Chapter 1 – It All Starts With That Show

“Hey George, what would you like to do tonight?” my lovely girlfriend asks me, while I’m clearing the table.
Alice is my treasure, the driving force of my life. We’ve been together for almost two years, but she’s already convinced me to move together. She was spending most of the evenings at my place anyway, and we didn’t really like our respective roommates.
“Hello? Are you lost in your thoughts again?” she teases me. I’d say we have the same intelligence, but Alice is way more extroverted than me. I like books and stuff. Maybe I am a little bit boring, as she sometimes mocks me.
“Uh…sorry” I finally say, awakening from my slumber. “Is there something you’d like to do?”.
If I asked her to have some fun in the bedroom right now, or whenever for what it’s worth, she wouldn’t turn me down, I know that. All of my friends would do anything to receive the same treatment from their girlfriends, and I’m certainly not complaining. It’s just that we do that so often, that I don’t feel the need to do the same tonight.
“Come on, why don’t you pick this time?”.
“Well…would you like to watch something on television?” I answer her. It’s not like I wish to sound boring, but we’re paying for those streaming subscription, without actually ever using them. Maybe this would be a nice time to do that.
Alice assesses her opportunities. I knew that she would have preferred to go out, to do something, instead of just laying on our standard couch. Sometimes I wonder why she has chosen me.
“Sure, why not!” she finally smiles, washing away my worries.
I decide it’s better to do the dishes before that. “Nice! Why don’t you turn it on, and take a look at what’s on the catalog?”.
“You don’t need to ask me twice! I surely don’t want to fall asleep during yet another of your documentaries” she laughs.
We are so different. Yet, sometimes, opposites attract. She uses her intellect to create beautiful art, while I use mine for a 9-to-5 job. It’s not like I don’t want to code for 8 hours per day: that’s what I’ve studied for, and what I’m good at. Plus, it would make me very anxious to not be able to know whether I’ll have enough money to pay the rent at the beginning of next month.
Maybe nothing of what I’m doing will be remembered a hundred years from now, but I like to think that my role, for the future of mankind, is to support my Alice. She’s not had good luck until now, but I believe in her, I really do.
“Uh…” I hear her muttering from the couch.
I wait for the last plate to be clean, I dry off my hands, and I sit next to her. “What is it? Have you found something interesting to watch?”.
“I guess so. I’ll make you choose: this cool sci-fi movie could fit our tastes, or we could watch another episode of that show!”.
I’m glad she’s as nerdy as I am. I love Sci-Fi movies, but I know she would like to watch her show. That’s fine, it can’t last forever. “Let’s continue your show, that’s cool”.
Alice kisses my cheek, then she hugs me. Her delicate hands are cold from the February weather, but she feels so tender to me.
She hits the play button. I don’t even recall what this show it’s called, but it’s basically a series of interviews with young couples. The first two episodes were about dreams and future projects, and about hobbies. It’s not like I’m into this stuff, but I do want to know my love better, and these things are just another way to have constructive dialogues.
“Welcome back, dear viewers! Today, we’re going to talk about sex!” a middle-aged black woman states. I think she’s a sex therapist or something.
Alice raises the volume. It’s not that late, but I don’t like to disturb our neighbors, especially with…kinky talks. But it’s not worth discussing this: if someone’ll knock at our doors, asking us to lower the volume, we’ll do so.
“The first question of the day is: do you still find your partner as hot as the day you met him/her?”.
That’s an easy question. The first time I met Alice, it was at a friend’s birthday party. I still recall the first thing I thought about her: why is she wearing that horrible clown velvet shirt? Yes, I’m kinda a minimal guy, and I don’t really prefer eye-catching clothes.
“I can’t really say what I think if I want to get lucky tonight” a guy from the show answers “but yeah, she’s still beautiful…”.
Alice doesn’t need to ask me what I think about her, because she knows how easy would it be for her to hypnotize me with her body, if she just wanted to do that. She’s a 168cm (5’5ft) tall petite woman, with a slender body, and a joyful face adorned with a pair of clever brown eyes and short blonde hair.
Some of my friends don’t understand what I see in her. They say that being a smart kind successful man, I could yearn for a taller woman, with bigger assets, and a less weird psyche. They’re the ones being crazy. Alice is absolutely stunning. And she’s a unique amazing person too.
She doesn’t care at all about her beauty, treating it like a random gift from nature, and hiding it under bizarre clothes. Sometimes I get worried, wondering if she’ll keep that slender waist after her youth will have gone away. I hate vain women, but they surely take better care of their bodies.
“You’re not listening, are you?” she bugs me, pressing her index finger into my chest. “We still have time to watch that movie, you know…”.
“No, no, I’m enjoying this! I was just realizing how lucky I am to have such a beautiful girlfriend!”
“Stop it!” she laughs. I could get lost in her laugh. Not that I find it hard to get lost in my thoughts already.
The show comes to its end, and with it, our evening.
“That was so cool!” Alice comments. “I wonder how they do that!”.
“They were so open, about their sexual kinks…on TV!”.
“Yeah, it’s not so easy to be completely open with other people, about…us…”.
“I find that cool, and so brave. I wish I was as courageous as they are”.
“Oh, but you are, much more than that!” I caress her shoulder.
“I don’t know about that…they make it feel like there’s nothing wrong about anything, about…” she looks worried. “But what if their partners thought they were…weird?”.
“You know you can tell me about anything, right?” I try to comfort my love. She knows she can trust me.
“You’re so cool, George. You’ve never judged me…”
“I like everything about you. You know that. Did you get some new ideas you’d like us to try in the bedroom?”
Alice looks at me. “Kinda…”. I don’t like that look.
“Well, you can ask, no problem, but there’s no way I’d be comfortable with you sleeping around or…”
She laughs out loud. “No, nothing about that! I didn’t get any new ideas, but maybe…maybe I have some fantasies I’ve never shared with you before”.
Ouch, that hurts. Almost two years with a girlfriend with such an open personality, and she hasn’t fully opened with me yet?
Seeing through my worried eyes, she asks “What about you? Is there something you’d like to do with me?”.
I am a simple man. Yes, I am a simple man. I just enjoy my gorgeous girlfriend, that’s all I need. Well… “You haven’t looked at my browser history, have you?”.
Alright, I admit it. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to see the world from another perspective. Maybe from a woman’s one. But it’s nothing special.
“I haven’t. You know I respect your privacy” she smiles. “Unless…you want me to look at your browser history?”.
I sigh. I don’t know if I want to have this conversation with her. Yes, she’s the weird one, and that’s fine for me. But would it be okay for her to know that…maybe she’s not the only one?
“Come on, don’t leave me hanging!” she looks at me, with eyes brimming of curiosity. “I want to know everything about you!”.
I sit there, wondering what to say.
“Alright. I love you when you’re shy”.
I jolt, imperceptibly. It’s been more than a year already, since the first time she told me she…loves me. But I’m still not accustomed to it.
“You know…” she continues. “Sometimes I’m shy too. Alright…why don’t we share our kinks?”.
I look at her. I struggle to open my mouth. On one side, I’m curious to know about her, and I’d really like to take that thought out of my head. On the other, I’m…me.
“It’s not easy for me either. But I know that, if there’s someone I could talk openly to, that’s you” Alice continues, lowering her gaze. Maybe she really can be shy too, sometimes. “Are you ready to share our deepest kinks?”.
To hell. What’s the worst that could happen? “Okay” I finally say, while my heart pumps like it wants to fly away. “But only if you go first”.
Chapter 2 – Alice’s Confession

Alice forces herself to look into my eyes, while she fumbles in my hands, as if she’s looking for the courage to empty her thoughts.
I nervously smile at her, trying to give her a solace I don’t even have for myself.
“Alright. I’d ask you to not take me for a weirdo, but you probably already have, and you would answer yes anyway. So it’s better to just say it” she breathes in. “I really don’t know why, but my secret fantasy is…”.
I grasp her hands firmly. I can’t admit but thinking that my turn is next. I wish for her kink to be more eccentric than mine, so that I won’t feel ashamed.
“…I’d like you to eat your own cum” my petite girlfriend states. “I really don’t know why…but it turns me on…”.
She’s waiting for my approval. I blankly stare back at her. I have no intention to eat my own cum, that’s gross. I know some men do that kind of stuff, but I would have never guessed that some women would find that hot. Surely, not my own girlfriend.
“I knew it…you can’t bare it. It’s too weird”. She withdraws her hands from mine. “Please, forget it, I should have never…”
“What? Don’t worry! It’s okay. I’m glad you decided to open up with me”.
“Do you find it…disturbing? For me to have those thoughts?”.
“No, absolutely not! I mean…I don’t want to do that, you know…”
“But I don’t expect you to! It’s not about that…I just want to share everything with you”. She finally finds the confidence to look back at me again. “But it would be so cool if you accepted me for who I am, without judging me, without running away because of my weirdness…”.
“Weirdness? Look, Alice, it’s not that weird…what are you talking about? It’s not like you want to eat my shit, like that guy on the sho…”
“Do not judge other people, please. So…aren’t you freaked out by my fantasy?”.
“I’m not, I swear!”. And I’m not lying. I am a very bad liar: if I lied to her, she would notice very soon. “It’s just that I don’t understand why you find that hot. I’ve never met a woman who wanted her man to eat his own cum”.
“I don’t understand it either”. She hugs me with all her strength. “And it’s very important for me to know I can count on you. Just on you”.
I hug her back, hoping for her to not notice how fast my heart is beating right now.
“It feels so good to have finally emptied my heart!”.
Should I do the same?
“So…what is your fantasy, George?” she caresses my hair with her dainty hands.
I have to tell her. She has trusted me. I have to trust her back, or…I don’t want her to leave me. We feel so good together. But if she knew…
“Trust me: it’s the best thing ever! I know you fear my reaction, just like I feared yours just one moment ago. But I won’t”.
How can she be so sure? I am the normal one. I have never told anyone. But I’ve never been as close to anyone as I am with her.
Alice gets closer to me. I fear the next time she’ll open her mouth, but she doesn’t. She just warmly smiles at me.
But what if she found out anyway? What if she found those body swap stories on my hard drive? The hell. I owe this to her.
“My fantasy is…I mean, it’s not something I think of very often…” I’m lying. This is not a good start.
“What is it? Are you sexually attracted to trucks or something?” she jokes. “What is that you think about when you close your eyes while we’re making love?”.
“I think…well, I…I wonder how it would be to be a…”
I try to complete my sentence. I really want to.
“…a woman?” she smiles at me.
I startle. Does she know already?
“I’ll take your silence as a yes. So what? Many men think about that. Is this the kinkiest fantasy my George can have?” she laughs.
“I…sorry. I’ve just lied to you. I think about it a lot. I’ve always had”. That’s it. Whatever happens now, I can’t stop it.
“George, calm down! Your chest is exploding!”.
So yes, she was able to hear that.
“No, I didn’t know about this fantasy of yours. But now that I do, I assure you: it’s not that weird!”
“Are you…sure?”.
“Yep. Sometimes I’ve wondered what it would be like to be on the other side of the fence too”.
Really?! Has she?!
“It’s not like I think about it a lot, you already know my kinks” she continues. “But I do not find it weird at all. Actually, it’s very sweet!”.
“Sweet? …what do you mean?”.
“Most men are such jerks. They just think about how many women they’ve been able to seduce this month. While you really want to understand the other sex”. She brings her soft lips on mine, then she whispers “I’m lucky to have you”.
“You are right: it feels so good! Oh my God! I’ve always thought you would have freaked out, but you’re…so awesome. Really”. We stay there, on our couch, hugging, for I don’t know how long.
Chapter 3 – Open Heart, Warm Smile

“So” she breaks that quiet atmosphere. “I see you wouldn’t like to make my fantasy real”.
“I mean…”
“No, don’t worry, that’s completely fine! I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, it’s more than enough for me to know that you accept me” Alice continues, this time serious. “But a healthy relationship is not based on quid pro quo. So, if we could make your fantasy true, we should”.
“No I…it’s just a fantasy…it’s the same for me, I’m glad you accept…”
“But it would be so cool! You’re not an adventurer, and for one time that you’d like to do something crazy, I’m in!”
“What do you mean?”.
“I know I may look like a very open-minded lad…but I’ve not had that many experiences. I’m an outcast too, George”.
“You’re not an…you’re amazing!”
“Of course I am!” Alice laughs. “And you are too, that’s why we’re in love. But we’re not made for this world”.
“Thank you, my love”. That’s all I manage to say. I’m not a man of a thousand words.
“So, I’ve never had any lesbian encounter!”
“Do you…”
“I don’t know, maybe? Why don’t we try that out?” she nervously giggles. “Maybe I could convince some of my friends to swap with you. Or we could pay someone. That’s a whole market for that”.
She’s right. There’s no reason to fake it anymore: of course I know what The Swapper Co. is. There are still people who haven’t heard of it, but I have. I still remember when those ads started to pop out on my favorite websites. Of course, at first I thought it was a scam, or, at most, a cool new story. But it was all true: they allowed people to swap bodies, with some kind of new technology. At a cost.
“So tell me: in your fantasies, what do those women look like? What body would YOU like to try out?” she asks me.
So she’s taking it as a new exciting experience. She doesn’t actually think that I want to become a woman for more than a couple of days. Of course, I don’t want that either.
“Who else? What does the woman of your dreams look like? And no, you don’t have to describe me. I know why you are in love with me, and I’m mature enough to understand that I’m not the most beautiful woman in the galaxy”.
“Well…they don’t always look the same, you know…”
“Okay. But do they have any common characteristic?”.
I don’t need to think about this twice. I’ve already imagined plenty of times to just go to The Swapper Co. and to customize my bodies to the tiniest detail. But that transformation is way out of my league. It’s simple enough to transfer two minds. It’s too complicated to change every single atom of one’s body, without killing or even hurting him, reproducing a fully living organism. Plus, they would also have to back-up your previous body data, multiple times, and that would take many petabytes.
“Are you lost in your thoughts again?” she jokes. “Knowing you, you already know the answer to my question. Come on, this is exciting, I want to help you!”.
“Sorry. Yeah, there are some common features. For example, I like them short, and thin, and…”
“Petite!” she finishes my sentence.
“Most men like taller women than me. I guess I’m lucky that you have these tastes. What else?”.
“Where to start…”
“How big would her tits and ass be?”.
“Everyone always talks about that. It’s not a priority of mine. I like fit asses. And about boobs…maybe C-cup?”.
“C-cup? Is that even a size?” she asks, curious.
“Oh…I don’t know? Let’s say medium size?”.
She laughs again. “Whatever! What about their eyes?”.
“That’s an easy question! They’re always blue. Sometimes green. They could be brown when I think about Latinas”.
“Latinas? Is that what you like the most? What about Britney?”.
Britney? Oh my God. She’s taking this seriously. Her friend Britney is gorgeous. “Britney? But I don’t want to tell her about…my stuff”.
“Your stuff? It’s our stuff now! We don’t have to explain everything! Let me do the talk, I’ll convince her” she states.
“Wait…I don’t want to…”.
“Don’t worry, we can always find a model willing to lend you your body! So Latina it is?” she asks, brimming with excitement.
“No…wait, this is moving so fast”.
“We’re not doing that tomorrow! But we can think about it!”.
“A model…that could cost more than the swap itself. And Latinas are not my favorite anyway”.
Alice suddenly reaches for my groin. I wasn’t expecting that.
“Your friend is telling me a different story!” she teases me.
“Well, alright. It’s not that I wouldn’t enjoy that…”
“What about hair?” she continues.
“Redhead? Long, curly hair?”.
“If you don’t know that, why would I?”.
“I mean, it’s not that important. But I do like freckles”.
“Um…I don’t know anyone with those features. Not anyone I’d trust, I mean”.
“Me neither…it was nice talking with you about that”.
“It was. Just for fun, should we look at that company website?”.
“Do you mean The Swapper Co.?”. Of course she does.
“Yes, that one!” she stands up, reaching for her phone. A few seconds later, she’s already reading their catalog.
“Yeah, they cost a lot…” I comment. “Maybe with time, it’ll get cheaper. It already has in the past”.
“This is not fair. That ad I saw on TV was talking about 5 thousand bucks for a simple swap. Here it says twice that amount!”.
“It goes on sale from time to time. It costs too much anyway”.
“Does it? I see this fantasy of yours is something you care about. And I want to bond with you even more”.
“Let’s do some calculations: 10k is just for the one way, then it’s 10k more for the way back. And that’s just for the basic version!”.
“What does that mean?” Alice asks me, curious.
“With the basic version, two people swap bodies, and that’s it. They get each other identity”.
“Oh no…so that model would have access to our bank account, to your job…she could ruin our lives!” she comments, scared.
“They are professionals. But yeah, they could”.
“And what would it take to avoid that?”.
“The Swapper Co. could also adjust the identities of the two individuals, so that they’d keep their own lives, but with their new bodies”.
“Really?” she’s amazed. “So you would keep your life, your job…but with her body? Would you have a new identity card too?”.
“Yes, that’s right. Your colleagues may have some problems with it, but this is the law”.
Alice starts giggling like crazy.
“What is it?”.
She catches her breath. “I was thinking about your colleagues, looking at their pal…in a woman’s body! That would be so fun!”.
“Well, they would surely be surprised” I try to laugh too.
“So, how much does that kind of swap cost?”.
“It costs exactly twice. And it rarely goes on sale. The basic swap is just a way to get people hooked. Plus, you need to pay the model”.
Alice browses one of the valid related websites, where people offer their bodies to swap.
“I wonder if they get tired of the novelty of living in another’s body after so many swaps…” she says.
“I don’t think they do it for their pleasure. It’s mostly young students who don’t want to get student loans”.
“People always find so many ways to make money…wait! Here: what do you think of this one? It’s just 3 thousand bucks per week!”.
It doesn’t look legit to me. Between taxes, and the website and The Swapper Co. shares, those people rarely get more than 30% of that amount. And nobody would risk losing their bodies for so little.
“Indeed, do you see this symbol?”.
“Yes? What does it mean?”. “It means she’s sick. I don’t think she’s risking to die or anything, but I probably would have to spend most of the holiday to the hospital, or at home”. What a pity, she looked beautiful.
Chapter 4 – Proposal

We continued scrolling for some time, checking most of those websites.
The usual (good) model costs around 10k per week. I’m not poor, but I’m not rich either. That’s too much.
“We’d be better just investing this money for our future. Maybe it’ll be cheaper someday” I conclude.
“Yeah…we can’t spend a total of 60k for a month of holiday. Think of what we could do with the same amount!”.
“A whole month?! Whoa…”.
“Well, if you’d do it, you’d do it right!”.
“I don’t even have a whole free month!”.
“You have holidays, don’t you?”.
“Yep. But I don’t have 60k to spare”. This time, I’m the one to kiss her. “Don’t worry darling, let’s go to bed”.
Looking at those prices managed to get rid of my boner, and we just went to bed, for real. Until…
“George!” Alice shakes me. But I’m half-asleep already.
“George!” she continues.
“…what? What time is it?” I open my eyes, looking for the light switch. It’s 2 AM, and I have to work tomorrow.
“I think I’ve found the solution!”.
“To what?”.
“To our fantasy!”.
Oh, my fantasy. Now she’s saying our. She is such a sweetheart.
“Alice…it’s okay. We don’t need to spend that much money. I have you, and that’s enough to satisfy all of my needs”.
“You’re right: we don’t need to spend that much!” she continues. She easily gets excited, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen her this excited.
“What do you mean?”.
“We have all we need already. First, tell me: are those breasts, that long red hair and those freckles essential features to you?”.
“Nah, they’re not…”.
“Then…maybe…my body is similar to your ideal one?”
“What the fuck?!” The hell is she talking about?
“Sorry, never mind, I just thought…” she rests her head on her pillow.
“Wait, I do find you truly beautiful, don’t get me wrong!” I try to fix my sudden reaction.
“…but you wouldn’t want to swap with me. No problem. Don’t think about it. We’ll save some more money for your fantasy” she says, while her excitement is fading.
“Alice, I have never said or thought that I wouldn’t like to swap with you”.
What have I just said?
“But you find it strange. Again, no problem” she turns back to me, pondering her words.
“I…I wouldn’t think it to be strange”.
Alice smiles from ear to ear. “So…would the swap with me fulfill your fantasy? It would cost us just 20k, and maybe we’d find some sales…and I’m curious too”.
“Oh my God!!! Yes, yes, that would completely satisfy my curiosity!!!”. “We have a deal, then!” she jumps at me, kissing me vigorously.
Chapter 5 – Planning

We’ve spent the last 3 months planning every detail.
We’ll do it in June. Being an artist, Alice doesn’t need to ask permission from her boss. While I’ve already asked mine, and he’s okay with it.
Sadly, there’s no sale in sight. But we don’t have to pay for any model, and, since we’re both on holidays, there’s no need for more than the basic swap.
Maybe there’ll even be a sale during this summer, and we’ll swap back at that point.
In any case, we can afford to spend these 20 thousand bucks, and our relationship will be stronger than ever.
We’ve already talked with a certain Dr. Felder, and she’s explained to us that the basic swap has been projected in a way that two people can definitively swap lives, and so our respective mind will slowly be able to completely access the brain of its new body.
It’s not a problem, since we’ll swap for just some weeks, and that’s not enough time to forget who you really are or something. Actually, it will be kinda interesting to blend our minds just a little bit, to have a taste of each other’s perspective. It’s nothing permanent, and we’ll be able to swap and revert those effects any time.
We’ve both been so exciting to see the calendar going on, with June getting closer and closer.
I’ve been hornier than ever, as Alice has teased me over and over.
She would come to me and say things like “would you open this jar for me? Be kind, and I’ll probably do the same for you in June!”.
Or she would often point out, during our intercourses, how her tight pussy would soon be mine, and hers to take.
Waiting for the swap, we have decided to join the gym. Three months may not be much, but it’s better than nothing.
Plus, having to spend all that money on the swap, we are not really going anyway on holiday this summer.
I couldn’t have found a better lover if I had searched through the whole planet.
I don’t know what to expect, but I know it will be great.
Chapter 6 – The Prelude

Last night I couldn’t fall asleep until Alice, sharing my own fears, decided to lay on my chest.
Today’s the 5th of June, and we have an appointment set for 10 o’clock this morning.
They explained to us that it works as an airport check-in: the actual swap lasts a couple of minutes, but we’ll spend a little more time than that there, because they need to check our vital signs.
And we need to get there at least a whole hour before the swap, to fill out the paperwork.
As soon as we get there, we notice that the waiting room is full of people. We have fun wondering about their stories, why they have decided to swap, and for how long.
I would have preferred to have more privacy: I don’t really like these strangers looking at me, as curious and excited as I am to see this morning coming to its end. I usually take with me a book to kill some time, but Alice insisted that I wouldn’t have needed it today, as I certainly wouldn’t get bored.

When the hands mark 9, a young lawyer welcomes us into her office.
“Good morning” she starts. “Thank you for being so punctual”.
“No problem, we couldn’t sleep much anyway!” Alice comments.
“The payment authorization has already been issued. Now I need you to sign some documents” the lawyer continues, handing us our copies of the contract.
For once, I’m really glad the font is not tiny: it inspires me to trust them, as if they have nothing to hide. Although, this also means that the contract is pretty long, maybe even longer than 30 pages.
“You almost have a whole hour to read it. And, anyway, it’s the exact same contract we’ve emailed you last month, just with your names already inserted”.
“Yes, we have read it already…it seems pretty clear” Alice says.
“I’m glad to hear that. I’ve personally contributed to writing it, and I don’t like murky contracts” she smiles. “Anyway, I still have to guide you through it, making sure everything’s clear”.
We spend the next 40 minutes listening to her, while the only interruptions are to answer our questions.
Our 10 thousand bucks (ouch, four entire months of our savings…but it’s worth it, I guess) give us the right to use their technology, to have the assistance of their lawyers and scientist, the medical care and the parking ticket for our car. Basically, it’s all-inclusive.
“Why haven’t you booked the swap back yet?” the lawyer asks us.
“We’d like to wait for the next summer sale to swap back…” I answer.
“I don’t think any sale is scheduled for the upcoming months…but even if I knew, I couldn’t tell you” she laughs. “I see. Just keep in mind that this is the peak season for us, so you’ll probably have to contact us a couple of weeks before the swap, if you don’t want to have to wait longer than intended”.
Like any good employee, she tries to convince us into picking the 20 thousand identity-keep body-only swap, because that would give us more securities, in case one of us died, or decided to keep the new body to him/herself.
It’s like when you want to buy a new car, and the salesman constantly raises the final price, but, since you’re already there and he looks so confident, you probably end up accepting his proposals anyway. No, thanks, we won’t fall for your trap.
“Here I have the result of your talk with the psychologist” the lawyer continues, handing us a couple of sheets. “Good, he finds your motivations genuine, and he thinks this experience will help you bond even more”.
Alice smiles, as she holds my hand.
“I believe that you have already read our scientific studies?” she asks us. We nod. “Since this kind of basic swap is not intended to cheap out, with all due respect, but to actually swap lives, you’ll gradually notice your mind spilling out, to slowly melt with the new body’s brain”.
Shit. I adjust myself in the armchair, hoping to hide my semi-erection.
“That’s the reason why we don’t do this kind of swap between people who have different intelligent quotients” she looks at us. “Luckily, you’re both very smart people”.
“Thank you!” Alice continues to smile.
“But, of course, that won’t happen in just a month. On the contrary, that little bit should only help you understand each other better”.
“Believe me when I say we already understand each other pretty well! We’re a very open couple!” my love comments.
“Very true!” I confirm. After 10 more minutes of explanation, we finally sign the contracts.
Chapter 7 – The Swap

This The Swapper Co. has thought about anything. Those suits they have given us are really comfortable. I’d like to buy one for home, but I’m afraid to ask how much it costs.
I caress my thigh, noticing how smooth this suit feels. Wondering what’ll be like to have Alice’s silky skin in just a few minutes.
I try to distract myself, as the water level gets higher and higher. Well, I wouldn’t call it water. Maybe it’s slime? I have no idea.
They say this fluid helps to isolate our electromagnetic field, to remove any interference, and let the machine do its job.
Oh crap. The siren. It was stronger, from the waiting room, but maybe it’s just this slime mitigating its sound. That’s it. It’s happening. Oh crap. Am I ready?
Why am I doing this to Alice? She just wants me to be happy. No, come on, she wants this too.
I feel my thoughts getting muddier and muddier, while my vision blurs.
The intensity of the sound of the siren becomes very variable.
I can’t feel my body. It’s like it’s made of slime too now. I feel myself falling asleep.
She’s scared too, my dear Alice! Wait, are these her thoughts entering my m…
What was I saying? I am tired. Too tired.
Chapter 8 – Wake Up

I am awakened by a strong light.
It feels like I’m laying down.
Where am I?!
I open my eyes. There’s a doctor in a white lab coat.
“Perfect, you’re already awake!” he says. “Alice is waiting for you in the other room”.
So…did it freaking happen?!
Laying down like this, it feels like nothing has changed.
I caress my thigh again. It’s dry. And…very, very soft.
I slowly raise my hands, bringing them to my field of vision.
“Holy shit!” someone yells. It seems Alice’s voice. Wait, it’s me.
The doctor grabs my arm, helping me to sit down, as I can’t help but notice how strong his grip feels on my slender limb.
“I…I can’t even touch the ground with my feet!” He laughs. “It will take some time to get used to this. Please, George, get dressed. You’ll meet Alice in a minute”.

“Wow…you look so sweet!” my Alice greets me, more confused and amazed than I ever recall her.
I have to stop one moment to elaborate her words, with such a different voice.
“This is insane!” I answer. “How do you feel? Is everything alright?”.
“It sure is. It’s just so strange!” she takes some steps towards me. “Gosh, I am a dwarf!”.
I look up at her, feeling her blonde hair brushing my ears, and my delicate neck straining a little bit. “Come on, you’re not! And there would be nothing wrong with it anyway. It’s just that you’re 168cm (5’5ft), while I’m 182cm (6ft)”.
Alice pats my head. “It’s incredible how smooth my hair still is, even after being immersed in that nasty slime”.
I smile. Even that is different. My cheeks offer so little resistance, and my lips are so soft. I can feel my new perfect dentition with my tongue.
“Different body, but you still have your habit to get lost in your thoughts!” she laughs. “Shall we get ready? The next couple will soon need some room”.
That’s yet another thing I love about her. No matter how jaded she pretends to be: deep down, she really cares.
“I could have chosen to wear heels this morning, but I went for flat shoes!” she teases me.
“But you never wear any heels!”.
“That could change now, you know. It would even help you being less…short” Alice mocks me, playfully.
It’s so strange to feel the sports bra on my delicate skin.
For the rest, it was not that different to get dressed.
For the return trip, I insist on letting her drive.
In the end, the seat is already set for my old body, and a little bit of roleplay won’t hurt anybody.
When we get back home, I recall taking my purse, but she forgets to open the door for me.
We still have so much work to do.
Chapter 9 – What Now?

“So…know that we have realized your fantasy, what shall we do?” Alice asks me.
“Oh…I think we need some time to get accustomed. I still feel like I’m…mute, and someone else is talking together with me”.
She opens her eyes. “It feels the same to me! Maybe we just talk, and get more comfortable with our new voices?”.
“That’s a good start. But we’ve been waiting for so long…”.
“…you have waited for much more than me! Basically, for decades!”.
“I don’t think you could wait for something that you know won’t happen”.
“What do you mean?”.
“Well, today is June the 5th, 2020. The first voices about The Swapper Co. started circulating on the web no more than two years ago” I explain her. “And even then, I would have never thought I would have found the courage to bring this matter up with anyone, go figure to actually swap with my gorgeous girlfriend!”.
“Don’t be arrogant!” Alice jokes.
“Why? I’m just telling the truth!” I protest.
“It doesn’t matter. The world won’t judge well a woman who goes around telling that her body is beautiful!”.
“It’s not like I need to tell anyone: that’s clear!”.
She laughs.
“Anyway, would you mind if I took a better look at your body?”.
“Not at all, let’s go”.
It’s such a peculiar feeling to look at myself in Alice’s mirror: I could never see higher than my neck. I get closer to my mirror, caressing my new face.
My first reaction is to ask Alice what’s going on, why she looks so dazed. Then, I think about the last time my skin had been this smooth. But the only thing I can remember is how proud I was the first time I had to shave my cheeks.
“Come on, I know you’re dying to touch my tits!” a voice behind me says.
“What? Alice, I wasn’t even thinking about that…”.
“Are you saying my boobs are too small?”.
“No…” I answer, while bringing my hands to those two mounds. The sensations are so strange that I soon stop, focusing instead on my hands again.
“Come here, I have a little surprise for you” Alice smiles. I can’t look at her face from the mirror, but I can tell from her intonation.
“Your accent! That’s why your voice sounds different than what it used to!”.
“Uh…? I guess so…there’s also the fact that you’re hearing it from the outside now…” she gets closer to me. “Anyway, if you don’t want to come, I guess I’ll have to carry you there!”.
I can’t even recall when was the last time anyone has carried me in his arms. I feel like I’m weightless. Like I could fall at any moment.
As Alice carries me to the living room, I hold her neck tight with my arms, feeling a sense of trust growing towards my girlfriend.
“You know I don’t usually wear any makeup” she explains to me, landing me on the ground. “But it wouldn’t be fair to not give you the full experience, so I’ve bought this nail polish for you! Would you like to apply it right now?”.
“Oh. I guess so”. This wasn’t part of my project, but I don’t even know if I had a project at all. I’m not into that, but it’s always a new experience.
After a couple of minutes, she’s applying it to my short nails.
“You know what would be cool?”.
“I’ve always been a bit of a tomboy…”.
“That’s not true! You are…”.
“I mean, I never wear any makeup, I don’t know how to walk in heels. When I’m not in some bizarre clothes, I’m wearing a tracksuit…maybe this month you could be a better woman than I was!”.
“Excuse me?!”.
“Come on, we could go shopping. You could watch makeup tutorials. You could even let your nails grow: it would be so cool!”.
“Alice, I don’t think you’ve understood…I don’t want to…well, I like you the way you are!”.
“You do whatever you prefer with your own time like me. But who knows? I may even like some of your suggestions, and become more…feminine, after our swap back? Wouldn’t you like that?”.
She may have a point. I do like her, but it wouldn’t be half bad is she dressed up a little bit on our dates. I could show her. But I wouldn’t want her to feel…
“Don’t worry, I won’t feel judged!” she reads through my eyes. “By the way, as soon as this nail polish dries, you should take a relaxing bath, with that bubble bath you gifted to me! You know I always use your shower gel anyway, but this is the perfect opportunity to use that!”.
How could I refuse her excitement, or, in any case, a tender relaxing bath?
Chapter 10 – A Proper Shampoo

“What have you done to my hair?” Alice asks me, half an hour later.
Okay. I don’t really know how to take care of it. But if I knew that my ineptitude would have earned me a pleasant shampoo from her, I would have done it on purpose.
“So, how does the female orgasm compare to the usual?” she nonchalantly asks me, massaging my scalp.
“Oh, so you couldn’t reach it as well…”.
“Wait…what?! I haven’t…tried. Wasn’t this bath just to relax a bit? And what do you mean that you couldn’t…”.
“You’ve waited for your entire life for this, and you expect me to believe that you haven’t touched yourself yet? Come on, you can tell me” Alice teases me.
“Alice…first of all, I’ve not waited for this my all life…”.
“Yeah, sure” she laughs.
“…then, my thing was not…sexual”.
“Not even a little bit? Are you trying to see if you’re a better liar with that new face?”. She looks into my eyes through the bathroom mirror. “Wow, I don’t think you’re lying at all”.
“I mean, I want to…experiment with you. But it’s not important now. Does it make sense?” I ask her, a little bit embarrassed. “It feels like I’m trying to explain why I wanted to take a walk in the park, but there’s no other reason than…walking?”.
“Don’t worry, I actually find it sweet. It’s just that we had this idea while we were watching that kinky show, so I thought…”.
“So, did you try it? With my…?”.
“Yes. But I couldn’t get it up” she exhales. “I’ve looked at my favorite videos, but…it was strange. It didn’t work”.
Wow, so my girlfriend watches porn. That’s cool, I guess.
I decide to drop it. It’s already time to dry it with the hairdryer, so it’s not like we can talk much anyway.
“See? This is the proper way to do it!” she exclaims, proud.
“I’ve never seen you so enthusiastic about your hair!”.
“You know, I didn’t care where it was on my head, but I want you to…look better. It feels good” she looks for words in her brain. “Does this make sense?”.
I smile, without even realizing it.
I like to be beautiful for her. “Nothing” I answer instead.
Chapter 11 – A Romantic Stroll

“How do you feel in them?” my love asks me. She has scavenged through her closet, looking for the most standard clothes she could find.
So, here I am, wearing a feminine shirt, tight jeans, ballet flats, and various trinkets.
I look up at her. “These jeans are way tighter than I’m used to, your skin without hair is more sensitive to the cold hair, and it feels like walking barefoot, while the shoes bother my heels and this jewelry follows my every move”. I smile. “Other than that, it’s cool!”.
“Cold hair? But we’re in June!”.
“Alright, I won’t scold you for not being able to bear cold anymore. Now let’s go”.
“How do you feel?” Alice keeps asking me, while the sun shines hard on my eyes.
“These jeans make walking harder, and I feel like I’m slowing you!”.
She laughs, patting my shoulder.
“It’s not your jeans! Don’t you see how short your legs are?”.
Oh, right. “You’re always asking me, but how do you feel?”.
“Gosh, I feel so energetic!” she states, flexing her bicep. “Honestly, I don’t understand why you always want to stay home. If I were you, I’d be…using this strength all the time!”.
“Go figure. Technically, you are me right now”.
Her smile gets wider. Then, suddenly, she lifts me again.
She looks me in the eyes. Then, she kisses me. It’s a moment that lasts a couple of days.
“Oh, sorry…I haven’t even asked you if you were ready. Is it okay for me to kiss you now?”.
It is strange. I can tell why Alice always wants me to use chapstick, and why my beard may bother her lips. But it’s… “Don’t be silly. Continue” I ask her.
“It feels so natural for me to…protect you, you know?” my girlfriend comments, once we’re back home.
I hold on my toes, taking hold of her neck, to give her yet another kiss.
“You are making a habit out of this!”.
“Are you complaining?” I tease her.
“Not at all”.
Chapter 12 – Exploring

“So…” Alice starts to speak, after half an hour of snuggling on our couch. “…it’s not like I’m complaining or anything, but I thought you would have wanted to do…something more than just hugging each other in the living room?”.
“You want to go out again? Right, it would be cool to explore our new taste receptors!”.
“Taste receptors?”.
“Yes, don’t you recall? I already told you that, after a swap, you get the taste receptors of that body, changing your preference of food!”.
“Oh, yeah, now I recall that. What about music? Will I be able to understand your noisy rock now?”.
“Nope, that depends on your mind. So, where do you want to go?” I ask her.
“Actually, that’s not what I was talking about…I mean, aren’t you curious to see what’s like…for a woman?”.
I laugh. “A few hours as a man, and you’re already always thinking about sex!”.
“Well, it was me who used to take the initiative before the swap anyway…”.
“That’s true. I’m not looking forward to it, I liked sex as a man. But yeah, we could do that…sometimes” I look up at her. “We have plenty of time, after all”.
“What about now?”.
“…now?” I look at her pelvis, but she’s not aroused. “Do you feel horny?”.
“No, I don’t…not right now. Could you do something about it?” she continues, holding me closer.
It looks like, at the moment, she’s more into my swap fantasy than I am. But she’s done so much for me: spending a significant part of our savings to grant my wish; trusting someone else to take care of her own body; wanting to know me better; supporting me in every way.
It’s the least I can do. In any case, how many times have I already played with it?
“Okay” I kiss Alice on her lips. “Let me take good care of you!” I state, without really knowing what to do.
I guess it shouldn’t be that hard, with a body like this. I just need to think about what she usually does in my, well her, place.
I continue to kiss her, with sweetness and passion at the same time, as I massage her pelvis.
It feels bigger than I remember. It’s probably because of how tiny my hands are right now.
A couple of minutes later, my left hand is already in her underwear.
“I don’t know…” she interrupts our kiss. “…it feels nice, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not working…”.
I continue massaging her. It may take a little bit more when you’re stressed, and I know all this novelty can sure be stressful.
“Doesn’t it feel strange to kiss…yourself?”.
“You know what I mean. I know it’s you, but I feel like I’m kissing a mirror…”.
It surely feels strange for me too, but not for the same reasons.
After some more minutes of trying, she’s got a semi-erection at best.
“Don’t be embarrassed: it’s something that can happen!” I try to comfort her.
Alice smiles back at me. “It’s not that. I’d never be embarrassed: I already know that your equipment works perfectly well!” she caresses my shoulder. “Maybe I’m just not into women…no offense!” she jokes.
I laugh. “None taken. What is that you’re into, then?”.
Maybe I could let her watch some more porn while I do my task. But that didn’t work during my shower.
“What?” my girlfriend asks me.
“I know what you’re into, what your fantasy is! You wanted me to eat my own cum!”.
She stares at me, dazed. “Would you really do that?”.
I feel something moving between my fingers with painted nails. “Of course not!” I laugh. “But I could tease you a little bit, and that should do the trick!”.
I can feel my wrist is already getting tired, but that doesn’t matter. For a fraction of a second, the thought that using my mouth would be a lot faster crosses my mind, but, of course, I would never do that.
Alice stares intensely at my lips. “It would be so cool if you actually did that! I mean, I’ve lent you my body to fulfill your fantasy…”.
In less than a minute, she’s already rock-hard. I can’t refuse to play her game. “Who knows? Maybe, if you’ll be a good boy, and show me how much you like me, coming in 5…4…”.
Why am I doing this? There’s no way she could come in such little time. Especially after all we’ve done last night, excited for the upcoming experience.
But it’s empowering. I feel so confident, having actual material proof of how sexually powerful I am right now.
“Are you ready? 3…2…1…”.
After that, Alice explodes.
“Whoa…holy shit!!!” she comments. “This was…you are…oh my God!”.
I seductively smile at her. I’ve done this for my love, but it feels like I’ve done it for myself: 5 minutes of my time, in exchange for this confidence boost. A great deal.
“You’ve been good, and you’ve earned your reward” I state.
She thinks I’m going to eat my own cum. Instead, of course, I grab a couple of napkins. Then, I also decide to wash my hand: I hate that sticky feeling.
Chapter 13 – Solution

Alice holds me with her left arm. It’s nice, under the sunlight, on the park benches.
My breaths are smaller, but they’re filled with the scent of the flowers.
“So, are you enjoying this?” my love asks me.
“Absolutely! Everything is just perfect!”.
“…is there anything you’d like to tell me?”.
“Not really. Let’s enjoy the sun”.
I know that tone. “Are you alright? Are you having fun?”.
“I am alright” she exhales. “This is all very interesting”.
“It would be very nice to do this on a random weekend. But is this how we really want to spend our only holidays this year?”.
“What is that you’d like to do? We’re free to do whatever we want to!”.
“I know, we could have made a very fancy holiday with the same money”.
She thinks I’m right. I don’t know it for sure, but it’s probably true.
“It’s not that. But yeah, this is not that different from what we’re already doing the rest of the year”.
Alice probably wants me to make her fantasy true as well. But, honestly, I’m not that interested in sexual experiences. That’s why, last night, we continued to watch that show, instead of…doing that.
“The Alice I know never complains if she doesn’t have a ready solution in hand! What is it?”.
She looks surprised. “Oh…I wouldn’t call it a solution, but our only friend that has ever undergone the swap is Maribel. Maybe we could ask her how she managed to have fun”.
I didn’t know Maribel had ever swapped. With whom? Was it with her girlfriend?
“Why not? Will you give her a call?”.
Chapter 14 – Maribel

“Look, she’s finally here!” Alice tells me.
And there she is, her friend Maribel. Her miniskirt lets the whole pub admire her slender legs, that end in a pair of high-heeled leather boots. That, and the confident tattoo on her neck, make my lower parts tingle. A tingle I had never experienced so far, surely not yesterday with my girlfriend. That makes me feel guilty.
Maribel waves at us from the entrance. Her shades cover her eyes, but I can tell she’s brimming with enthusiasm.
Waiting for her, I take another sip of my strawberry milkshake, Alice’s (and now my) favorite. It tastes delicious. But I feel guilty again: I don’t want to ruin her slender waist.
“Hey…how should I call you now?” Maribel greets my partner.
“Hi, Maribel! Alice is fine, thanks” Alice answers.
“It’s so cool that you decided to give George this gift!” Maribel smiles. “This whole experience will get you closer and closer, and I have no doubt you’ll end up married in a couple of years” she continues, pointing at her ring finger.
Alice laughs. “Would you like something to drink?”.
“I’ll take a Margarita, thanks”.
Wow, alcohol at this time of the day. I can’t help but wonder if it was a good idea to unveil our secrets with this woman.
We spend the next 20 minutes listening to Maribel, as she recalls the month she passed in the body her girlfriend, who’s now her wife.
Actually, they didn’t do that for fun, but for…money.
Yes, apparently, there are some associations of psychiatrists who are willing to pay to witness the relationship between the body and the mind. It kinda makes sense: it’s probably cheaper and more effective than just pay a number of salaries to researchers who lucubrate about philosophy. But who am I to judge? I’m just a programmer.
Maribel was very enthusiastic about that experience, and she states that she’d be doing that all the time, if the association didn’t already have enough data about both of them.
“Believe me: before the swap, I had this constant fear of being abandoned. But the whole experience gave us a huge shot of confidence!”.
I try to check for pieces of evidence through Alice’s memories, but I can’t find any. It’s probably too soon, and I don’t even know how that would work.
“Yeah, I totally recall last year!” my girlfriend washes away my doubts. “When we met again in September, you were so happy, and confident! That was wonderful!”.
“So, may I ask how much they have paid you?” I ask Maribel.
“Of course! But it’s not about the money: going back, I’d go there for free” she laughs.
Without those huge sunglasses, I easily get lost in her brown eyes.
“They paid for the swap and the swap back, plus we had free rent, food, and medical care, and we even earned 10k each!”.
Have I heard her right?!
“Do we even need to think about it?” Alice asks me. “They’d pay for our swap back, and probably give us the money we already spent: we would have fulfilled your fantasy, and have spent a nice holiday, for no money at all!”.
That wouldn’t be half bad. But something’s going on. “Why should anyone ever give money away? What do they get out of this?”.
“My dear, data is power. They’re paying for our data, and you’re doing nothing different than just use any social media today” Maribel answers me.
“Wait, does this affect our privacy?” Alice asks, alarmed.
“No, silly! No one will know it’s you, except for the scientists who’ll be assigned to your case, but they’ll use the data they’ll collect for further research, of course”.
“I guess that’s fair, if they’re spending all that money on us…”.
“Thanks for the drink. It was nice meeting you!” Maribel says goodbye to us.
Next to her empty glass, there’s a calling card, with a phone number on it. Here our adventure continues.
Chapter 15 – Dr. Clemons

“So, my secretary has told me that you’d be interested to join our research studies” a man, who they say is a psychiatrist, says us in a slow, confident, tone. “Correct me if I’m wrong: you are a young couple that has swapped bodies because of the male’s, George Somers, desire to see what’s like to be a woman”.
We nod as one. Dr. Clemons was too positive to be interrupted.
“The swap has happened three days ago” he continues. “But Ms. Alice Nichols, now Mr. Somers, would like to, I quote, spice up your summer holiday”.
Alice nods. When we first called their number, the secretary’s questions were very specific, and my girlfriend had felt the need to answer yes to that one.
“A friend of yours has suggested you come to us, to fulfill that wish, and, mostly, to earn some money from this experience. How much were you hoping to make?”.
His nonchalant gaze makes me nervous, but the ease with which he speaks of our situation is reassuring. We’ve freaking swapped bodies, and everyone’s cool about it.
“Well…we would like to earn, let’s say, 10 thousand bucks?” Alice answers Dr. Clemons’ question. “And, if that’s possible, since you usually pay for both the swap and the swap-back…”.
“No problem, if you joined our program, we would refund your swap, and pay for the swap back, if that’s what your heart desires”.
“Of course: it’s fun, but…” I finally open my mouth.
“Again, no problem. About the 10 thousand dollars, I wouldn’t feel comfortable if you received that compensation”.
“Uh…?” Alice is surprised. “Well, we’d still have 20k more than if we didn’t participate…”.
“I’ve not made my point, Ms. Nichols” he continues. “The least I could give you is 20k each, let’s make 50k in total. Plus, the 10k refund I’ve promised you”.
“Whaaat…?!” I exclaim. “Why so much money? Maribel told us that…”.
“I can’t disclose how that friend of yours may, or may not, has helped us. I value your privacy very much”.
“But…that’s a ton of money! What would we have to do? How long will the research take?” Alice asks the doctor.
“The length of the study will be of 2 months…”.
Gosh, 2 whole months? It’s not that I don’t…well, that’s a lot.
“…and I can’t disclose any more details with you, otherwise your assessment about the research effects would be biased. All I can tell you, is that we’re able to completely reverse every change that may, or may not, occur”.
“Changes…I can’t help but ask what this is all about…” Alice wonders.
“That’s fair. We’re testing new ways to quickly help our special agent to adapt to new environments” he answers, before standing up to shake our hands. “Now you have all the info you need. If you’ll decide to join this study, all you’ll have to do is to contact me”.
Chapter 16 – To Do It, Or Not To Do It?

“I have my doubts” I confess to my Alice. “Dr. Clemons seemed very confident about his work, but he didn’t seem perfectly clear”.
“Well, that was to be expected. If he had told us exactly what the study will be about, it would have invalidated everything”.
She has said will. Are we really considering this?
“But…are you comfortable with strangers tampering with our minds?”.
“Maribel has given us this contact, and you couldn’t find a bad review online, even if you tried. In any case, maybe they’ll just observe our behavior: we have just swapped bodies! There surely are many interesting things to observe”.
I think for a minute. “What if they convinced everyone who undergoes their…procedures to like their work, in order to get perfect reviews everywhere?”.
“Uh…that would be smart. But Maribel told us they just observed her! Maybe you’ve watched too many movies” she laughs.
“You said it: we’ve just swapped bodies! And you think this is not the place for some weird psychological experiments? Maybe they’ve done that with Maribel too!”.
Alice stops for a couple of moments. “Now that I think about it, she came back a bit different…but isn’t that the point too? She is very happy now, and she always has fun!”.
It’s not hard to read between the lines: my girlfriend would want me to be more outgoing, less…boring. Now I am her, but I’m not like her.
“Furthermore…” she continues. “…they’re giving us 70k!!!”.
Well, there’s that. As soon as we accept, they give us 50k for the experiment, and 10k to refund the swap. Also, they’re going to pay for the swap back.
Dr. Clemons did say that every change they may or may not apply would be completely reversible.
And I feel so guilty for wasting all those saving for this silly fantasy of mine. And this is Alice’s vacation too: she deserves to have fun…
“What are you thinking? Lost in your thought again?” she teases me.
“Okay” I finally say.
“Okay what?”. “Let’s do it”.
Chapter 17 – Even More Benefits

Listening to our uncertainties, they have also decided to gift us a free body remodeling. But they’re not willing to pay to revert that: so, we’re going to keep those new changes for the rest of our lives.
“It’s incredible they’ve given us this opportunity!” I comment. “A body transformation usually costs even more than a body swap!”.
“I am so…excited. And also afraid. Oh my God: I’m going to become beautiful!!!” Alice exults.
“But you are beautiful! I’m not planning on applying any major change”.
“So…what will it be? Will you transform me into one of those Latinas you like so much?”.
“No, I won’t. I want you to still be you” I answer. “What about my body? What will you do?”.
“You’ll see!” she teases me.
“Please, don’t do anything major. I like my body as it is”.
“Don’t worry, I like it too. But you’ll like it even more in a couple of hours!” Alice laughs. “Let’s make a deal: given that neither of us is applying any major change, we’ll both decide for our new bodies…without consulting the other!”.
What…?! Is she for real?
“In the end, we have enough money to revert something, if we won’t like it. What do you say?”.
So, yes, she means it.
I feel a slight tingle all over my body.
“You know what? Why not! I’ll make you even prouder of your body!”.
Instead of answering me, Alice shakes my hand. That same hand that feels so tiny in hers.
Chapter 18 – Preparation

It’s not the first time this week that I wait, on my own, in The Swapper Co. building.
I can’t help but think about what Alice has decided to do with my body. Maybe I’m not the most handsome man in the world, but, at least, I’m quite tall, and I pay attention to my weight.
She has promised not to change my facial features too much. In any case, it’s reassuring to know that, once we’ll be done, I’ll look more like her ideal man. I’d do anything to keep her.
While I was choosing what to do with her body, the thought of her being too beautiful for me crossed my mind. After all, she’s already out of my league.
What if she had a model-like body? Would she give up on her artistic career, opting for easy money? Would that bring her away from me? Would the changes to my own body compensate for her renewed beauty?
But then, I’ve realized that it was just my insecurities talking. Alice loves me, and she’d never do that to me.
Sitting on the stretcher, I look at my feet, barely touching the ground. She’ll get a little bit angry once she’ll realize that I’ve decided to make her shorter. Alice doesn’t usually complain about her height, but I don’t know how she’ll take this. Too bad I have a thing for petite women.
Finally, after I’ve been waiting for half an hour, a doctor enters the room.
“Greeting, Ms. Nichols” she approaches me. “Or do you prefer me to use your previous name?”.
“Hi…maybe just call me George?”.
“Alright…George” she continues. “I see you have decided to get blue eyes, longer hair, complete body hair removal, fitter body, bigger breasts and shorter skeleton. Is that all?”.
“Uh…yes” I answer, intimidated by her confidence.
“Perfect, then. Everything’s ready. The anesthesiologist is waiting for you in the other room”.
Wait, weren’t these transformations applied without anesthesia?
Maybe I’m just not up to date.
Chapter 19 – Not All Changes Are Bad

I hadn’t touched Alice’s breasts from this perspective before. It felt wrong, and, even if I wouldn’t tell her, there was not too much to feel.
But now it’s different. I still don’t want to take advantage of her body, but I am more than tempted.
I have not chosen to give her anything huge, but they look so…solid.
This whole discourse is probably just to avoid looking at the rest of…me.
In this sterile environment, I don’t really notice the 8cm (3in) I’ve lost, but I now am 160cm (5’2ft). If possible, I look even thinner, and so healthy!
I feel light as a feather.
And these eyes, these beautiful blue eyes: I could easily get lost in them. That’s what I think, as I caress my new, longer, silky, curly hair. This time, Alice can’t complain about me ruining her hair.
I feel guilty, like I am…being better than her, at being her. This misplaced thought makes me jolt: maybe she’ll be better than me, at being me. I can’t stop looking at the mirror: the realization of having this sculpted body makes me feel good, very good, deep inside.

“Alice!” I call my girlfriend. As I do so, I feel a little bit…lost. “I’m here!”.
Alice gets closer. “At least, you haven’t changed my voice” she caresses my cheek. “Is your skin softer?”.
“Nope, this is your usual, wonderful, skin!”.
“Cool. It still feels different.”.
“What do you think?” I look up at her, as my neck reminds me of the recently lost height.
She thinks for a couple of moments. Then she smiles. “You couldn’t imagine how happy I am that you haven’t changed my face much: it means you really like me!”.
“Silly, of course I do: that’s what I’ve always told you!”.
“I love your new eyes and hair. And you better go to the gym and watch your diet, or there’s no way you’re going to keep that body!”.
Her compliments make me happy. “You mean your eyes and hair!” I laugh.
“I’ve never had those features” she explains to me. “This body is now, at least in part, truly yours”.
I don’t know why, but as I admire her smile and acknowledge her words, I feel joyful.
Suddenly, Alice lifts me.
“Whoa…you weight nothing!” she comments.
“Wait one moment!” I exclaim. “I can feel rock hard muscles under your shirt!”.
“Do you like them?” she teases me.
I do. But that’s embarrassing, so I won’t tell her. “Is there anything else you’ve changed? I look exactly the same!”.
“Haven’t you noticed it? I’m 5cm (2in) taller now!”.
I check her again. “Oh, that’s interesting. So our height difference has grown from 14cm (6in) to 27cm (11in)…” I realize. “Have you changed something else?”.
She laughs loudly. “I’ll show you!”.
As I return on my feet, Alice realizes those were not the only changes. “Was it really necessary to make me shorter?”.
“No” I answer her. “But I like it”.
Chapter 20 – Name Calling

“So, what do you think this study is about?” I ask my girlfriend.
“I guess they’ll let us know!” she answers me. “I doubt they’ll let us run away with 60k and those new hot bodies!” she laughs. “After all, Dr. Clemons said the research is going to last 2 months: there’s no rush”.
She’s probably right.
“You know what worries me?”.
“With this new technology, plastic surgeons won’t have a job anymore!”.
I laugh. My Alice, always worrying for others. “I doubt that’s a huge world problem. But with new technologies, new jobs are invented: don’t worry!”.
She thinks for a moment. “You’re right! Without the ability to swap, we’d have never received all this money just to do nothing”.
“Dr. Clemons said they’re studying us to see how to better help their special agents to adapt to new environments” I think out loud. “Maybe they need to observe how we adjust to our new bodies and their different looks, and the changes we have applied are the changes they were talking about…”.
“Of course! You’re a genius!” Alice kisses me.
I am not. But I’m not going to complain.
“I wouldn’t mind another…handjob?” she looks unsure.
I don’t want to make a habit out of it. But it feels pleasant to realize, once again, she desires me. She craves my help. So…I smile.
“Yes: I want you to give me a handjob!” Alice now looks more satisfied.
With a renewed strength, she lifts me, carrying me and her enthusiasm to the bedroom.
“I have a present for you!” she exclaims.
When she pulls down her pants, I say “when have you found the time to shave?”.
“I haven’t! Now you’re permanently shaved down here!” with that, she places my hand on her flaccid member.
“Oh…if this is how you prefer me…”
“You know it is! But you’ve always been too lazy to do that consistently, so…problem solved!”.
“Now that you mention it, I’ve done the same to your body: you won’t ever grow body hair anymore”.
Alice looks surprised. “Wow, that’s awesome: thank you so much!”.
She caresses my long hair, as I caress my previous genitals.
“It feels so good today, sweety! You’re becoming better and better at this!”.
How would that be even possible? I have only done this to her one other time, in a whole week.
“Look at your smile: you like it as much as I do!”.
I haven’t even realized it. Yet here I am, on my knees, smiling as I please my girlfriend. It’s not the first time, but it is, from this perspective.
I decide to tease her a bit. “George’s…”.
Suddenly, Alice jumps, and her member comes closer to an erection.
“…old penis likes this, doesn’t it?” I continue.
“Oh my God! Do it again, please!!!”.
“What? I’ve never stopped”.
“Call me George!”.
“Do it, please!” she begs me.
This is so strange. “Come on, Alice…” as I try to finish my sentence, I feel lost. Just like a couple of hours…
“Pretty please?” she interrupts my thoughts.
Whatever. “Why do you want me to call you by my old name…George?”.
My Alice jolts one more time, now rock-hard in my tiny hands.
“Oh my God!!!” she closes her eyes.
She’s scaring me. Not that I mind being able to make her happy. But this is weird. “You’re scaring me”.
Alice opens her eyes again. “I don’t know how to explain this…I’ve just had one of the best orgasms of my whole life!”.
I look at her penis again. It’s as I left it a few seconds ago.
“Not that way…mentally” she looks for words to express herself. Given her look, she fails. “Let me try something…can I?”.
“Okay, go ahead”.
“You’re the most beautiful girlfriend in the whole world…Alice!”.
“Ah!!!” I scream.
What the heck was that? “What’s happening?”.
“I don’t know, George…” she tells me.
This suddenly halts my pleasure. “No…I don’t want…”.
“You don’t want me to use your old name?” she teases me. “You prefer me to call your proper name: Alice?”.
There it goes. Another…orgasm?
Instead of losing my grip, I squeeze her member stronger.
In ecstasy, I can’t stop. I just can’t wonder about what’s happening. Maybe it’s just a dream. “Do you like this, George?”.
Alice jumps again.
Am I still asleep? Is the transformation at The Swapper Co. still taking place? It has to be. There’s no way this is real.
“Yeah!!!” my girlfriend yells.
I don’t need to look at my hands to know they’re now covered by her ejaculate.
“Please…Alice, eat it!”.
That makes me see rainbows all over again.
This can’t be anything more than just a dream.
At least, that’s what I think as I taste it.
I look up at my partner.
“Thank you, this was wonderful: I’ve never felt anything even similar before!!!” she thanks me.
“I’m not over” I hold her down, with my tiny hand on her sculpted abs. “This tastes even better than that milkshake you made me drink”.
Chapter 21 – Realization

It wasn’t a dream. Or, if it was, it has died over the past half-hour.
“What was that?” I ask my love, too afraid to use any name.
She looks taciturn. “We both agree it wasn’t normal…”.
“…so, now we know what the study is about”.
Suddenly, I look straight into her eyes. “What do you mean? Do you think…”.
“Yes” she states.
This is why they anesthetized us for the transformation.
“Do you want to do it again? To use each other names?”.
“Alice…” it subtly hurts. “…I don’t think that’d be wise. We still don’t know about the long-term effects, or what’s causing it!”.
“Come on…” she says, with her teasing smirk. “…Alice!”.
I feel the need to cover my pleasure from her, and this time my mouth stays closed.
But she knows. She can read it in my expression.
“I knew it: you love it!” my love exclaims. “Please, call me by your name!”.
I won’t do that. It feels egoistic: here I am, after another climax, and I don’t want to let her access this pleasure.
“We have to be careful” I finally say. “How are they doing this to us? And why do they want us to use each other’s name?”.
“Eureka: they’re testing new ways to let special agents familiarize themselves with their new names!”.
This is scary. And genius. “So, at the end of these two months, we’ll have to…use the wrong names?”.
“Oh…that could be a problem” Alice realizes.
“We have to resist!”.
“Well…we could, but it was very fun, wasn’t it?”.
“Yes, but…”.
“We’re on vacation! Dr. Clemons assured us that every change may or may not happen will be reversible!”.
Do we trust him? The question is disconcerting.
“I know what you’re thinking: but our mental health is in their interests!” she calms me down. “A special agent has to switch identities over and over, without having any long-term effects”.
This has to be true. Yet, I feel a bit like a guinea pig.
“It will be very interesting!”.
Indeed. Then, a realization strikes me. “This can’t be the only influence”.
“In Layman’s terms?”.
“He told us: their goal is to make us adapt. It can’t be just to names. It probably regards identities, or maybe even…roles”.
“If that is true, then we should feel pleasure doing other…tasks as well, right?” she realizes.
“Now that you mention it, has it happened to you, to feel a slight pleasant…pressure, when you’re…behaving?”.
Alice laughs.
“For example, I felt good when I examined my, or your, transformed bodies” I exhale. “It was barely noticeable, but it felt like an…external pleasure?”.
“I…I don’t know, but I get what you’re saying. Maybe you’re right” she answers. “Wait! Do you also feel pain, if you call me by my old name?”.
Old name? Alice is, and will always be, her actual name. “More than a pain, it’s like…void?”.
She stands up. “Wait, maybe the conditioning is bilateral!”.
I wonder what she means, as she’s looking down at me, with an alarming look.
“You are Alice, and I am Georg…!”.
I don’t finish listening to her sentence, that I’m already in ecstasy. Again.
“Yes, yes!!!” she’s enthusiastic. “It works this way too!”.
I. Have. To. Try. It.
I start to whisper: “I am…Alice”.
“Whoa, darling: I’m so excited about this study! Do you want to do it now?”.
I pull myself together. “Do what?”.
“Come on: sex!”.
“Alice, I want it too…”.
“Yeah, let’s go!!!” she lifts me again. “…no, no, wait” I try to breathe. “We need to contact that Dr. Clemons. We have to know what’s going on”.
Chapter 22 – Clarification

“Can you hear me now?” Dr. Clemons asks, through the screen of our laptop. “I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you in person today, but I’m out of town. What’s your concern?”.
“Um…we know you’re not allowed to disclose too many details about your study” I look for the right words to say. “But we’re kinda…scared? We’ve noticed peculiar…orgasms, and lack of thereof, as we perform certain tasks…”.
I can’t tell if, under his monolithic face, there’s surprise or nonchalance.
“I see” Dr. Clemons finally states. “There are many participants in this study, and for each of those different chip activity levels have been set. Yours is probably in the highest range of activity, if you’ve already started to notice its effects”.
“Chip?!” Alice asks, alarmed. “What chip???”.
“There’s no point in hiding this part of the truth, at this point, since the fear I read in your eyes would slow down your progress”.
“So, explain the situation to us, please!” I ask him.
“Of course, Ms. Nichols”.
His words send me in heaven again, and I can’t hide it.
“Interesting. I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to trigger the chip so powerfully” he exclaims. “It’s all very simple: during the physical transformation, we’ve inserted a tiny chip next to your ventral tegmental area”.
“In Layman’s terms, please?” Alice asks him.
“The microchip has both a receiver, that is able to analyze basic electric waves, to perceive what’s going on in your brain, and a transmitter, that will cause the VTA to release a certain quantity of dopamine”.
“I’m still not getting it”.
“My idea, and I have to tell you that it’s all covered by the nondisclosure agreement you’ve already signed, is that we can use the positive reinforcement system that is already built in our brains to train anybody to do anything”.
I need a few moments to comprehend this.
“I see you’re worried. I can’t change your chips settings: no one has access to it remotely, and it would invalidate the research”.
“But…you can’t force us!” I yell, panicked.
“I am not forcing anyone. If you were in danger, we would suspend your participation in the study in a heartbeat, but you’re perfectly safe” Dr. Clemons states. “Believe me if I tell you that, before enrolling you into this specific study, we’ve done our researches, and all the triggers, powerful or not, that has been implanted, are in sync with the people you two would like to be”.
“Look…darling” Alice tries to avoid using my new name, to not distract me. “They can’t just do anything they want!”.
“Not on regular volunteer citizens like you, sadly…” Dr. Clemons whispers.
“It’s been very fun until now, and they said everything is reversible, right?”.
“Of course. If you’ll decide to swap back…”.
“When, not if!!!” I interrupt him.
“When you’ll decide to swap back” Dr. Clemons continues. “We’ll be willing to revert your consciousness to the state it was before your enrolling”.
But how? How would they know?
“I see you’re not convinced yet. Before the transformation, we’ve also done a back-up of both of your minds…”
“Whaaat…?! This way you could even…clone us. Who gave you permission???” Alice shouts.
“We’re not going to do that. We already have more suitable candidates to be cloned, in case that was necessary. No offense”.
“None taken. Go on, please” I say.
“Yes. We have methods faster than the chips to change your minds”.
“Then, why do you need these freaking chips in the first place” I can’t help but ask him.
“We don’t. But it could prove useful to diversify our resources. Plus, once we set a target personality, we don’t need to be at The Swapper Co. to apply it” he looks at his watch. “But we’re getting off track. In summary, those orgasms will get smaller and smaller until they disappear, and that will mean you’ll have reached the target. Then, if at the end of the study you’ll want to change back, we’ll provide that, since it’s part of your contract”.
“I see, it’s clear now” Alice says.
“Do you have any other question?”.
We say no with our heads.
“Then, we’ll see each other again in two months. I hope”.
With that, Dr. Clemons stops our video call.
Chapter 23 – Enjoying Ourselves

“Alice?” Alice calls me, as soon as she closes our laptop. “Alice, Alice, Alice?”.
I try to stand up, then I cling to the sofa.
“What? Stop this…” I tell her.
“Now that we know there’s nothing to be afraid of…we have to enjoy ourselves!”.
“But…wait, we…”.
As I try to calm her down, she lifts me again. What a combination: her sexual openness, and a male’s libido. What have I created?
“You don’t have to worry, Alice…”.
“Will you stop calling me that, please?”.
“What? You don’t want me to call you Alice?” she laughs. “You already know that the sooner we come to the point where you recognize your new name, the sooner these unwanted climaxes will stop!”.
Maybe that’s what I’m afraid of? Or do I just want to be in control?
“I know you’re scared” she continues. “Here, so petite in my arms, defenseless…but let go! I promise you won’t regret it”.
Her calming words, her scent, her toned muscles: everything that characterizes this electric moment makes me melt in her confident hug.
I don’t even complain as Alice starts to undress me. If I had to protest about something, it would be to make her go faster.
“Yes, sweety, loosen up. How I like you” she tenderly kisses my neck.
“I have to say you really know what points to touch…”.
“You don’t know the half of it, trust me!” my lover continues.
Without even realizing it, I find myself caressing her chest, as a distant voice, my own, quietly moans.
“Yes, keep your eyes closed. Like this”.
The feeling of the fabric of our bed sheets makes me aware of the fact that I’m now completely naked.
“I…okay. Do you need help?” I ask Alice. I know how beautiful it is when she actively participates in our activities in the bedroom, and I wish to be as good as she was. But I can’t: I’m just lost in the sensations.
“Look at you: you’re so wet!” she comments. “Don’t worry: I don’t need any help. Actually, I hope Dr. Clemons hasn’t noticed the bulge in my pants during our video call”.
What? Was she already this excited?
“No. What’s my real name?”.
Whatever. “George…”.
“Yes! Now we’re talking!”.
“Um, is it this situation that’s making you so…horny?”.
I feel her breathing intensifying. “Yes. But it’s also you: you’re so freaking gorgeous!”.
“No, you are! This is still your body!” I protest.
She brings her hand to my breast, squeezing them, vigorously. I can smell my own scent on her fingers, as I realize how heated up I am as well.
“Have I ever had these gorgeous tits?” she comments. Then, she caresses my hair. “Or this gracious hair, or your deep blue eyes?”. She kisses me. “No, Alice, this is your body”.
These moments last forever, as I wait for her to do it. As she waits for me to ask for it. But that can’t happen.
Alice strokes my cheek. “You don’t have to worry: I know it’s your first time as a woman, but your vagina is already accustomed to my dick” she explains to me. “Although, if you haven’t noticed so far you’ll do it now, I’ve…enlarged it a little bit!”.
“Whaaat?! Why?”.
“Shush, darling. I’ve just applied what it needed to truly satisfy…” I feel a resolved pressure on my groin. “…me!!!” Alice shouts, as she finally penetrates me. With one single trust.
“Oh my God, oh my God!!!” she comments.
I’m not able to keep my eyes closed anymore. When I open them, I find my toned legs clinging to her hips.
“Ahhh!” I yell as well.
My girlfriend goes on and on for a whole minute, as she manages to reach places I didn’t even know existed.
“This is not fair” she teases me.
“Uh…what?” I try to focus a little bit, failing miserably.
“You’re already at your third climax…for penetration only, I mean”.
How does she know?
“Yet here I am, dying to cum already, but feeling too egoistic about it” she says, before stopping her vigorous thrusts.
I wait, but she doesn’t resume. So, I desperately try to push her hips with my calves, but she’s too strong for me now.
“What is it? Do you need a minute of distraction to not come already?”.
“Nope” she teases me. “I will continue…as soon as you’ll address us with our proper names”.
“Come on, don’t be silly…George!” I tease her. Judging by how her renewed member twitches inside of me, she has probably like it.
“You’ve heard me, Alice: who are you?” my love continues, slowly starting to move inside of me again.
I try to resist. But do I even want to anymore? “I am Alice, and you’re George!”.
That’s it: she finally resumes her job.
“Yes, I am George! And you’re my petite submissive plaything!” she speeds up the pace, with a blank look on her face.
Finally, she stops. I feel her pulsing, then I feel even wetter. That’s how I know she has stopped. At least for now.
Chapter 24 – New Normal

“George?” I call my girlfriend. “Do you wanna go out for lunch?”.
No answer.
I decide to go downstairs. She’s probably listening to some noisy rock songs with her Bluetooth headphones.
As I’m going downstairs, the sound of my shoes on the stairway reminds me that I’m wearing heels, and that I’m perfectly comfortable in them.
Those chips Dr. Clemons made implant in our brains have been quite useful in letting us quickly adapt to our new, but temporary, new lives and bodies.
It’s been a while since the last time I’ve received a climax, or even a single signal, from mine. I kinda miss them. I almost wish to do it all again from the beginning, just to have those moments back.
A week has passed since we joined the study. It seems so strange to me that, just 2 weeks ago, I was the one being George.
Now I feel a woman in every respect, a proud one. I’m proud of how flawless the makeup I’ve applied after today shower is. I’m proud of my sculpted body, that I now show with pride.
The fact that I’m used to introspection allows me to recognize the chip actions. In the beginning, I wanted to wear conservative clothes, I’ve tried to. But, day after day, I couldn’t help but raise the hem of my skirts and necklines. Now, I feel completely at ease as I am.
“Hey, Alice, what’s up?” she asks me. “Are you daydreaming again?”.
I look up at her. It’s not that I regret my choice to make this body shorter, but the heels are not enough to compensate for the height difference.
“Oh…you’re drawing. Again” I notice.
“Sure, do you like this one?” George shows me her newest artwork, on her tablet.
I puff. “Sure. It’s just that…are you planning on staying here the whole summer?”.
“You’re so sweet when you get angry!” she caresses my cheek.
Over the course of the last week, George has become more and more…masculine. The first days she never wanted to detach from me for a single moment, riding me in every way possible, when she wasn’t requesting my services.
I got accustomed to this. Well, I may actually like it too, this new side of hers, and what it does to me.
What I do not like, it’s how she’s been ignoring me lately. No, I’m not looking for attention. And I do love her artistic side…but does she have to draw all day? What am I supposed to do in the meanwhile?
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, I really am” she reads my bright blue eyes. “But this is a lifetime opportunity for me: I’m more inspired than ever!”.
“Yeah, good”.
“Look at my art! I’m passing my limits day after day!” she points at her new gallery. “It’s like my synapses are faster than ever: have you tried coding anything since the swap?”.
“No, I haven’t”.
“Such a shame” she takes my hands in hers. “I’m sure these dainty fingers would look awesome on your usual keyboard!”.
“I’m on holiday. I don’t have to work…”.
“Alice, we can’t just make love all day, you know that!” she looks at me. “You know what? Let’s make a deal!”.
“…what?” I ask her.
“If you go and code a little bit, whatever you want, I’ll reward you tonight!”.
Is she serious? I’m more beautiful than a supermodel. She craves me. Yet I should be the one to be rewarded?
That’s what I’m thinking as I turn on my desktop PC, starting to code again, after these two weeks of pause. I’m not doing it for her. After all, what else should I do?
Chapter 25 – Productivity

The morning sun wakes me up.
I look at my side, but George has preceded me. The time to rub my eyes, and I find her downstairs, already drawing.
“Morning, sleepyhead!” she says hi to me, without even bothering to look at me. “From how much sleep you needed to recover, I guess you’ve enjoyed your reward yesterday evening!”.
I did. But I won’t give her the satisfaction. First, she orders me to work, then she grants me the thing that dangles between her legs?
“You were…adequate” I answer her. I have to admit it: she’s become very good at it. Her stamina is commendable, and she knows where to direct her energies. Maybe, just maybe, she’s better at it than I was. But it’s not a fair comparison: she has a better tool to begin with.
My talented lover laughs at my attempt to hide my thoughts. “Admit it: you feel this energy too, and you can’t wait to turn on that desktop PC again, and to code until your next reward!”.
I don’t know what it is, but she’s right: yesterday I’ve been more productive than ever! At this pace, I could even manage to develop my own apps as I also continue my full-time job.
But I can’t start the day without a proper shower and make-up. “Before that, I need to make myself beautiful for you!” I tease her.
George smiles, without moving her gaze and focus from her tablet.
A brand new productive day begins.
George’s phone rings, but she doesn’t even bother to answer the call.
I wonder who it could be, but I’m too focused on the new project I’ve just started to really care. The only thing that preoccupies me is that I’d probably buy a new keyboard: these black switches are too hard for my current hands.
A few seconds later, mine rings as well. Oh, I should change my ringtone: my music tastes have changed a bit during the last 2 weeks.
“George?” I call my girlfriend. She doesn’t answer.
“George!” I shout again.
“What is it?”.
“You’re closer to my smartphone. Who’s calling me?”.
“Uh…yeah, let me check it out” she says, but when she finally gets up it’s too late to answer the call, so she just resumes her umpteenth drawing. “Sorry, too late” she concludes.
I wash the thought away, as I’m very focused on my creation as well.
A few more minutes pass, and someone starts to arrogantly knock at our door.
My love can’t ignore this too. “Who could it be?” she asks me, as she walks toward the entrance.
Worried, I start to follow her. “Greeting. Why weren’t you two answering my calls?” a familiar voice asks George. “Congratulations, the study has been a success! Would you follow me to my office?”.
Chapter 26 – Time To Choose

“This catches me off guard” my George comments the latest developments.
“If I had told you the actual length of the study, it would have invalidated it” Dr. Clemons explains to us.
Indeed, he has just communicated to us that the study is over, and that it was a success.
“It’s incredible what my microchips are able to achieve: in less than 7 days, you’ve acquired all the characteristics I wanted you to acquire” he continues. “Aren’t you happy? You’re getting the pay of two months of work for a single week of your time. Now, you’re free to do whatever you want for the rest of the summer”.
Silence reigns supreme in the doctor’s office.
On one hand, I’m glad they’re actually letting us go, unharmed, fully respecting our contract. On the other, it’s catching me off guard too.
“Can we continue, just for a few more days?” George breaks the silence.
“Have I heard you correctly? You’d like to continue being my guinea pigs?” he laughs. “That’s not possible: the study you’ve been enrolled in has reached its end. We have to close our relationship before the end of the day”.
“Why the heck do you want to continue the study?” I ask my partner.
She looks back at me. “It’s…work. I’ve never been so productive in my whole life!”.
“I see!” Dr. Clemons interrupts our conversation. “The patterns I’ve set for your chips are based on what we’ll use on our special agents. You see, these chips have the potential to cure bad behaviors. Did any of you smoke, or drink too much, before this study?”.
We say no with our heads.
“Actually, maybe we had a beer on the weekend…but the thought of alcohol disgusted me! I thought it was because of the new body and everything…” I answer him.
“Come on, you know I like to drink!” George corrects me. “It’s not my old body, that’s for sure. But I agree: I haven’t desired any substance at all lately”.
“Perfect. We want our special agents to be exemplary citizens: without any vice, but very, very productive!”.
“Eureka!” George exclaims. “That’s why we can focus so much more than before!”.
That makes sense. I guess not all changes were bad. In fact…maybe most changes were good?
“But…doctor, excuse me: what about libido? Mine is…skyrocketing…” I sigh. “While George’s one seems unaltered…”.
“This is very interesting. First of all, you’re now referring to Ms. Nichols as George” Dr. Clemons thinks out loud. “Then, you’ve definitely noticed one of the chips instructions: to make you…how could I say it? More liberal!”.
“Just look at these clothes he has bought!” my girlfriend laughs. “I think she’s truly beautiful, and I do like to have fun with her, but she seems addicted to my…”.
“Hey!” I stop her, before she releases more details than necessary.
Dr. Clemons looks at his watch. “It’s very nice to talk with you, you’re a nice couple, and it wouldn’t be half-bad to collaborate with you in the future, but now it’s the time to choose”.
“To choose what?” George asks him.
“Do you want to swap back? Do you want to keep the mental changes the chip has applied?”.
Silence descends upon us again.
“About the body, I’ll let Alice decide” my love states. “I like being the man, I can’t deny it. But I liked being the woman as well” she looks at me.
“I…I think it’s just the first-time excitement” I tell them. “It’s been fun, really. I couldn’t thank you enough in a lifetime, but I…I don’t know. I…I want to be me again”.
George caresses my knee. “Of course, we’ll swap back”.
“There’s no need to specify this, but remember that you’re free to swap again anytime: now we’re just deciding how to complete my study” Dr. Clemons explains to us.
That’s reassuring. Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll both want to do this all again. One thing is for sure: a bond like this cannot be broken.
“And, of course, we want to reverse the mental changes” I look at George. “Can you imagine us calling us with the wrong names?” I laugh.
My girlfriend doesn’t laugh with me.
“Doctor” she says instead. “How could we keep our current…productivity?”.
Gosh…is she serious about this work shit? Come on!
I try to catch her attention, without any luck.
“You won’t, if I’ll restore the back-up of your mind”.
“Wouldn’t it be possible to just keep our…positive energy?”.
“It would. But it’d cost way too much time and money than it should, since the study is already completed” Dr. Clemons grumbles. “So, I’ll arrange the swap back. What about the mental changes? Ms. Nichols keeps it, while Mr. Somers discards them?”.
“Come on, please!” George begs him. “You know you can do it! Just restore our minds, and then apply this productivity thing?”.
“You’re stubborn, Ms. Nichols” the doctor smiles. “Whatever, I’ll justify the expense saying it’s for your mental health. Maybe it’s for mine, since I can’t bear hearing your complaints anymore” he jokes.
“Thank you, thank you very much!” George hugs him.
“Whoa, calm down. If I have to choose, I prefer the hug of a proper woman!” he looks at me.
“May I…ask something as well?” I join their conversation.
“What is it?”.
“I’d like to keep my knowledge about women stuff…you know, how to walk in heels, the moves, the…”.
“Um, are you sure you want to swap back? I love you in any case: I enjoy you as a man, I like even more you as a woman, but wouldn’t you be an effeminate lover? Would you even like women anymore?” my girlfriend asks me.
“Forget I said anything” I conclude.
It’s not long until we come back home, in the same condition we were a couple of weeks ago. Just more productive than ever. Go figure.
Chapter 27 – Back To Us

You can say technology is perfect, when it works, and you don’t even perceive it exists.
That’s how I’d define The Swapper Co. behavior control technology: Dr. Clemons restored the back-ups of our minds, adding that positive -productive-energy-thing that Alice desired so much, and we didn’t even notice the changes.
Yet, here we are.
“I’m very glad you’ve enjoyed this little vacation of hours, maybe even more than I did” I tell her, caressing her shoulder. It feels so weird to be the big guy again.
“More than you?” she laughs.
“Of course: you come back here, without having to worry about the artist block anymore, tied to me by an experience-bond stronger than ever, in a body that any actress would envy…” I take yet another good look at her.
“This is a responsibility I have never asked for: I’ll have to work harder than ever in the gym to keep this sculpted body, I hope these breasts won’t give me any back pain, I have to climb on the toes to reach the shelves I could reach before…” she smiles. “Then, your body has undergone some transformations as well!”.
I laugh. “Yeah, but that only works to your advantage! And don’t forget you’ll never have to shave again”.
“You almost look envious” she teases me. “And, regarding your…package, if I’ll be more satisfied, there’s the possibility I’ll want to play more with you”.
Despite all of these changes, everything seems to settle down as usual.
I have never realized how much I’m scared of boredom until now.
“You know what?” I ask her. “I wouldn’t mind playing with your gorgeous body either! I think I’ve learned a thing or two over the last two weeks. Wanna try that out?”.
“Be my guest!” she jumps in my lap, expecting me to carry her upstairs, as she’s often done with me lately.
Maybe it’s my renewed strength, maybe her body is just slenderer and shorter, but she really weights like a feather.
“Wow: you were truly amazing!!!” Alice comments on my performance, inflating my pride.
“Are you sure? Maybe I could have lasted a bit longer…”.
She laughs. “Yeah, maybe I’m a better man than you are, but trust me, I really climaxed this time!”.
This time? Oh, yeah. She had confessed to me that, sometimes, she used to fake her orgasms to avoid disappointing me.
“Let’s go cooking a proper dinner!” my girlfriend decides.
I bring the fork to my mouth. The food is good. I’m glad we’ve always shared the house chores: it’s fine cooking together, and I didn’t have to work more than usual during my period as a woman.
“What are you thinking about?” Alice interrupts my silence.
“Uh? Nothing”.
“Come on! After everything we’ve done together, I think there are no taboo topics anymore: am I wrong?”.
“I like how I’m able to reach every shelf, how easy it is for me to open these jars, how beautiful your body is, how powerful this testosterone makes me feel…”
“No buts” I smile. “I’m very happy I have you by my side. You can’t even imagine how much you’re worth to me”.
“Aw, George, I love you from the bottom of my heart!” she sends me a kiss. We continue to eat, in silence. Then, we go to bed.
Chapter 28 – Our Future, Our Lives

“Babe, what’s up? Why are you still asleep?” my love caresses my chest.
“It’s nothing. It’s just been a very stressful day”.
Alice turns the lights on. “You don’t count me right. What are you thinking?”.
I breathe.
This moment recalls me of 4 and a half months ago, when my Alice convinced me to open my heart to her. I don’t regret doing that at all.
Yet, one thing is to confess your girlfriend your kinkiest fantasies. A completely different thing is to say what I’m about to say.
“I was thinking about what you’ve said this afternoon”.
“And what is that I’ve said to you?” Alice asks me.
“Maybe you really are a better man than me” I finally let my thoughts away.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! That’s not what I meant…”.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not that” I force to look into her eyes.
She smiles.
Has she already understood? Why won’t she say anything?
“Alice, please don’t get me wrong” I manage to mumble. “I love you, I really do. And I adore our life together. But, would you ever consider…swapping with me again?”.
That’s it. There’s no going back now.
“Of course, I’ve enjoyed our first holiday, and I’ll probably enjoy our next ones. After all, our savings are now over 100k, we can spare a few thousand bucks” she caresses my cheek. “But you have to be more specific: do you want to swap like we’ve just done on the 5th of June, or do you want to…really swap?”.
My heart is beating like crazy. I try to find some air to breathe out, but I can’t. I’m not even able to look at her anymore, for how ashamed I feel.
That’s when she raises my head, with both hands, and I get lost in her blue eyes. It feels like looking at the mirror.
“Don’t be afraid, my love” she whispers at me. “But I need you to say it”.
“Yes what?” Alice continues to hug me with her warm smile.
“Yes, I’d like to really swap” I finally say. Broken. “Is that something you’d ever consider?”.
“Are you kidding?” she laughs out loud.
That’s it. She definitely realized I’m a weirdo.
“Please, forget it! I was…”.
“I mean, are you kidding me? I’ve been waiting all day for you to ask me this: yes, I want to become you, and I want you to become me!” she washes away my worries once again.
“I…wow!!! When?” I can’t wait.
“As soon as the sun rises” Alice answers me. “I miss that body so much!” she feels my biceps. “I want to feel that power!”.
Then, she stands up.
“But there’s one more thing to decide” she tells me.
I don’t know what to think when she kneels next to our bed.
“George, do you want to be my wife?”.
I had to make many difficult decisions over the last days. But this one is not difficult at all.
“I do”.

The End
…a few months later!