Tag Behavioral Control

Stories where the behavior, mind, personality, perception or perspective of a character is altered. We’re talking about slight alteration: don’t expect anything major, because I prefer to focus on character psychology, rather than “puppets psychology”.

Friendly Experiment

Cleo has a crush on Felicia, but she doesn't even remotely reciprocate. That's the reason why our hero feels like a derelict. Luckily for him, his best friend, Emma, may have a solution to get him out of the vicious cycle of insecurity and inexperience he is trapped in.

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Office Inspection

Shellie and Melvin have founded a small company some years ago. Everything seems to go fine, until the governmental inspectors knock at their doors: their staff has too little diversity, both in gender and in ethnicity. They have to find a solution, otherwise the umpteenth fine will force them into bankruptcy.

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