Tag Beautification

A character becomes more beautiful. Usually, it’s about the main character’s partner going from ugly to stunning. It may also include a woman going from average or beautiful to gorgeous. Weight loss will be considered beautification as well.

Morphic Grace

Brian is a gifted scientist who devotes blood and sweat to his pioneering projects. His soulmate, Amber, is an inseparable part of his life, plagued by a body vessel undesirable to most. With such revolutionary tools at their disposal, will the pair be able to resist the temptation to experience them firsthand?

If you want to access pages already released to the public: https://www.deviantart.com/leniotg/gallery/91089488/morphic-grace

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A Change In Perspective

Thomas and Margaret’s friends can’t stop talking about this state-of-the-art ‘Kink Finder’ agency, that promises to unveil people’s deepest desires, and to make them a reality. Will Margaret convince our Thomas to give it a chance? And what is they truly long for?
Sorry if it's Patreon locked: it took me almost 3 hours to set this page up. If you haven't subscribed yet, you can still access the DeviantArt version for free: https://www.deviantart.com/leniotg/gallery/82585554/a-change-in-perspective

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