Tag Sci-Fi

Sci-fi stands for science fiction. You’ll mostly find two types of transformations in my stories: magic or sci-fi. These one, of course, revolve around revolutionary new high technologies.

Morphic Grace

Brian is a gifted scientist who devotes blood and sweat to his pioneering projects. His soulmate, Amber, is an inseparable part of his life, plagued by a body vessel undesirable to most. With such revolutionary tools at their disposal, will the pair be able to resist the temptation to experience them firsthand?

If you want to access pages already released to the public: https://www.deviantart.com/leniotg/gallery/91089488/morphic-grace

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Friendly Experiment

Cleo has a crush on Felicia, but she doesn't even remotely reciprocate. That's the reason why our hero feels like a derelict. Luckily for him, his best friend, Emma, may have a solution to get him out of the vicious cycle of insecurity and inexperience he is trapped in.

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