The Swapper Co. universe.

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PIXIV – https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76466015 and https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/79061804

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