Wealthy Progeny

Sylvia is a shy petite law student that needs her boyfriend's (Michael) help to take her life back on the right path, a path chosen by her wealthy father, Joseph, who is the founder of the well-known firm "McBroom & Lee". That's why Michael will have to body swap with Sylvia, to undergo her law exams in her stead.

Chapter 1 – Weird Memories

12 September 2022

Half past eight…shit. Okay, I’m my own boss, but I don’t want to show up late again. I don’t want to be a simple boss: I want to be a leader! I want my employees to esteem me, and who respects a boss that shows himself half an hour later than everyone else? I’d better speed up my walk.

I’m such in a hurry that, some steps later, I drop my expensive smartphone. I don’t even notice that, until the sound of it hitting the sidewalk wakes me up from my daydreaming.

“Dang it! I’ve done it again!” I think, as I lean over to reach it. “Those things are too big for an average human being hands, when will they learn to make them smaller?”

I swiftly check the front glass, and, “phew”, it’s still intact.

It’s not like I don’t have to money to replace it, or other thousands of it, but I still don’t want to lose grip on my roots.

As I stand up again, there’s a wide glass wall. On that wall, a stressed out 30 years old short woman stares right to my eyes.

I stand there for some other moments, recollecting the pieces of my existence that have been pushing me to this time of my life.

“Excuse me ma’am” a stranger voice comes from my right “is everything alright? Did your phone break?”

“Ah…” I put myself together “…everything’s fine, thank you, sir. I was just…thinking…”

“Oh…alright, have a nice day, ma’am” the stranger says, walking away.

Yes, that worn out little thing that’s staring at me, it’s, actually…me. But, long story short, it’s not always been like that.

Right behind that glass wall, there’s a table, a very special one. Actually, it’s not even close to special, but it is to me. That’s exactly where everything began. Well, it didn’t start that exact day, but I was sitting there one of the strangest day of my life, one that contributed to make me who I am today.

If you don’t care, I can’t blame you: to you, I’m just another lawyer in heels that’s starting one of the many boring work days of her life.

But to me, my life is one in a million.

It’s not like I don’t enjoy my life. I’m actually pretty happy, but a tear is running through my cheek as years of memories come back to my awareness.

Let’s take some steps back, let’s go all the way back to that 21st of July 2018, when I was sitting right there, as years of life run in front of my own eyes.

Chapter 2 – Couple Harmony

21 July 2018

Today is a very hot summer day. So, me and Sylvia suggest our friends to meet at a nearby local with air conditioning. With all these glass walls it probably cost them a lot to keep the room cool, but this is their problem.

Ops, I didn’t even introduce myself. I’m Michael, Michael Russell. I’ve just passed my 26th birthday, and everything’s great in my life! It’s been more than a year since I graduated from law school, and I’m currently working at my city courthouse, helping people around and looking for a better job. I’m an average guy, even if my Sylvia asserts that I’m “the most handsome man in town”. That’s probably because she likes my 6’1ft height, my lean body, my blue eyes and what remains of my once dense mane.

And here’s Sylvia, my love, sitting next to me, in front of our friends. She’s a lovely woman, and I really love her sweet shy personality. I love how she cares about me, anytime I need it, and even when I don’t. She’s always complaining about her short height and her average look, but to me she’s perfect! Or, at least, she has everything I like in a woman. We’ve been together for 4 years now, and I’ve never complained. She’s thin and petite, standing 5’0ft. Sylvia doesn’t have a big vulgar boot: instead she’s very fit, and I just adore her compact small buttocks. She has a B-cup breast, medium length straight black hair and an olive skin, that makes her look healthy compared to my ghost-like pale skin. But what I like the most about her body it’s her face: so cute and delicate…I couldn’t describe it even if I wanted to!

This, however, it’s not the best period of her life. She’s 25, until the 12nd of August, then she’ll become a “26 years old unemployed spoiled girl” she uses to say. Actually, she’s just 12 exams to her graduation, then she’ll be a wonderful lawyer! It doesn’t matter anyway, since Joseph McBroom, her father, at 57, is one of the wealthiest men in the whole state, having founded the well-known “McBroom & Lee” lawyer firm. Joseph can probably afford 2 more years of university takes, even if Sylvia attends the most expensive law school of the world…or that’s how it looks to me, the poor Michael full of debt from his public university. But I don’t want any money from her, that’s not the reason why we’re a couple. At least we live in a nice luxurious house, courtesy of Joseph McBroom…I can make an exception.

“Hey Michael, why did you pick that chair? Isn’t the table too low for you?” Marie asks “You look like an adult drinking imaginary tea on a miniature table with a child!”

“Thank you, Marie!” I answer “But I’m fine! You don’t need to worry about it!”

“Okay! I guess that when we think about being so tall, we forget what you guys have to bear every day!” she continues.

Marie Clatterbuck is one of our best friends. I met her in law school. She’s a Hispanic 5’7ft woman, with short black curly hair and big brown eyes. Yeah, she’s tall, but from my 6’1ft everyone seems the same. She graduated the same day as I did, and now she’s working for a multinational corporation, where she met William Broderick, her current boyfriend. He’s an economist, and he’s probably just one amongst the many guys and girls she dates. Yes, you read it correctly, because she’s a proud bisexual woman. She’s even enjoyed my Sylvia’s company sometimes, and I think we could even have a threesome…if she were my type, but I don’t really like her, physically speaking.

I’m ready to say something, but Sylvia answers faster than me. “Well, Marie…being tall gives many advantages, and some disadvantages. You can reach every shelf you want at the supermarket, you always feel powerful while looking down at people, and it’s so resting for your neck! And a lot of other stuff. But the beds are too small, you hit your heads going through small doors…”

“…yes, that’s all true!” I confirm. “But being short isn’t an easy thing either! Sylvia may look fine, but at the end of the evening her shoulders will be tired of constantly raising her arms to the level of the table!”

Marie looks at us perplexed. “And how exactly do you know that, Michael?”

“Well…we’re a harmonic couple, we share…we tell each other everything, for example how we feel about many things!”

“What a nice couple, I’m happy for you! Okay, Sylvia, it’s women time! Would you go with me to the ladies’ room?”

And there they go, leaving me alone with William. I definitely hope he’s not going to try again to speak about sports: I don’t like that stuff! Luckily, he just grabs his phone, and so do I.

Later that evening, while I’m driving us home, Sylvia says something I would have preferred she wouldn’t have said: “Hey Michael, my dear…ehm…I told Marie!”

“What did you tell her?”

“About…our swap…”

“What?!? But why??? You promised not to tell her!”

“She just put all the pieces together herself…remember when you asked me to buy you some razors? She was surprised by your trust in me, and about how many things about shaving a beard I knew. Then all the tall-short height conversation…she’s a smart girl!”

“Indeed she is…I just hope she won’t make fun of me…”

“She won’t, don’t worry. Actually, she was so disappointed that we didn’t tell her, this was her chance to have sex with that hot body of yours!”

“The usual spontaneous Marie…but that won’t happen, and you all know that!”

“Come on, Michael…she’s not as fat as you picture her!”

“It’s not about that…I just don’t like her, is it a crime?”

“No, it’s not…okay! But you’re the first guy in history to refuse a good threesome!”

“Yeah, and probably the last one. And you also know you’ll have to go on with your own abilities from now on, so she won’t have sex with you in my body either!” I clarify.

But what am I talking about? Well, it all started some months ago, the 2nd of March, and it’s not easy to explain it…maybe it would be better for me to start over.

Chapter 3 – Exam Panic

2 March 2018

I’m sleeping. Then some noise wakes me up.

The light in the study it’s still on. I check my alarm clock: it’s 4:00 AM.

Sylvia is sobbing.

I rub my eyes, and I force myself to stand up. It’s cold, and I’ll be tired tomorrow morning. This would be okay if it were the first time, but it’s the fourth one, just this week. Yes, I could close the bedroom door, but I don’t want to encourage her to sleep on the sofa again, afraid to wake me up while opening the door.

I enter the study, and there she is, with dozens of book opened anywhere around the room. It’s almost spring, yet she’s covering her shoulders with a small blanket, with flowers portrayed on it.

She’s holding a napkin with her left hand, blowing her nose. Yes, she’s left-handed. And many other napkins are scattered across the desk.

“Sylvia, my love…what’s going on?”

She tries not to cry, but the tone of her voice fails to hide anything. “Michael…you know what’s going on…”

“You’re smart, knowledgeable: you’re ready for Monday exam!”

“It’s just 3 days, I don’t know a single thing…and you know that’s not about that…”

I really don’t know how to handle this. “Sylvia…I know you’re shy and everything, but you went through your bachelor and the first years of law school without any problem, you can do it!”

“…I wouldn’t say without any problem…every time I have to pass a test it’s a nightmare to me, and I’ve not always shown myself the day at the exam when I had to…and since…you, and all my friends, graduated, it’s even harder for me! I just can’t do it! I can’t!

“Of course you can! Like you’ve done many times before! You’ve been studying for this exam for months by now, and you’ve not shown up the last 2 times either!”

She starts to sob again, before saying, with a broken voice “This is even an oral one! What if I can’t answer? What if I can but the anxiety stops me, and I turn into a vegetable like the last time you and my father forced me to show up??”

“Honey…I’m sorry for that time, but we thought it was the best thing to do…”

“You and my dear father, a shiny future star of law and the legend behind the McBroom & Lee firm…what a nice team. In the meanwhile, I’m just an insignificant loser…I don’t even deserve my second name…everyone is judging me…”

Sylvia, as you should’ve noticed by now, is depressed. She’s been like this for months by now. Joseph, her father, is really harsh on her, but that’s not the right way to deal with my love. She’s just a delicate flower at night, that can’t wait for the sunrise, and hides behind the near weed. We’ve not even been intimate for these past months, and the whole situation it’s hard for me too. She manages to hide her feelings from Marie and her other friends, but (I don’t know if I should feel proud or doomed) she opens her heart when she’s alone with me.

“Sweetheart…I know what you’re feeling…”

“No! Of course you don’t! You’ve always been the best one in your course, passing every exam at the first round with the best grade…”

“You’re not fair Sylvia! You know I was broke, I needed to hurry up, I didn’t want to be a waiter forever…”

“And you’re just making it worse! You even worked while you managed to do that! While I just stand here all day long, without achieving a single thing other than feeling void…”

“You’re not void! You’re a symphony of colors! I can see that right through your wet eyes!” I say, trying to smile at her. “You’ll see! As soon as you start again to pass exams, your father will be less harsh, and you’ll retrieve your self-esteem! All you have to do is to find the courage from deep inside your heart, and surprise that professor with your brilliant mind!”

“Maybe…but I just can’t do it…this is a never-ending spiral…and I’m falling down…I don’t want to bring you with me…”

“Sylvia! Don’t say that! I’ll always be with you!!! If I could do something more for you than just trying to comfort you (and fail), I’d do it! Please, please Sylvia, just get up and…roar!”

She dries the last tear with the napkin, and she smiles. “You’re a treasure, Michael, I really love you! I hope someday I’ll be able to make you happy again!”

“You’re already making me happy! You’re trying so hard, and I’m proud to have such a strong woman by my side! I’d do anything for you, I really mean it!”

She looks right into my eyes for a brief moment. “Do you really mean it? ANYthing?”

“Of course! What could I do to make you feel better?”

“Well…you could…no, that’s nothing…”

“What? Tell me!”

“You wouldn’t agree to that…”

“I surely would if it’d make it better! Test me!”

“Oh…okay, but you asked for it. Why don’t you…pass the exam in my stead?”

I start to laugh. “Well, honey, it would be complicated to pass the security check and to convince the professor that I’m the famous Sylvia McBroom, don’t you think so?”

“It wouldn’t…if you wear my body on Monday…”

“Wait…are you talking about…The Swapper?”

“…I am”.

“But you know that’s illegal! And immoral!”

“It’s not immoral…you said yourself that I deserve to pass the exam, and…regarding its legality…how would they know? You just take my body, pass the exam, and switch back, nice and clear!”

“Well…then, what about the price of The Swapper??? I don’t have 200 thousand spare bucks…it’s so expensive that just some big companies can afford it!”

“Really, Michael?” she looks at me with a dazed face. “Are you worrying about money?”

“Ah…well if your father pays for it…”

“Let me deal with that. Will you just buy it for me?” she asks with her sweet voice, opening her laptop and showing a website to me.

“Look at this…it’s just 100 thousand buck. It has been used for a couple years by a modeling agency. Of course, I can’t pay for it on my own…as you said, what we’re going to do is not exactly legal: and exam is an official procedure. But…what if I gave you…let’s say 140k? We could say that I offered to cover your whole student loan, but you’d use 100k for The Swapper!”

“That would leave me 40k…but you know I don’t want any money from you!”

“It’s for me, don’t you remember?” she smiles. “Come on, Michael, pretty please?”

Don’t judge me: 40 thousand dollars would really help me. But, first of all, if that’s what she needs to feel better, I’ll do it: I’ve had enough of this situation, and I see no other way around it. I agree: it’s not immoral. She has all the knowledge she needs to pass the exam. And if the university finds out about our little trick, I’m pretty sure the mighty Joseph McBroom could get us out of the mud. Maybe she’d have to repeat the exam, but she’d be more confident after escaping the current situation.

“Okay, Sylvia. I’ll do it” I finally say, with a serious tone.

Chapter 4 – The Swapper

3 March 2018

Nowadays you can move huge amounts of money fast enough, and Sylvia managed, somehow, to credit me those 140 thousand dollars. Since it’s Saturday and I don’t have to work, I go to that modeling agency, and I grab The Swapper.

It’s kinda disappointing. You see it all over the news, everyone talks about it, and its price creates a fog of mystery about it. But it just fits a small box. You could mistake it for a blender if you didn’t know what’s inside. I refuse to open it on my own: Sylvia will be enthusiastic about this. She’s such a tech nerd, like me, and she definitely wanted to see one for real once in her life.

And I was not mistaken, since she jumps at me as soon as I park our second car in the garage. “Did you take it?”

“Yes! I have it!”

“Let me see it! Come on, let me see it!”

I open the trunk. “Here it is!”

I can hear a hint of disappointment in her voice. “Oh…is that it? That small box? I was expecting…more…”

“Well, the modeling agency didn’t have the original box, so they just stored it in this old blender box. At least, they kept the instructions”.

“You know, that’s not exactly the kind of item you want to mess around, I bet they kept the instructions! Come on, let’s read them, I can’t wait anymore!!!”

Once we’re sitting on the sofa, we open the box. Its content it’s even more disappointing. Its’ just a couple of metal bowls, connected by a rubber thread, with an hanging remote.

Sylvia looks perplexed. Then she grabs the instructions and she starts to read them out loud. “Dear costumer, congratulation for your purchase. With The Swapper, you’re able to swap body with whoever you want to, for as long as you like. We have to remind you that every swap it’s registered in our registers, and that many laws regulate the use of our technology, a technology only we, of The Swapper Company, have. Your privacy it’s, obviously, protected, but we can’t refuse to share our data with the authority if necessary. Now, let’s the fun part begin. All you have to do is to wear our special and thin titanium helmet, one for each person. Then, both of you will have to place your thumb on the back of the included remote: this will allow us to identify the users, as the fingerprint will be sent to our servers through the 5G connection built in the remote itself. Be aware that our studies have shown that the more time you spend in a body, the more you’ll take the former user traits, even if a complete change it’s impossible. There’s nothing more to say, enjoy your ride, and suggest our product to your friends! PS: each time you’ll swap with the same person, less time will be needed to complete the swap, but the first times it may take up to an hour: so, don’t wait for the last moment to start your experience!”

“That’s more like a promotional spot than a regular set of instructions” I say, after she’s been reading for some minutes.

“Ahahah, you’re right! At least they tell you everything you need to know! Although, I’m a little worried…do they really register every swap? What if the university finds out?”

“Don’t worry Sylvia, The Swapper Company clarifies that they need to share the data only if an investigation it’s already started! On the other hand, that one-hour long time for the swap makes me worry…you know I don’t usually get up really early, but I’ll have to on Monday, the morning of your exam!”

“I know Michael, and I really appreciate that!” she says, kissing my cheek.

I kiss her back. “So, honey, since I guess you’re not studying anymore today, what would you like to do?”

“Eheh…I won’t waste an opportunity to relax a little bit! But I promise you that right after you pass this exam for me, I’ll start to study for the next one!”

“I know you will! And how would you like to relax?” I ask, hoping to break this long period of sexual abstinence.

“I was thinking…it will be strange for you, on Monday, to be a petite woman for the first time, so many different feelings…why don’t we…try that right now?” she proposes, caressing my ear.

“Sylvia…this is not fun! We’re not doing it like it’s nothing! I’ll be fine on Monday morning”.

“I know you’ll be perfectly fine…but why don’t you want to act more prudently? If you’ll already know what’s like to wear a dress, some makeup…you’ll be able to just focus on my exam!”

“Honey…you know that’s just an excuse!” I laugh.

“Okay, I admit it, it is! But aren’t you curious about the most expensive item you’ve ever bought? Come on, we don’t have anything else to do this afternoon!”

“Fine…we should check if it really works after all” I finally give up.

Chapter 5 – The Swap

3 March 2018

We both go to the bathroom and we hydrate ourselves: an hour it’s a long time. We turn the lights and our phones off, and we finally lie down on our bed.

Sylvia is enthusiastic, and I don’t want to disappoint her. She puts the first titanium bowl on my head, then she lays down and she puts the other one on her head.

“This will ruin your hair” I joke.

“That’ll be your problem, Sylvia Russell” she answers.

“Well, I guess that Michael McBroom will help me to fix it anyway!” I laugh.

“It’ll be his pleasure. Now, my dear, put your thumb here whenever you’re ready” Sylvia says, while she, impatient, has already placed her thumb on the remote.

I do as instructed. A few moments later, we hear a beep. I didn’t know that The Swapper had built-in speakers. Who knows how much more technology it’s contained in this minimalistic-styled expensive device.

“Dear costumers, we identify you as Michael Russell and Sylvia McBroom. Are you sure you’d like to proceed with the swap? If you don’t, just remove our titanium helmets. If you do, just think about the word “Yes”, or about similar other words. Indeed, there is not any microphone built in The Swapper, for privacy reasons, but we don’t need it, since we’re able to track every electric wave inside our costumer’s brains, with this amazing technology we’re the only one in the whole world to own.”

“Wow, Sylvia, this is really cool!” I shout.

“Yes, but now let’s proceed!” she answers, in a serious mood.

“The consent of Sylvia McBroom has been registered. One more to go” the metallic voice continues.

I’m still afraid, so I’m not still ready to say, or think…”Yes!”.

“Come on, Michael…we don’t have all day” Sylvia complains.

“Here goes nothing…Okay!” I think.

“The consent of Michael Russell has been registered. The swap it’s starting. We estimate that 67 minutes will be enough to perform it”.

As soon as the metallic voice stops, my helmet start to shape itself to fit my head, very tightly. “Wow…that’s how it holds itself in place!”

“Mine is shrinking too!” Sylvia answers.

My helmet it’s not actually shrinking, because my head it’s not so small, but I guess the word she used fits her situation, so I don’t contradict her.

As the helmet becomes really tight, almost hurting me, a strong light starts to flash in our room, and I understand that it comes from the rubber thread that connects the two helmets, or bowls, as I liked to call them.

I feel some small electric shocks massaging the inner part of my brain, even though they say that the brain doesn’t have any sensory receptor. It’s actually not like this, but I don’t know how to describe this situation. I can’t even focus. It’s still 11 in the morning, but I feel an intense desire to rest. I can hear my breathing, and her breath too, closer and closer.

And I close my eyes, feeling more relaxed than ever.

Chapter 6 – Waking Up

3 March 2018

What was I talking about? Oh, yes, I was explaining what I feel now that The Swapper has started to work. Actually, I don’t feel anything anymore. Maybe it was just mapping my brain at the beginning, and the drowsiness was just a side effect, but now I feel more refreshed than ever! Okay, let’s see how much time it takes to accomplish the swap, I hope I won’t get bored during these 67 minutes, or I should say 65 by now, with my eyes clos…

“Aaaaah!” I hear a stranger voice from my side. I suddenly open my eyes. Nothing it’s different, the ceiling it’s gray, as always.

“What the hell it’s goin…” I ask…but, wait, what’s wrong with my voice??? I ask to myself, while massaging my throat. Wait…why is it so smooth??

“I think…ahem…” that voice continues “I think it already happened!”

I turn to that voice, and…I can’t believe my eyes. There I stand. Instinctively I brush my hair, expecting the mirror to do the same. Instead, I just feel smooth long hair beneath my fingertips, and some strands of black hair obscures my peripheral vision.

My jaw drops by surprise. “It…” I try to speak, but I’m still not accustomed to this voice, to Sylvia’s voice. “Is it already finished??? Those were the fastest 67 minutes of my whole life! I think we lost awareness!”

“Oh my…” she says “they always affirm that what you hear as your own voice it’s not like it sounds to others…and they’re right! Is that my real voice?”

“I…I think so? It seems slightly different from usual to me, and I couldn’t recognize my voice too!”

Then, her face changes from puzzled to curious. “So, Michael, how do you feel?” she asks me.

“Uh? …I feel like I’m looking at myself at the mirror. Are we sure it’s already finished? Or are we dreaming while it’s working?”

“Why do you believe so?” Sylvia answers. She coddles my left hand, with her rough skin. “It’s all real, darling” she asserts, while she raises our hands.

“Oh…you put some black nail polish, my favorite one. I haven’t even noticed it until now”.

“Really? Is this the only thing you’re feeling, cute voice?” she smirks.

That’s when I decide to close my eyes again, taking a deep breath. “Your hair are tickling my neck”. I breathe again. “Your nostrils are smaller, and I can feel that your lips are very soft while I’m speaking. Your voice doesn’t make my thorax tremble”.

“Yes! Then?”

I try to focus. “The air seems colder. Without any body hair to protect your skin, I feel like I’m outside, and the wind is touching me”.

She caresses my forearm: “Can you feel this?”

“Uh…your skin it’s very sensitive” I continue, reaching my tummy with my hands. “I’m quite fit myself, but I have to say this: you’re so slim! It’s not so toned as my stomach is…but it’s…lukewarm, even across the shirt”. These feelings are enchanting, with my eyelids still crossed. For a moment, I forget I’m in my bedroom, next to my Sylvia, and I feel lost in some far away rocket, orbiting around Jupiter. I’m massaging my belly, and, without realizing it, I raise my hands, up to two solid hills.

“Ahahah…I know you would have come to this!”

Coming back to Earth, I open my eyes wide, staring at the chandelier, feeling awkward.

“I’m just kidding, go on! It’s not the first time you play around with my twins! Do they seem bigger in your tiny palms?” Sylvia jokes.

I turn my head in her direction, and I observe deep into her soul. She’s having fun, like I’ve not seen her doing for a long time now, and this makes me smile. This time, I’m the one who squeezes her hand. “This is strange…it recalls me of when my parents used to take my hands during those Sunday strolls. It feels nice. It’s a pity we’re not doing that anymore”.

“Are you suggesting that I’m so tiny that I look like a little girl next to you?” she mocks me.

I don’t know what to answer. That’s one of that hateful question, where whether you answer yes or no you’re screwed.

“Ahahah…I’m just kidding! I know I’m a grown up adult. But I have to admit that I’m, let’s say…tinier than most women” she breaks the tension. “Speaking of that…it has been some random number of minutes that we swapped, and we’re still laying down on our bed: please, stand up, I want to check something!”

“Uh…fine”. But when I’m just going to stand up, I freeze.

“…Michael? What’s up?”

I swing my feet by the side of the bed. “I…I can barely touch the floor!”

“Welcome to my life!” she sings.

“Someone’s happy today” I comment.

“You can bet on it! Come on, stand up!” Sylvia insists, as she reaches me to the other side of the bed, already standing up.

I accept her hand, and I feel her lifting me up. “You’re stron”…then I freeze, again.

Sylvia is showing every one of her/my teeth in a wide smile.

“…I’m a fucking giant!!!” I shout, looking up at her nostrils. “I feel like my neck is going to sprain!”

“Actually, you’re so short!” she pats my head. “You’re barely reaching my chin” she states, proving it resting her jaw on my hair”.

“If you humiliate me, you humiliate yourself, Sylvia!” I say, trying to not sound too severe.

She answers with a laugh. Once she lowers her eyes to mine, bending her knees, she says “But that’s not important, you’re so cute to me!”

That’s what I always say to her in these occasion. “Beautiful, I use to world beautiful, not cute!”

“Hey, I don’t like arrogant women…are you one of those who believes herself worthy of the Miss Universe title?”

I genuinely laugh. I caress her biceps. “I might not be Miss Universe, but someone here is working hard at the gym!”

Sylvia cackles. Then she moves a strand of hair from my cheek, and sooner that I could realize it…she kisses me.

“What’s that for?”

“That is for you! I’m so lucky to have a partner that’s willing to try this with me. This whole experience is much more intimate than any confidence. I really appreciate what you’re doing for me”.

Sometimes actions are the best words. And so I hug her, and she hugs me back. I feel my breast pressing her belly, her arms holding me tightly, the well-defined muscle on her back. “Being in this position it’s not all bad: I could get hypnotized by your heart-beating!”

There we stand, for a couple minutes…I would say, if I hadn’t already lost the conception of time by now.

Chapter 7 – An Unusual Afternoon

3 March 2018

“So, are we going to spend the whole afternoon hugging in a dark bedroom?” she breaks the silence.

“Ahahah…what do you want to do?”

“I want to reach the highest shelves, I want to open every damn mug that this house contains, I want to take you in my arms while I walk through that door, I want to lift up some heavy boxes, and then call someone you know pretending to be you. Then…let me think…I wanna drink more alcohol than I’m usually allowed to, and I wanna eat until I explode!”

She makes me smile. She looks like she’s never passed a prison cell gate. I don’t want to spoil her fun. “Let’s keep the alcohol part for another time, if you lift my 100 pounds you don’t need to prove anything more with some stupid box. Regarding everything else, what are we waiting for?”

And so she doesn’t waste any time: she takes me in her arm, walking towards our kitchen. She takes a bunch of bean mugs from the highest shelf, and she eats five of them after a brief cooking session. Finally, she calls my usual fish seller, ordering a dozen of codfish…and pretending to be me.

“Are you happy now?”

“Oh my…I can barely walk after that binge eating, and I don’t think those beans were very high quality…but did you see how many I managed to eat? I’m usually sated with half a mug!”

“I noticed that…” I say, pointing at my stuffed tummy. “So, are we switching back or what?”

Sylvia looks at me surprised. “I thought we were going to stay like this two more days, until my exam on Monday!”

“No, Sylvia! This is fun, but I’m not very comfortable in your clothes…”

“You’re not comfortable YET!”

“Whatever…anyway, we know that the longer we stay in a body, the better we adapt! What if I took some of your uncertainties, and I end up scared to death by the exam? It’s safer to just swap again on Monday morning, as we already know what it feels like after this test!”

She ponders over her choices. “You’re probably right! We’re going to swap back soon! But…do you promise me we’re going to swap again another day? That’s so many stuff I’d like to try out!”

“You’ll be free on Monday morning, while I undergo YOUR exam!” I chuckle.

“Oh, right! I want to shave your beard then, don’t do that yourself!”

“…alright! I just hope you’re not going to cut my cheeks! But I guess that’s impossible the first time”.

“Thank you for your trust Michael! Anyway, should we try some outfits, and choose the best one for the exam?”

“Uhm…I trust you, pick what you feel it’s best”.

“May I try them on you? Just to see the big picture?”

“What a bore…fine!”

“…and what about makeup?”

“I guess this is quicker if I just say yes”.

“And you’re right!” she laughs. “Let’s go, I’m gonna teach you a thing or two!”

“Thanks…I guess…”

What follows are many of Sylvia’s attempts to teach me how to style my hair, and how to apply some makeup. But I guess you can’t learn that much in a single day. Finally, she gives up, accepting to do that in my stead on Monday morning.

“That’s just one thing I can’t do for you!”

“What is it?” I ask, regretting it almost immediately.

“Wait for me!” Sylvia says, before coming back a minute later with…”Heels!”

“No, no, no! I’m not going to wear those shoes!” I assert, unmoved.

“But they’re so elegant! You’ll make a good impression with the professor!”

“Let me handle the impressions. I’ll just wear a pair of flat shoes…you don’t want me to fall down, do you?”

“Alright! You’ll wear a pair of flat shoes! However…will you try these on right now, pretty please? For me?”

“…why do you want that?”

“I just wanna have fun! Do you have something better to do anyway? I’ll handle your hands, so that you won’t sprain my ankles!”

“I could do a billion different things to have more fun…and I…” I look for an excuse “I have to study! I don’t remember everything, you know…”

“Don’t lie to me! You know you’re already remembering more than enough!”

I sigh. “You won. Give me that pair of shoes”. Together with those shoes, she gives me a pair of jeans shorts and a form-fitting pink shirt that exposes my navel. “I guess that complaining would be useless: let’s get this over with!”

There’s no need to say that I was about to fall every damn step. At least, after half an hour of tries, I got slightly better. Now I’m not even squeezing Sylvia’s hand, opting to lean against the wall.

“My feet are hurting, I guess this is enough, please!”

She kisses my forehead. “You’re wonderful. This was one of the funniest mornings of my whole life. Let’s switch back!”

This time, the helmets are already fitting our respective heads.

“Dear Michael and Sylvia” that metallic voice welcomes us again. “Did you enjoy your experience?”

“Yes”, I think.

“We’re glad to her that. Are you ready to swap back?”

“Definitely yes!” I think.

“The consent of Sylvia McBroom has been registered. One more to go”.

“But I just said yes!” I think, annoyed.

“We know, Sylvia, but we’re still missing Michael consent”.

“Wait…is it calling me Sylvia? And is…Sylvia consent needed even to swap back?? This is odd…” I think, as the metallic voice starts to speak again.

“The consent of Michael Russell had been registered. The swap it’s starting. We estimate that 62 minutes will be enough to perform it”.

I feel those small electric shocks inside my brain again.

Everything goes black.

As soon as I regain my consciousness I open my wide open, and I bring my hand to my pelvis. Thank God: it’s there!

I turn to Sylvia, and I caress her hand. Now, we’re closer than ever.

Chapter 8 – The (First) Exam

5 March 2018

“This was an interesting morning: I can’t wait to tell Sylvia about it! Speaking of her…where did she go? I’m sorry that the professor indirectly forced her to leave the classroom, but why should it matter anyway? It’s passed around half an hour since then: this surely has been a long exam, maybe even longer than mine, when I underwent it”. I look around the hall, but I can’t find her. “Maybe I should give her a call”.

I search for my…her smartphone in the purse, but I’m still not used to do that with just one free hand, then I look for a bench and I use it as a support.

Finally, I’ve found her smartphone! “Wait…dammit! What’s her pin again? What a bore: with all that’s going on I completely forgot about it, what should I do?”

I stand there disheartened, continuing my research, until I finally remember that I’m now allowed to unlock her phone with the face recognition!

“I’m happy that Sylvia is not into long-nails, otherwise it would have been difficult to compose my phone number”.

Her phone it’s smaller than mine, yet it feels huge placed on my cheek. I’m having enough time to notice those small things: this means she’s not answering my call yet, and this isn’t fair because…

“Hey, Michael…is it over?”

“Look who’s finally speaking to me: where the hell are you?”

“Ahaha…since your professor didn’t want me over there, I went shopping! For one time, I don’t have to force you to try out any trousers!” she solves the mystery. Then, her voice gets wretched: “You’re avoiding my question because…the exam failed, am I right? You don’t have to worry, my dear, I appreciate your commitment. You deserve some new clothes as a gift anyway!”

That’s when I start to laugh out loud. Once I realize that’s still people who’s undergoing their exam a few rooms from here, I look around to see if I’ve bothered someone: not a single soul. “My little princess, YOU don’t have to worry: Sylvia McBroom is now just 11 exams away from her graduation!”

She’s not reacting. “Sylvia? Are you still there?”

“Oh my gosh! You did it! You really did it! Dad will be so proud of me, thank you so much…I don’t know what to say!!!”

“Your relief it’s my thanks!” I affirm, proud of how my morning has passed. I’m sorry that I had to skip work, but it was worth it.

“Tell me more, come on! Tell me more!”

“I’ll do that, but will you come and pick me before that, please? I’m not at ease in such a luxurious university!” I say, with a pinch of irony.

Her joy can’t be restrained once, some minutes later, she comes back to me. “Michael! You’re great! Here are some small gifts for you, to prove you my gratitude!” she says, handing me a couple of clothes bag.

I’m about to thank her, when I notice an old bewildered man staring at us, and so I whisper “Maybe it’d be better if we used each other name while we’re in this…let’s say condition. Don’t you recall that we’ve done something that’s not exactly considered legit?”

Understanding my concerns, she corrects her discourse “Come on, Sylvia! Don’t get angry at me just because I highlight that, sometimes, you act like a tomboy! Okay, okay…this are MY clothes. They wouldn’t fit you anyway”.

The elderly stranger has now withdrawn his look, so I take her big hand and I walk through the parking lot. I’m definitely not used to Sylvia driving at my place, but everything was fine at the outward voyage, then there’s no reason to not let her drive in my stead.

“Okay, Sylvia” she mocks me “now that we’re alone…”

“Now that we’re alone you can call me by my name! But be careful the nex…if there’ll be a next time, because we don’t know who’s listening!”

“It’s fine! I like to call you Sylvia, you look like one to me!”

“What a bore…call me however you want to. So, now that we’re alone?”

“…describe me everything! How did the exam go? Was the professor happy? Did he say something?”

“Uh…yeah, I took an A+…”

“What? Really??? I know you’re used to that kind of grades, but that will definitely raise my average grade!”

“Let’s hope this won’t raise any suspicion instead…anyway, the professor was very surprised. He even asked me to work on my degree thesis with him…”

“Wow!!! And you’ve accepted, right?”

“I’ve told him I would have thought about it…I couldn’t choose for you!”

“You’re right…have I told you how proud I am of you?” she says, with a wide heart-felt smile.

“And I’m proud of being your other-half, honey” I answer, caressing her shoulder with my left hand.

I realize that maybe I’ve been doing that for a moment too much when Sylvia speaks again “Do you like what you’re fondling?”

If I hadn’t an olive skin tone, I would have blushed. “No…I…I was just thinking that I’m following the right workout schedule!”

She caresses my thigh, just above my knee, where the skirt leaves place to the stockings I’m wearing. “You’ve nothing to be ashamed about! You’ve been in my body for a whole morning by now, so it’s completely normal that you start to feel attracted by the other sex: and let me specify that you’re a great example of the handsome men faction! I’m liking your smooth warm skin myself!”. She continues to caress me.

I feel…strange…in my tender zones. Why is her…my hand doing this effect to me? I know for sure that Sylvia doesn’t care very much about sex, poor me! She, indeed, suffers from a pathology called anorgasmy: she likes the act of sex, but she’s not able to have any orgasm. And no, it’s not my fault, she’s actually never had a climax at all, poor her! “Well, I’m glad I usually have on you the same effect you’re having on me right now…but, pretty please, could you push the gas pedal? I want to swap back as soon as possible!”

I have a feeling that we’re not doing this again for a long, long time: better safe than sorry!

Chapter 9 – A Brief Proposition

12 May 2018

I’m surfing the web when I hear Sylvia saying out loud “Michael? Come here!”

I find her in our garage, with a rag we use to remove dust in one hand. “Look what I’ve found! Do you remember the last time we used this?” she asks, pointing at The Swapper.

“Of course I do…why?”

“I guess it would be fun to do that again, what do you think? I could do some heavy house work while you play any videogame you like, I think I’d like to work with your strong arms!” she affirms.

Sylvia remembers with joy that fifth day of March. For once, she loved to be the tall one, the strong one. At the beginning, she proposed me to do it again, but she’s never done that in the last couple of months. At least, I’m glad she’s not scolding me for my videogame hobby this time. “I’m sorry, honey…you know that I didn’t like what…what I was feeling the last time we did that!” Indeed, I definitely don’t want to be sexually attracted by my own body, my man body.

“Come on, you have even refused to undergo that exam for me!”

As a matter of fact, she failed an exam on April. She just freezed in front of her professor at the first question. I’m sorry for that: she really needed a proof that she’s able to graduate by herself. Anyway, I refused to help her the last month: she didn’t actually ask me to swap bodies, but I knew that she wanted to do it. “Sylvia…I’m sorry for how it went, but you can’t blame me! Anyway, there are no heavy house works to do!”

“Ehm…you just say that because you’re not 5’0ft short and you’re arms aren’t as weak as mine: to me, even wiping it’s tiring!”

“I’m sorry to hear that! Do you want me to wipe the dust?”

She snorts. “It doesn’t matter, just pretend I haven’t said anything”.

And I’m in trouble, again. There won’t be any sex in my evening, again.

Chapter 10 – A Great Awakening

7 June 2018

It’s been so much that we haven’t had sex, that I’m even dreaming of her. Yes, I’m not fantasizing about some famous actress or about some random model from a commercial: I miss her. But not in my dreams. Yeah, she’s blowing me, finally! I can feel her hair touching my pelvis. Sometimes, she touches my glans with her teeth: Sylvia is not an expert at blowjobs, but I’m happy that…wait! Why does this dream feel so real???

I open my eyes. I see our usual gray ceiling. I look down…and there she is! My Sylvia, giving me a blowjob first thing in the morning!!! “Honey…what…???” I shout. I’m not used to these great awakenings.

“Do you like this?” she asks, with a nasty look…and some saliva on her chin.


“I’ll take that as a yes. And I think you’ll like this even more!” she says, while standing up. A few seconds later she’s back, with a condom in her hands.

I’m still half-asleep, and I can’t believe this is finally happening after so much time!

She clumsily wraps my dick in that condom, and she finally sits on it.

Damn, she’s really been working out lately! I’m hypnotized by the rhythmic bounce of her breast. Her body is just…perfect! I love her tiny hands fondling my chest, I love her cute face while she stares at me with a confidence I would have never thought she could have. I can’t help but grab her ass. I feel her smooth olive skin, up until her flanks, and down to her thighs. I can feel the rhythm of her muscle contracting and releasing to realize this blessed cowgirl position.

I want this to last forever…but it’s been so much time!!! I think about the most disgusting stuff I can, but I know I’m about to cum, and all of this will finish. My penis starts to twitch: I’m almost there.

Unexpectedly, that’s when Sylvia moves, making my member fall out of her. It stands there, erect, craving just another thrust. “Oh oh, someone knows that we don’t have any time to lose! It’s been three minutes and you’re already cumming?”

“Why? …time…what???” I don’t understand. Uh…she’s talking about her exam: is it today? “But…why are you…doing this, when you have to get ready for your exam? And, first of all, why did you stop???”

She bends her back until she reaches my lips, then she kisses me. I can feel her moist tongue teasing mine. I want her! I desire her!!!

Then, Sylvia breaks the kiss. She gets closer to my ear, and she whispers “Don’t worry, I got up an hour earlier, we’ve actually plenty of time. Regarding the reason why I stopped: if you want to climax, you’re going to undergo the exam in my stead, just like you did on March!”. She then comes back to the cowgirl position, sitting on my shaft, and slowly teasing me. “So, what do you think of my proposal?”

Oh my…I don’t want to…but I want to come back inside of her! What should I do???

“Come on, Michael! You like my body very much, don’t you want to really have it? It’s just a couple of hours, nothing you haven’t already done!” she continues, with a seductive voice.

It’s not a big deal. But I don’t want to get her accustomed to this kind of threats! …damn, she’s still moving, I can’t think clearly!!!

While I try to choose, she stands up.

“No, no! Sylvia, darling, come back here, please!”

“I’m not going anywhere! I’ll be back in moment” she specifies, taking The Swapper from her night stand, in order to place it on our bed, next to us. “I think I already know what you want. Do we have a deal?”

Damn. She’s smart. I love her. “We do” I answer “just do it, please!!!”

“Yes! Thank you!!!” Sylvia rejoices, respecting her end of the deal.

One thrust, two thrusts. I lose my mind again. Three thrusts, and I’m done.

Oh my…it was definitely worth it!

Chapter 11 – A Lunch Together

7 June 2018

Damn, they always picture me as a genius lawyer…and maybe I am! Without any forewarning, I was able to pass the exam, again, without any problem. I feel so proud: growing up in a low-level university, you always feel like you’re lacking something, like they’re giving you just some random coupon for your life whenever you pass an exam. But here I am, doing great in one of the best law schools of the country, and I don’t have any reason to doubt about myself.

The flush of a toilet bowl wakes me up from my daydreaming. I’m staring at myself, at Sylvia’s reflection, in the university toiler, the “ladies room”, to be accurate. I entered here just to piss, but I couldn’t do it: “Damn, Sylvia, next time you should avoid to drink so much tea for breakfast!” I think to myself.

I can’t even apply my own makeup. Understanding that I may look odd to the woman who’s going to come here anytime soon, I decide it’d be better to just go meet Sylvia in the lobby. Today, again, she seems like this is the best day of her life.

I gave a start when I find her talking with someone, someone I know really well: Joseph McBroom, her father. From his 57 years of life, I wonder how he’s able to stay that fit. However, he’s much shorter than me, standing 5’6ft: that’s, probably, one of the reasons why Sylvia is so petite: you can’t ignore genetics. Anyway, Joseph is taller than me right now, and this feels strange.

As I get closer, I hear Sylvia shouting “And here’s our heroine!”, while Joseph claps his hands.

He’s massaging his long white beard, which matches his grizzled long hair. That’s a pity that Sylvia didn’t take those blue eyes from him. “Sylvia, darling! I’m so proud of you! The professor let me and Michael listen to your oral exam, and I assure you that you’re great: I can’t wait to see you work at my office every day!”

“Ehm…thank you Joseph” I answer, realizing that I won’t ever be a partner in a firm so prestigious as “McBroom & Lee”. Life can be ironic sometimes.

“From when are you calling your dad by his birth name, Sylvia?” Sylvia asks me with an embarrassed look.

“Oh…sorry…dad!” I correct myself.

“Don’t worry darling, I guess you’ve been studying late these days to prepare for such a great performance! You’re just tired”. As he loosens the situation, Sylvia smiles again. “I was thinking that you deserve a special lunch with your dad! It’s been so much time since the last time we’ve been on our own…” He turns to Sylvia “What do you think, Michael? Will you borrow me your wonderful girlfriend for a couple of hours?”

Oh no, we didn’t expect this. We need to swap back, now. “Oh, dad, I’d gladly do that, but I’d like to come back home and to fix my makeup, do you mind?” I ask, hoping to have enough time to use The Swapper again.

“There’s no need to, Sylvia, you look gorgeous!” Joseph states, caressing my hair. “If you weren’t my own daughter, I would probably ask you out!” Well, this is awkward: again, if Sylvia hadn’t an olive skin tone, I would be blushing right now.

“It…it’s ok da…Joseph” Sylvia finally takes part in our conversation. “It’s been a long time since your last lunch together: Sylvia will be very happy to spend some time with her dad!” As she emits those words, I can see her smile disappearing, and her eyes watering. She would gladly take her place back right now. “I will just have a slice of pizza! There’s a nice pizza restaurant down there, I’d like to try it out” she continues.

“A pizza restaurant? No, no! My Sylvia won’t eat in that garbage place: I will take her to a very nice location I know” Joseph jokes. “You know, Michael, sometimes you’re lucky to be…not rich: you’re able to enjoy every kind of food. But don’t worry, when you’ll get married, I’ll let you taste some sweet stuff, and that will be on me!” he pats on Sylvia’s shoulder. “Now, I don’t want to waste time anymore: Sylvia, darling, let’s go! We’ll use my car. See you soon Michael, and thank you again for your support to my daughter!”

Chapter 12 – Father And Daughter

7 June 2018

“I’ve never been in such a fancy place!” I state, at the end of our lunch.

“What do you mean, darling? I know it’s been long since our last lunch together, but you’ve visited plenty of places like this one with me!” Joseph corrects me. Dammit, I still have to get accustomed to pretend I truly am Sylvia.

Anyway, this restaurant is actually really nice. “Yes…d…dad, I mean in the last couple of years!”

“Eheh, I know that Michael can’t afford places like this” he chuckles. “Speaking of him, how are things between you going?”

Oh my…why do I have to do this? “Very well, thank you for your interest!”

“Come on, don’t be so distant, tell me more!”

“Well…he’s very kind with me…” I actually am. “These last months weren’t easy for me, with the law school and everything, and he’s always been by my side…”

“I’m glad to hear this! But now you’re down on your track again, am I right? 2 exams in 4 months it’s not a lot, but it’s a start! Those exams weren’t easy either” Joseph is now serious. “I guess that Michael is a great help for you, am I right?”

“…indeed he is! You can’t even imagine how much he’s helping me with my exams!” Did I talk too much?

“I knew it! He’s such a smart guy, and he’ll be a great lawyer one day, I feel it!”

My jaw drops. “You…you’re always so mean to him, about his poverty…so…do you appreciate him?” My heart is beating faster. I don’t know why, but I care about Joseph’s approval.

“Of course I do! I’ve always told you that Michael is the best boyfriend you’ve ever had! If I mock him, it’s because I want him to aim to something better than that job at the courthouse. Actually, I think he’s a great influence for you. But I don’t get why you’re so surprised: my opinion about him has never been a mystery!”

I don’t know what to say. Sylvia has always told me something similar, but I’ve never believed her. I just thought that she wanted to make me feel better, but that Joseph was plotting to marry her to a wealthy daddy’s boy.

“Hey? Earth to Sylvia? Are you still with me?” he laughs.

“Oh…yes, sorry!”

“What were you thinking about, my princess?”

“I…I was thinking that I really need to go to the bathroom! The university one wasn’t really clean, so…” This time, I’m not lying.

“I see! Even if this is a fancy restaurant, its bathroom will never be as clean as the one at your old home, let’s go!”

“…what do you mean? Won’t you just give me a ride to my house?”

“Come on! We could spend an afternoon together! Don’t tell that you’re already studying for the next exam!” he jokes. Joseph is actually joking a lot, while Sylvia uses to describe him as a very strict dad. “You could use a nap too, and I’ve never removed your old bed from your previous room! I’ll give Svetlana a call, and I’ll make her fetch some clean bed sheets”.

“Thanks…dad, but I’d like to…” but he’s not listening to me. Instead, he’s already calling his maid.

Chapter 13 – Well Rested

8 June 2018

I hear someone knocking at my door. I rub my eyes, and I try to open them. I was doing a strange dream: I was in Sylvia’s body, sleeping in her old room. How funny!

There comes the knock again. “Miss McBroom? Are you awake?” says a stranger voice, with an east European accent. “I’m sorry to bother you…but Mister McBroom wanted me to check on you, and to ask you what you want me to cook you for lunch…”

What? Where am I? What time is it? Oh shit. I went for a nap as soon as me and Joseph got back home, and I am probably waking up just now. Again, what time is it?

She knocks again. “I’m sorry, Miss McBroom…I’m Svetlana, may I get in?”

Give me a minute, dammit. “Yeah…of course…come in…” I’m not accustomed to have a maid at my orders.

There she enters. Something tells me that she’s gorgeous, standing 5’6ft with her pale skin, blonde long curly hair, blue eyes and skinny body. I wish I were as beautiful as her. Wait…what? Never mind, I’ve been more than a whole day in Sylvia’s body, it’s probably influencing me a little bit. “What did you want me to say, Svetlana?”

“I…ehm…what do you want to eat for lunch, ma’am?”

I’m actually quite hungry. That’s probably because I’ve skipped dinner and breakfast. Why was Sylvia’s body so tired? Oh…of course, she wasn’t sleeping at all, in order to study for the exam that I passed in her stead. Shit, Sylvia! What did she think about my disappearance? I had to go to the courthouse today…I have to check my phone, I hope I don’t lose my job. “Svetlana, just cook whatever you feel like to!”

“Ehm…excuse me, Miss McBroom, could you be more specific?”

“Ok: cook something edible! Now, if you don’t mind, I want a little privacy!”

“Ehm…sure, ma’am, I’m sorry for the bother. The meal will be served downstairs in around half an hour” Svetlana says, walking to the door and closing it behind her.

Finally! Now, let me check my phone, I hope the case was postponed!

I wonder where it is, when I glimpse Sylvia’s purse on the nightstand. Could this go even worse? Of course, I have her phone instead of mine. I quickly check it: 2 new messages. The first one is from Marie, she asks me if I’m planning to do something for tomorrow lunch, but I don’t have time to answer her right now…in any case Sylvia would go out with her, surely not me. The second message is from Micha…it’s from Sylvia. It’s a selfie with…my body, in an elegant suit, all shaved, with my client. Oh no…did she go to the courthouse in my stead??? I have to call her.

One beep. Two beeps. Finally, this time she answers early. “Hey Mic…Sylvia, how are you?” she greets me, with a joyful voice.

“…Michael, dammit, what’s going on???”

“Someone wanted to wake up late today, didn’t he?”

I haven’t checked the clock yet. There’s an alarm clock on the night stand, next to the purse: it’s 1:20PM. “Woow…I guess…this body was really tired!”

“Thank you for having refreshed it for me! I had a wonderful job day, I’m so excited that it feels like the first one! I won the case, in the meanwhile…I feel so proud! Sorry Sylvia, I can’t talk right now, I have to say hello to my client!”

“Okay…I guess…please, text me as soon as you can…” I request, before she hangs up.

I walk to Sylvia’s previous personal bathroom: what a luxury to have your own bathroom next to your room! When I check myself in the mirror, I realize that I’m such a mess. And I can’t even do my own makeup, dammit.

After thinking about it for a while, I realize that I still have around 20 minutes left before lunch: it would be better to try to apply some makeup, I’ve got nothing to lose in the current condition.

I start by combing her short black hair, and I find it easier than I thought: it’s even easier than brushing my own hair. The next step is to take Sylvia’s make up bag from her purse, and do the best I can. She teached me the basics on our first swap, and I’m surprised by how many of them I still recall. The result actually seems pretty fine…am I a natural, or is her body influencing me more than I’m realizing? Anyway, it’s time to go downstairs.

My clothes got creased, as I slept in them. Does this make me feel uncomfortable? I don’t have time to think about that, because I’m shocked by what I see in the kitchen: Mister Joseph McBroom is busy giving a French kiss to Svetlana, his innocent foreign maid. Yes, it seems what it is, because he’s even squeezing her bottom.

“Ehm…I’m here…what is…what’s going on?” I ask them, embarrassed.

He breaks the kiss. Svetlana suddenly blushes, while she holds her skirt down on her knees. Joseph, on the other hand, is perfectly at ease: “Sylvia, my princess, what do you think it’s going on? I’m a man, after all, and I have needs: since your mother and me got divorced, I’ve always refused any goldigger that wanted me. Luckily, Svetlana is more than glad to satisfy my needs.” With nonchalance, he holds my chair as I sit down, and he takes his place. “You were really tired, I guess! You’ve been sleeping for something like 20 hours…that’s crazy! But that proves how much you worked in the last period”.

Still shocked by the previous scene, I try to answer “Yes…I worked really hard…dad…”

“And now that you’ve managed to deal with your shyness, I want you to finally graduate, as Michael and your friend Marie! They’re no better than you! Well…maybe they are, but you’ll succeed anyway!”

Here he goes, always putting pressure on my little Sylvia. Still, I can’t remove the image of Joseph kissing Svetlana from my mind. I feel jealous: is it because I’d like to…have sex with her too, or is it because I’d like him to come back with mom…with Sylvia’s mother? What is happening to me?

“That long nap wasn’t enough to prevent you from daydreaming, was it?” he stops my meditation.

“Oh…that’s nothing…it’s just that…” I have to say something, otherwise he’ll demand too much from Sylvia, and this will result in her break. “…I’ve still not truly found my confidence! I know that I just passed two exams, but the path ahead of me it’s still arduous…” I shouldn’t use such refined terms, Sylvia usually doesn’t.

“Sylvia, darling, make it easier and shorter, then! You know my way of thinking: if you want, you can!”

I wish it were that easy, dear Joseph. But Sylvia will face her own challenges. I just want to swap back.

“Hey, princess, your phone is flashing!”

“Oh, thanks! I didn’t notice it…I still haven’t restored the ringtone from the exam”. It’s Sylvia, she’s finally texting me. She says that Joseph warned her that I was going to sleep at her old house, and when she didn’t see me this morning, she decided to go to work in my stead. Luckily, the case was already debated, and my client was just waiting for the verdict. She’s particularly glad that she was able to shave my beard and to dress up in that nice suit…women, such strange creatures.

“Okay, my love, I’m happy for you, but just come and pick me, please!” I text her back.

Chapter 14 – An Harsh Argument

12 August 2018

“Okay, thank you for your gift, but I couldn’t care less about a fucking smartwatch!!!” Sylvia is shouting at me, in our living room.

Today is her birthday, the day that she finally becomes my peer, reaching the 26th year of life, like me.

“You know what I want! What does it cost you? Where did that shitty rhetorical sentence you used to say, that everything mine is yours, and everything yours is mine???” she continues, angry, staring right into my eyes.

It’s been 2 months from her last exam: Joseph is expecting some results anytime soon, but she’s fallen in the usual damned spiral again. This contributed to intensify her dissatisfaction, and dissatisfaction makes you more prone to get angry. Right now, Sylvia is shouting at me because I refused both to borrow her my body and to take other exams in her stead. It may sound selfish, but I don’t like at all the influence that her body has on my brain every time: the last time, after our longest swap, it took me two days to fully feel myself again, once back in my body! Sylvia, on the other hand, liked those changes: she was finally getting more confident etcetera.

“Are you even listening to me??? Earth calls Michael! Why don’t you want to do this gift to me? We’ve already swapped three times, and everything went fine!!!”

This is all Marie’s fault. Do you remember that Marie is bisexual, and used to have some sex with my Sylvia? I’ve never minded that. She even wants to have a threesome with us, but I don’t like her. And do you remember when, on the 21st of July Sylvia told her that we used to swap sometimes, and that The Swapper was the reason why we knew each other so well? Since then, it’s been three weeks that Marie has been asking Sylvia to have sex with her…with my body.

Here I stand, picking up the rest of the expensive smart watch that I bought Sylvia for her birthday. I’ve never seen her this furious. She usually gives me all the money I need to buy her nice gifts, knowing that I’m much poorer than her, but this time she doesn’t want anything material. “Sylvia…why can’t you see the reasons why I don’t want this? I don’t like Marie! I don’t like chubby women…I’m sorry, but these are my tastes, it’s not my fault!”

“And so? I’ll have sex with her, not with you! I’ve done it many times, and you’ve always said you didn’t mind!”

“But…but that’s my body! It’s disgusting! I don’t want my body to have sex with her!”

“Then, have sex with me yourself, with my body! Am I disgusting too?”

“Of course not…but I don’t want to have sex as the other gender…”

“Well, instead I’d like to try it out! You should be more open-minded!”

“What a bore…and what about William? What does he think about her girlfriend fucking another man?”

“Why do you care? You’ve always said theirs is a frivolous affair. And, in any case, she would have sex with me, a woman, even if I’m in your body!”

“I see…but why do you desire it so much? I don’t understand you!”

I don’t know if that’s because of my question, or if she’s just exhausted from the argument, but Sylvia sits down on the sofa, and starts to sob. “You know that…I’ve never had an orgasm…that I suffer from anorgasmia…Marie says that…maybe that’s because of my body…” she’s looking at her knees “…maybe with yours…I could see what it’s like…”

“But a female orgasm is different from a male one…” I answer.

She starts to cry.

I can’t hold this any longer. I sit next to her, and I cover her tiny shoulders with my right arm. “I’m sorry, my love…today’s your birthday, and you deserve a great gift. I won’t lie, this is a remarkable sacrifice to me, but…I’ll do it”.

“…I…I love you, so much!” she answers, hugging me with all her strength.

Chapter 15 – A Special Birthday Gift

12 August 2018

One thing is to swap bodies with your girlfriend, without anyone knowing about it, and one completely different thing is to have her best friend staring at you, smirking. Everything was fine about the swap: it took around 47 minutes this time, getting shorter each time we use The Swapper. When we woke up, Marie was already waiting outside our house: I’ll never understand why she’s into me this much. I get it, she finds me attractive, but I don’t crave any woman that looks gorgeous.

Here I am, with my arms crossed on my chest, as Marie, much taller than I recalled her to be, pats my head. “Michael??? Is really you in there?”

“Yes…” I answer, looking at the floor.

“I can’t believe this…you two are making fool of me!” she states, caressing the hair next to my cheek.

“…Marie, you’re the own who asked us to do this, why should we lie to you?”

“Then prove it to me!” she continues, now looking at Sylvia, in my body. “Do you recall what I told you about William’s uncle?”

At this question, Sylvia’s facial expression suddenly changes, becoming embarrassed at first, then entertained.

“Ok, now I believe you!”

“Wait, wait…” I interrupt her “…what are you talking about? Who is William’s uncle?”

“Ahaha…never mind” Sylvia answers “it’s nothing important. Marie just needed to ask me that, because only I could have understood her reference!”. They laugh together. I feel an extraneous in my own house, and I don’t like this.

Marie gets closer to Sylvia, wrapping her left hand on her neck, squeezing my old pectoral with the other one. “Too much time has passed since our last time together…but today I want you to have a great birthday, and me to have a lot of fun!” she states, with a seductive voice tone. She’s acting like I’m not even around.

My jaw drops when she…kisses my Sylvia on the lips. At first she’s reluctant, then the not-so-innocent kiss turns into a slow French kiss. I don’t know how to describe this situation…it’s so surreal! It’s like I’m watching a video where I’m making out with my friend, except that I’ve never done that, and it’s not me.

When the kiss stops, Marie reaches her purse, and takes out a bunch of condom. “Wow…that was fast…” I say, with a low voice.

“Hey, darling” Marie finally notices me “the sooner we get this over, the less weird it’ll be…and I couldn’t wait any longer!”. Without any preparation, she feels…my old penis, through the trousers. “It’s still flaccid, but this will change soon enough!” she comments, taking Sylvia’s hand, guiding her to our bedroom, where I’ll still sleep many times in the future. “Michael, come with us, please: you’re welcome if you want to join us!”

“…what?!? No, thanks…I don’t need to join you…just do what you have to do…”

“Actually, either you join us or not, I’d like you to watch us: I find it…so hot!”

“Come on Michael!” Sylvia calls me “it’ll be worse if you’ll just imagine us in that bedroom! And yes, it’s very hot! You could even give me some advices on how to treat our friend Marie!”

“Wait!” Marie says. “I have an even better idea! What if we do a little roleplaying, where Sylvia pretends to be Michael and vice versa?”

“We don’t need to pretend…we actually ARE each other right now…” I answer, hoping to end this idea right at its start: this whole situation is already embarrassing enough, and they haven’t even started yet. I need to shift the attention: “Just one thing, Sylvia, aren’t you jealous that Marie wants to fuck me so bad?”

“I trust her, she would never push you to cheat on me! Anyway, I’d find that really hot, as I’ve told you countless times. Right now, her passion towards you just intrigues me: I want to go all the way down!” Sylvia answers.

“And what about you…Sylvia?” Marie asks, looking at me. “Aren’t you jealous that I’m going to fuck your boyfriend…Michael?”

“Nobody wants to roleplay, Marie…” I answer, irritated.

Marie smirks at me, then she kisses Sylvia again. “Enough with the chitchats!” she states, as Sylvia let her take the lead, walking to the bedroom.

Once there, Marie wastes no time, as she pushes Sylvia on the bed with all her forces. “This is the sexiest experience of my whole life…it’s like I’m taking the virginity of a grown-up handsome looking man: this makes me feel special, guiding you, pleasing you…” she says, unhooking Sylvia’s belt.

Marie kisses her penis through the underpants. “I know you’re not into girls right now, but as soon as you’ll feel my wet warm mouth, this thing will become huge…I assure you!”

As soon as she removes Sylvia’s underpants, she takes my whole flaccid member in her mouth.

“This feels…nice…” Sylvia notices, appearing very focused.

Marie moves her head up and down…and I cannot believe my eyes: my girlfriend…penis…is growing! I was actually hoping for her to be impotent, or disgusted by a woman’s mouth, in order to end this farce as soon as possible. As that dick grows to its full length, I can’t help but wonder if I’d react in a similar way acting as the woman…in bed: is our gender preference related to the body we’re currently in?

While I wonder about that, Marie stops my daydreaming: “So, Michael, my little thing, how do you feel while I’m giving pleasure to your former body? This looks like success to me!” she states, keeping it from going flaccid with a skilful handjob.

“I…I’m confused…”

“Are you getting wet? Down there?”

“What? …no, of course not…” and I’m not lying. Right now, I’m really confused.

Marie opens the first condom with her teeth, and she places it on Sylvia’s shaft using only her mouth: from how she does it, I can feel that she’s even more experienced than I thought. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad to…see what she’s able to do.

I’m hypnotized by Marie’s moves as she sits on Sylvia’s cock, without any hesitation, starting to ride it.

“Oh my god…Oh my god!!! Wait…what is…don’t stop, don’t stop, ever!!!” Sylvia shouts, looking like if she’s lost in a parallel universe.

Marie, unaffected, looks at me again: “Hey, Michael, do you wish you were her right now?”

I don’t answer.

“From your look, I can tell you do. Don’t worry, I have a gift for you!”

“…what gift?”

“You’ll see! Now shut up, Sylvia is going to have the first orgasm of her life!” she orders me, bending her back until she’s able to kiss Sylvia’s neck, intensifying the pace of the riding. The expression on Sylvia’s face starts to make me feel…strange, down there. Checking my panties with my dainty index, I notice that there’s a small wet spot.

The show goes on for a couple of minutes, until Sylvia hugs Marie with all her strength, and I can see her breast squeezed on my former chest. “I feel GOOD!” my girlfriend shouts.

“Let it go, my friend! Relax, enjoy this moment: I’m ready!” Marie whispers in her ear.

She stops, but Sylvia keeps moving…until she stops too.

From her face, I know it: she’s having an orgasm! Life can be ironic sometimes: I’ve seen that same look many times in the bathroom mirror, after a brief masturbation.

The lower part of the condom, next to the base of her penis, is covered by a soft white cream produced by Marie’s pussy. I don’t know why, but my fist thought is that, differently from Marie, I could fuck Sylvia without any condom. And I wonder how my pussy fluid would look like on her dick.

We give Sylvia some moments of silence, to enjoy this experience. Then, Marie romantically looks into her eyes asking “Did I give it to you? Your first orgasm?”

Sylvia looks blank. Then, waking up from that parallel dimension, she answers “Yes…Yes, thank you, thank you so much!” she shouts, before kissing her.

After some tongue moves, Marie breaks the kiss, and goes, nude, to our living room. Where is she going?

Sylvia is smiling, satisfied, and she tells me “I don’t know how a woman orgasm feels like…but I assure you that having sex from the other perspective is very interesting at least! Are you sure you don’t wanna try it out?”

“He will! Just give him time, we’ll do everything step by step!” Marie answers in my stead, as she enters the bedroom again. In her left hand there’s something shaped like a tiara, and in her right hand there’s a…strange strapon. “Here’s my gift for you, guys! We’ll let Michael try it on first!”

Chapter 16 – The First Climax

12 August 2018

“No way, you’re not going to use that thing on me!” I state firmly, crossing my arms on my chest again.

“I guessed you wouldn’t have been that ready, but don’t worry, there are other plans on my mind!” Marie answers, sniggering. “You’re the one who’s going to use that, on me! And we’ll do a little game, call that competition: we’ll see who’s able to fuck me better, between you and your girlfriend!”

“Yeah!” Sylvia shouts “This seems so much fun!”

I wasn’t prepared for this. “What…why? You do whatever you want between you two…leave me out of it…”

“What’s the problem, Michael?” Sylvia asks me. “You wouldn’t do girly stuff, and it wouldn’t be your real penis, so there’s no need to be…disgusted!”

“Oh well, does Michael find me disgusting? Is this the reason he never wanted to have a threesome with me?” Marie asks Sylvia.

“No, no…please Marie don’t get offended…you’re a beautiful woman, it’s just that you’re not exactly my type!”

“Ok!” she smirks again. “Prove it, then! Have a little bit of lesbian sex with me! It’s not like the body you’re currently in haven’t ever had some…”

I can’t see any way around this. “So…what do you want me to do? Should I teach my own girlfriend how to fuck a woman?”

“Yes! Think it like that!” Marie’s opens her eyes wide. “Perfect, now lay on the bed and remove the clothes from the lower part of your body, please!”

“…is this really necessary?” They both are staring at me, but nobody answers my question. It’s better to just go on with it. I lay on the bed, and I start to undress myself, when Marie stops me.

“No! Let Sylvia do that!”

“Sure!” my girlfriend, in my body, greets her proposition.

A moment later Sylvia is removing my shoes, my socks, my trousers and my…panties.

“Open your legs wide, please! And don’t be shy: everyone in this room has already seen everything!” Marie orders me. As I obey, she takes Sylvia in front of me: she’s still nude, but her penis is now flaccid, and there’s still some cum drop on it from the condom she has previously worn.

“No, hey…what are you two doing over there?” I ask, worried.

“Don’t worry! We’re just watching! As you’ve already understood by now, my current sexual kink is to make each of you crave sex from the other side, but until you don’t want that too, I’m just going to educate my best friend!” she explains me, as what she’s just told it’s the most normal thing in the world. “Now, Sylvia, I want you to get hard while you imagine to fuck Michael right now!”

Then, Marie gets on her knees, and starts to blow Sylvia again. Even if she has just come, her penis manages to get hard soon enough, under the skilful licks of our bisexual friend. “Michael, feel free to massage your clitoris in the meanwhile!”

“I’m good, thanks…”

Marie gets closer to me. “I’ll make you feel even better, you’ll see!” She turns to Sylvia “Sylvia, I want to find out if your body is able to have an orgasm, or if it’s just you! But you have already climaxed as a male…so, I’m very curious: do you mind if I give Michael a cunnilingus?”

“Wait…what??? I don’t want this!!!” I scream, for the first time in the strangest evening of my life.

“That’s actually really interesting! Michael please, let me know if there’s something wrong with my body! Will you?”

“No, please…don’t ask me that…it’s really embarrassing…”

“I have a proposal for you! Give me just one minute, and if you don’t like what I’m doing I promise I’ll stop, and we’ll never talk about it again!” Marie proposes.

I look at Sylvia, and she stares back at me. I don’t want to do this…but what if I prove that her body is able to climax? Then we’re going to have a lot of standard male-female sex to take her to that level! “Fine, Marie…one minute!”

She doesn’t even comment, instead she jumps at my…pussy, and she starts to lick my clitoris, massaging my labias. “Someone is wet down here! Did it excite you to see me giving Sylvia a blowjob? There’s nothing to be embarrassed about: it’s not you, it’s her body that is having that reaction!”

“No, no…” I answer instinctively, then I realize that she’s not going to buy it. “Okay, Marie…that…had this effect on me…but it’s not like I wanted something more, don’t misinterpret me!”

“Of course, Michael, it’s fine. Now just relax!” she says, before starting the cunnilingus again. Right now I’m glad they’re so open: I don’t feel judged.

My abs and my butt muscles start to rhythmically contract, while a strange warmth is expanding from my tender parts.

Marie doesn’t waste any time, as she inserts her index first phalanx in my…vagina. Yet she’s delicate. I don’t know how to describe this situation…but I can definitely feel her finger shape entering me and going out again, as it melts the muscles of my tense shy vagina.

I notice that I’ve closed my eyes, lost in these weird new emotions, so I open them again, to spot Sylvia woodenly trying to masturbate herself. This makes me chuckle.

Marie stops. “I guess one minute has already passed: will you help us to discover if Sylvia’s body is able to orgasm?”

“Oh…you can go on, I will…help you two…”

This time Marie inserts her whole index, reached by her middle finger after a couple of minutes. In the meanwhile, I’m staring at her hair, wondering if Sylvia feels this way when I’m down on her: if she does, I’m glad for her! Between a blowjob and a cunnilingus, I’d still probably choose the first one, but I don’t scorn this either! What definitely changes is the psychological position: while receiving a blowjob, you feel powerful and dominating. Like this, on the other hand, I’m just…helpless, left at Marie’s disposition.

Marie raises her head for a moment: “Sylvia, I gladly notice that you’re getting the hand of male masturbation! Come closer to us”. Then, she turns to me “Michael, please, stare at her cock, that’s right above your head, and imagine how it would be like to lick it, to be fucked by it!”

I feel dazed, but I don’t want to contradict Marie: I won’t be risking what’s probably the only cunnilingus I’m receiving in my whole life for these little things! Why should it hurt? I’m just watching my old cock from another position, and imagining something it’s totally different than actually doing it.

I notice that my breathing is getting heavier and heavier, while Marie’s fingering has become strong and fast.

From Sylvia’s penis comes a strong scent: I’m able to recognize it, but I’ve never felt it this strong! Maybe that’s because my nose is now closer to it, or maybe Sylvia just has a different smell receptor composition than me.

“Are you even paying attention? This is how to give your girlfriend a cunnilingus!” Sylvia tells me.

“Yes…” I answer, out of breath.

I’m getting accustomed to the smell, yet I think it would be gross to give a blowjob: I’ll never get how most women are willing to do that!

I close my eyes, focusing on the sensations Marie is giving to me. Maybe this is not what Sylvia feels when I give her a cunnilingus, because I definitely don’t have Marie’s expertise! With my eyes closed, my mind keeps to drift to an image: Sylvia on me, pushing deep inside my pussy. I try to send that image away, but it keeps coming back, then I decide to endure it: it’s just imagination. As I do, I notice that I’m now moaning, inadvertently: these are girly moanings, but, right now, I couldn’t care less.

A strong pressure holds my pelvis, and I feel like I’m exploding. I moan, and I moan again.

Finally: it happens!

Chapter 17 – The Penis

12 August 2018

Here I stand, laid on our bed, enjoying this moment until the last drop, still quivering.

“Did it happen?? Did you climax???” Sylvia asks me, anxious.


“How was it?? Is it like a male orgasm???”

“No…it’s…fuller, stronger!!!”

“Oh wow, Marie! Did you see that! Does this mean that my anorgasmia is solved? Why wasn’t I ever able to climax in my own body??”

Marie caresses her shoulder. “Oh, sweetie! I’m so sorry! Maybe you will one day…I think that you have…some problems letting go: you were able to climax in Michael’s body because you were in a dominant position, but you…you can’t trust anyone that fully while you’re so defenceless…maybe, if you’ll become more confident…”

“I see…I guess we’ll have to try until we succeed!” Sylvia reacts, more optimistic than I would have thought.

“Yes! I’d gladly try it over and over again with you!” I affirm, with a wide smile: my plan has worked! Now that she knows that her body is able to climax, she’ll be curious to find out what a female orgasm feels like!

“Ehehehe…here comes my gift for you, guys!” Marie smirks.

This could have already ended, but Marie is always Marie. “What is it now?” I ask her.

“Don’t you recall that special strapon I have just brought? You guys know that the company I work for deals with all kind of marketing stuff, and, long story short, I was able to put my hands on this!” she explains us, recovering the strapon and the matching tiara. “It’s called The Penis…don’t judge me, we’re still working on its name. Anyway, this is not a standard strapon at all! You just have to insert it in your vagina, then you want to place the included tiara on your head, and to press the red button that appears on the penis base: like if it were magical, it will stick to the vagina, and transform in something like…a real penis, they say. Then, to remove it, you just have to remove the tiara…” We look lost and skeptical. “Fine…they’re going to work on its simplicity of use…but…”

“Marie…thank you, but why should we need that thing? It’s an item for lesbian couples! Maybe you could try it out on Sylvia, but I don’t see…”

“Okay, I’ll be clear: they state that, once arranged, it feels like a real dick. I can’t advertise something that doesn’t actually work, but I have no way to find out if it does! The only person who could do this favour to me it’s you, Michael: will you try it on, in Sylvia’s body, and tell me if it works as intended?”

“Ahaha…you truly are a workaholic Marie! Okay, why not, I’ll try it out” I answer.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!!!” she jumps at me, carrying the above mentioned items. “This is the The Penis. You don’t need any panties to support it, you just have to insert it in your vagina”. As she explains that to me, she inserts the back part of The Penis in my yet wet pussy. “How do you feel?”

“Umh…actually, this is uncomfortable…it feels like a huge hard plastic item…”

“I’m sorry to hear that, I’ll see if they could use a different type of plastic. Its dimensions, anyway, are necessary: once arranged, it becomes one with your own body, so there can’t be any void between The Penis and your vagina!”

“I see…but there’s no button on this thing, how are we supposed to set it up?”

“The red button appears only once you’ve placed the tiara on your head! It looks like a…halo or something, but it actually allows the communication between The Penis and your brain: this is how it’s supposed to give you the feeling of a real thing!”

This is actually fun. “Wow…you know that I’m a tech nerd: this is wonderful…if this works. I’m glad for the lesbian community!”

“…and for the bisexual one!” Marie laughs. “We’re happy too, thanks!” she says, while posing the tiara on my head.

“Whoa…how did the button appear?? It wasn’t there a moment ago…”

“The Penis is actually composed by technological advanced nanites that are able to adjust themselves in the programmed ways!”

“Here goes nothing!” I say, as I press the button.

Sylvia screams, excited: “I can’t believe this! It looks like a real penis!!!”

“Indeed it does…but does it feel like a real one, Michael? What do you feel?”

Bewildered, I try to remove it…but it’s like if it’s attached to my body by now.

“You won’t be able to do that if you don’t remove the tiara! Until the connection between the two items is on, it will remain like this, and then The Penis comes back to the previous shape and material. They still have to work on its autonomy…it only lasts around 2 hours…”

“Really? Such advanced technology and they haven’t managed to put a bigger battery in it, or something like taking advantage of the movements that are typical of the sexual activities?”

“Nope…but your ideas are great! Right now, it charges with a standard USB Type-C…because they didn’t want to put a free charger in the box. Anyway, how do you feel?”

“This is…weird! The penis is not in the usual position, so I feel like it’s constantly falling down…the weight it’s different…”

“Well, this is the first generation model…they’ll work on that, but thanks for the feedbacks. What about the actual…sexy feeling?”

I take it in my tiny hand. “Whoa…it feels…okay!”

“…just okay?”

“Come on, Marie! It actually manages to reproduce a real penis feelings, this is noteworthy!!!”

“Indeed it is!” Marie answers “Thank you for your help, Michael! Now let’s try a blowjob!” she continues, taking The Penis in her mouth with a record speed.

I can see, and feel, the skin getting up and down my glans as she moves her hand, and I can feel her tongue on my frenulum. “Whoa Marie…this is very accurate…”

She stops, and she stands up. “The best thing is that it’s always already hard, and it has infinite stamina…until the battery runs out. You could even climax, and it would release a teaspoon worth of cum-like substance!”

“What???” Sylvia asks, incredulous. “Where does it take the cum from?”

“From your body, of course, silly! You blood contains any kind of stuff, it’s not that hard to produce a teaspoon of cum-like substance! Of course, it doesn’t have any spermatozoa in it, that would take a lot of time, and tech…” Marie answers. Then, she gets doggy style, at the corner of the bed, still nude. “Come here, Michael! Let’s see what sex feels like with The Penis!”

“Uhm…are you doing this just because you want me to get accustomed to fuck you?” I ask her, unmasking her game.

“Of course not, silly! I really need your feedback, and I’m going to gift Sylvia this nice 5 thousand buck worth item, so that she will be able to feel a man when you won’t agree to borrow her your body!” she laughs.

“Thanks Marie! Wow, that is a wonderful idea!!! I want every climax I can get, even if it’s a male and fake one!!!” Sylvia greets her gift.

Oh no, I just hope she’s still curious to reach the female orgasm…that’s what I’d like to experiment with her.

“Come on, Michael! Fuck me from behind, then we’ll see who’s able to do a better job between you and a former woman!”

“Challenge accepted!” I say, proud, getting closer to her. “Ehm…could you lower your butt? Sylvia is…petite…I can’t reach you…”

“No, right now YOU are petite! And I want to keep this position. Sylvia, would you take the small stool from the kitchen, to lift Michael up?”

This is embarrassing: they’re making fun of me. Anyway, some seconds later Sylvia is back: luckily The Penis doesn’t become flaccid, like a real one would be right now, after this puzzled situation. I climb up the stool, and, finally, I insert The Penis in Marie’s vagina.

“Uh…Michael…you seem clumsy, why is that?”

Again, if Sylvia wouldn’t have an olive skin tone, I would have flushed. “This is not very comfortable…standing on a stool, being this short…my muscles are not how they used to be, The Penis base is lower than the one of a standard dick…”

“I expected better from you anyway…”

“Maybe…let’s change position? Cowgirl or missionary?”

“No, I’ve already told you that I like this position! You dick is even smaller than Sylvia’s one…anyway, how does it feel?”

“Hey! It’s not my fault if The Penis is small! What a bore…it actually feels kinda nice…”

“Okay, your turn is over, now I want a real man!” Marie mocks me. “Sylvia, put a condom on!”

So, my girlfriend reaches Marie’s purse, in order to take another condom. After a couple of tries, she clumsily manages to put one on.

“Now it’s my turn, little thing!” Sylvia says, lifting me up from the stool and kicking it.

I’m surprised by her lust as she penetrates Marie from behind. The first thrusts are awkward, but she slowly takes the pace. Wanting to contribute, I suggest “grab Marie’s butt, it will give you more push! And try to go deeper: move your pelvis more, and your abdomen less!”

“Thanks Michael!” Sylvia says, starting to apply my suggestions.

“Uh uh, looks who’s giving advices now!” Marie mocks me. “From my perspective, she’s already much better than you! Come next to me, petite little girl!”

Hoping that she’ll continue the previous blowjob, I don’t fight back, and I do as instructed. But there’s no blowjob waiting for me.

“Watch my face! And watch your girlfriend’s face! We could have fucked like this, but…I’m not your type, right?”

Shit, I can’t hold anymore: I’m still a man afterall! “I’d gladly fuck you right now! A little blowjob at least…please?”

“Of course! I was just waiting for this!” she says, with a sexy expression, before restarting that blowjob where she left it. But after just some seconds, she gets up and she removes the tiara from my head, then the same fate is reserved to The Penis. “No, your opportunity is over, I’m sorry! And The Penis is Sylvia’s, it’s not yours!” Marie says, with a playful voice “Remember this: the only orgasms you’ll ever receive from me, are female ones!”

Once she comes back to the bed, they continue to have sex, this time in the missionary position. I have to stand there, nude, barefoot, watching them kissing and holding each other firmly for about 5 minutes, until Sylvia climaxes, again, in my stead.

Finally, the evening comes to an end: Marie thanks us for the wonderful experience, promising Sylvia that what happens in the bedroom remains in the bedroom. And, reluctantly, Sylvia gives my body back to me, thanking me for my open-mind and for my amazing birthday gift.

After a brief shower, we fall asleep, holding each other, one satisfied, the other annoyed, but both really tired.

Chapter 18 – A Helping Hand

18 August 2018

As I hoped, me and Sylvia have been experimenting a lot during this last week, and I’ve tried in any possible way to make her climax in her own body…yet I have failed. One time she was almost there, but nothing happened.

“Michael…now that I know what it’s like, I need that…release that the orgasm gives you!”

“I’ll be glad to try again, my love!” I smile, cheerful, at her: we’ve been doing this for the whole week.

“That won’t work…maybe Marie was right! I’m not confident enough yet to let anyone else take full control: if I want to climax, it’ll have to be a male one!”

Oh no, not this again. “What are you afraid of? I’ve climaxed in your body while you and Marie were staring at me, experimenting…that was embarrassing, yet it worked! It’s just you and me now!”

“You don’t understand…please, just let me borrow your body for half an hour, give me a handjob or something, and I’ll be relaxed enough to focus on studying!”

I’ve almost lost control the last time: that won’t happen again! “Sylvia…don’t make this a habit…we’ve already swapped 4 times now. Every time it’s more embarrassing to me…couldn’t you just use that thing, The Penis that Marie gave to you? And maybe do that on your own, or with her help? I won’t mind…”

“Really? Will I have to call Marie every time? I’m not asking you to fuck or something, you’re already masturbating often enough, what’s one more time?”

“…how do you know that?”

“This house has thin walls, Michael…”

“Wait…so you know that the sex we have, excluding the current week, is not enough for me…yet you let me masturbate on my own by purpose???”

“Michael…in order to have sex the both of us should enjoy it, but…I don’t always do when I’m with you…”

I lower my head, defeated.

“Hey…I mean, it’s not your fault! It’s me…it’s this body…I feel so…so exposed! The shags with Marie on the last Sunday were awesome! I guess…” she gets closer to me, placing her delicate hand on my forearms “…maybe…I like the man role the most…”

“Well, that’s not the best thing you want to her by your girlfriend, you know…” I say, as I start regretting the purchase of The Swapper.

“Michael…maybe it won’t always be like this! Maybe it’s just an experimenting phase of my sexual life…but why don’t you really try out what’s like to be a woman? Maybe you’ll enjoy it too! I mean…” Sylvia takes her hands to her breast, starting to massage it “…you already did, on my birthday, didn’t you?”

This time, with my pale skin, I blush. “I…I mean…I don’t know…” I mutter, while I’m not able to keep looking her in the eyes. “…maybe…that’s exactly what I’m afraid of…”

Sylvia caresses my cheek, then she kisses my hand “There shouldn’t be no secrets or shame between us, my love!” she states, while she places my arm on her back, and she guides my head towards hers for a passionate kiss. I’m not totally sure if I like her becoming more dominating, or worse…masculine, in our relationship: before The Swapper entered our lives, I was always the one to kiss her.

“Thank you, darling…but I don’t want to do that…I don’t want to be the woman…please, understand me…”

“Okay, my love, I won’t force you to do anything, even if it’s just for half an hour and we would both enjoy it really much, without any harm!” she mocks me, and I’m not sure she understands how I’m feeling: scared…and torn. “Let me give Marie a call! Maybe she’ll have a little fun with me again…I’m curious to try The Penis out!”

Then, she calls our common friend, the bisexual beast that’s trying to screw up our sexual life for her personal kinks, and she puts the call on the speakerphone. After some beeps, Marie asks “Hello?”

“Hi Marie, it’s me, Sylvia!”

“Hey best girl-friend, how are you?”

“I’m fine, thanks…”

“To what do I owe the honour of this call?”

“Well…I was thinking…would you like to try out that thing you gifted me?”

“Of course I would! But I won’t: Michael will have to take my place!”


“If he never starts, he’ll never experience sex as a woman…and I’m really waiting for it!”


“Sorry, I have to go, bye!” Marie says hello, and she hangs up the call.

Although she was a little bit too rude, I wasn’t expecting Sylvia to start sobbing, but it happens anyway.

“Hey…what’s up?” I ask my girlfriend, while I try to comfort her.

“Why…why do I have to be so weird??? What’s happening to me? Why can’t I enjoy normal sex, like every 26 years old woman?” she weeps. “Instead…I just desire a simple climax…every kind of climax…but I don’t want to masturbate on my own…”

“I know…that’s depressing…”

A spark of hope lights in her eyes. “So…will you help me? Will you make me climax?”

Oh, my god. What does a man have to do to pleasure his girlfriend? “What a bore…I can’t say I’ll enjoy it, indeed I would definitely prefer to have standard plain sex with you, but if you’ll take The Penis…let’s say I’ll lend you a hand!”

Sylvia laughs, finally. She gives me a peck on my cheek, standing on her toes “I’ll be right back!”

Chapter 19 – Confused Roles

18 August 2018

Sylvia comes back soon enough, wearing just a padded bra. Indeed, she feels like her B-cup breast is too small, and she likes to use padded bras from time to time.

She assumes a sexy pose, carrying both The Penis and the tiara with one hand. “So, do you like me?”

“Wow…of course I do!”

“Will you apply this thing to me? I’d find it hot!”

“Why not?” I move the left cup of her bra to the side, and I lick her nipple. I insert my index and my medium finger in her mouth, and, with them lubricated by her saliva, I massage her clitoris, until she starts to get wet: I don’t want to hurt her when I’ll insert this special item!

“I know it’s huge, I’ve tried it myself, but after the activation it won’t bother you anymore, you will feel it like a part of your own body!” I reassure her. Then, I slowly open her labia wide, and insert the back part of The Penis.

“It’s…not very comfortable: maybe this is the worst dildo I’ve ever tried out!” Sylvia states. I wonder when did she use those other dildos, but that has probably been with Marie.

“Now, let’s place the tiara on your head!” A couple of seconds, and the usual red button appears on the still plastic-like fake penis. I press it. It’s the second time I’m watching this transformation, yet I still find it unusual.

Sylvia takes The Penis in her hand, and she starts to move it up and down. “Wow…it feels like a real one!!!”

“Almost…a real one is…”

“Who cares! Oh yeah, I missed having a dick!”

Again, not something you wanna hear from your girlfriend’s mouth. “So…do you want me to help you?”

“Of course!!! Let me sit next to you!” As she does, I start to…give her a handjob.

“How does it feel?” she asks me.

“…uh? Oh, it seems like a good quality silicone to me…but it seems real to your nervous system, does it?”

“Yes, indeed! I can even feel the skin sliding on my glans, and the perception it’s different when you touch the glans with the back of your hand!” Curious, she tries to reach her pussy, but instead she finds the plain base of The Penis. “They should improve this part too…in your body here I used to felt…some kind of pressure, maybe it was the prostate? I don’t know…and it was covered with some pubic hair: here it’s too smooth!”

“I guess you’re right…I didn’t even notice the difference when I tried it out: maybe the part of The Penis meant for the action is the front one!”

“Now that you mention it, I could really use a blowjob!”

“I could use one too, but that’s not going to happen…” I try to smile, ignoring the embarrassing situation.

“Let’s make a deal! If you give me one, I’ll do the same to you!” Sylvia proposes, starting to give me a nice handjob.

“No! Just enjoy your handjob, please…this is already embarrassing enough…”

“I know what you’re thinking, and let me reassure you: it’s not gay! Think of it like a big clitoris: I’m still your girlfriend, in my fully-woman body!”

“I’d not use the term fully-woman while using The Penis…”

“Don’t be such a baby! It’s just plastic! Haven’t you ever put a teaspoon in your mouth? It probably has the same taste, or you could say no taste at all! The only thing that’s different is that I would enjoy it…really enjoy it…come on!!”

“What a bore…I could you a blowjob right now…” my penis is already rock hard from her handjob, indeed “…you almost never give one to me!”

“So, what are you waiting for?”

Will I regret this? Will she take this as a habit? I don’t know…that thing is just plastic, and I really want that blowjob. Afterall, she has to smell and taste my dick every time…what is a little bit of plastic compared to that? It’s not like she could get addicted: she has just received some of that same stuff from Marie! “Fine…but don’t tell anybody!”

“I promise! I’ll just tell Marie!”

“What a bore…maybe that’s not a bad thing, maybe she’ll be less harsh and she will accept to do this in my stead the next time…”

Finally, I bend my back and I…take that thing in my mouth. I honestly don’t know what to do.

“Oh my god! I really missed this feeling! Go on, my love!!!”

It actually has no taste at all. I feel like I’m licking a pen and touching a silicone seal: that’s good, I don’t have to do almost anything, and she’ll reward me with a very special prize!

“Wait…are you comfortable like that?” Sylvia asks me.

“Actually…not really, if I stay like this too long I feel like my back could hurt…”

“And we don’t want that!” She suddenly gets up, throwing a pillow on the floor. “Get on your knees, that’s the standard position!”

“…whaaat??? No, Sylvia, I think that would be too much!” I affirm, crossing my arms on my muscular chest.

“I knew you would have said that! Okay, if you do…I’ll let you come in my mouth, and I’ll swallow it!”

She has never done that. “…really?”

“A promise is inviolable to me, and you know that!”

I don’t need any more confirmation: her promises are sacred indeed.

With the pillow beneath my knees, it’s actually more comfortable than before, on the sofa. I try to please her, but I really don’t know if I’m doing well: I’m moving my head on The Penis up and down, while I…suck her glans.

Like if she’s reading my mind, she says “You’re doing fine, Michael! Try to use your teeth less…it may seem silicon to you, but I can feel everything!”

“So, do you like it?” I look up at her.

“Yes! But…there’s one thing I’d like to do, in order to let myself go…”

“What is it?”

“I want to fuck your ass! I want to peg you!” she laughs.

“You can’t be serious…”

“I’m not, don’t worry…but don’t stop! I’d like to…talk dirty: would it be fine?”

“Yeah, there’s no problem!” I answer, glad to shift the focus from something different from the pegging, hoping to never talk about that again.

Suddenly, Sylvia grabs my head with her tiny hands, massaging my scalp with her short black-painted nails. “Yes baby, slurp it like an ice cream! Look up at me, and go deeper!” I look up at her…what a disturbing perspective. She stares back at me. I can feel that she’s pushing my head towards the base of The Penis: I could resist her, being much stronger than my girlfriend, but I decide to let it pass. Although, when the thing touches my throat, I have a little spasm, and I decide to not go any deeper.

“Yeah! Like that! Now, don’t move!” Sylvia asks me, starting to…fuck my face, or at least she tries to, in a very awkward and inexperienced way.

“Will you close your eyes, Michael?”

“I coulsh to gret…” I try to answer.

“Good boy! Now, imagine to be in my body! Recall when Marie was giving you a cunnilingus and you were looking with lust at my – real – dick: now you have it, show me how much you enjoy it!!!”

She’s really into this. It feels degrading to be…face-fucked, yet it’s hilarious imagining a petite innocent woman like my Sylvia doing it. I try to follow her roleplay…and I recall, very well, that odd feeling: when I was smelling my own penis from Sylvia’s nose…and I desired it.

I feel my penis becoming hard again…and this disturbs me. But I don’t have much time to worry about it, as Sylvia shouts “I’m coming! Swallow it!”

What? Is she for real??? The answer is yes: she blocks my head with her hands, pushing her throbbing thing deep into my mouth…and I feel something coming out of it.

“Oh! My! God!!! Yes, another orgasm! Yes, oh yes!!!”

No, I won’t swallow it. But she’s not moving away. “Come on, Michael! You’ve been a good boy until now: it’s my own fluid, I bet it even tastes like my standard pussy cream!”

…Indeed it does. Ok, I’ll swallow it, just this time.

“Goood boy! Very good!” Sylvia shouts with a joyful voice: I’ve never seen her that satisfied from her birthday.

She wastes no time, and she starts a video call with Marie. Shit, why are they so close?

As Marie answers the call, Sylvia, smiling, frames The Penis with her front camera: “Do you see it, Marie? It’s my cum! My girl cum, from The Penis!” She frames her face again “Michael gave me his first blowjob, he was so cute!”

“Ahahah…nice job Michael!” Marie says “maybe I’ll give you a tip or two one of these days!”

I cover my face, hoping that Sylvia won’t frame me. Luckily, she hangs up the call “Okay, Marie, I have a promise to maintain, bye!”

She comes closer to me, offering me a hand to get up from the floor. Then, she moves the pillow…and we exchange position, assuming the physiological one…but this time, Sylvia is much more resolved.

Dammit, it doesn’t matter how much embarrassing it was: it was definitely worth it!

Chapter 20 – Sylvia Wants A Reward

7 September 2018

“Michael! Michael, I’m home, come here!!!” Sylvia shouts at me.

I run downstairs. “How did it go? Did you pass it???”

“Yes! I did it! I did everything on my own!!!”

Wow! This is the first exam that she has passed in…I can’t even remember how long! “I’m so proud of you, Sylvia!!! You’re going back on track again!” I rejoice, hugging her, and kissing her forehead. This time, she hasn’t even asked me to swap: with a daily blowjob and its linked orgasm, she managed to stay focused and to really yield in her study sessions.

“That’s all thanks to you…the perfect boyfriend!”

“You’re flattering me…”

“No, I mean it! You’re very open-minded! When you proposed me to give me a daily blowjob in exchange of nothing…or in exchange of me studying hard, you showed that you really care about me! And when you accepted Marie’s suggestion to study porn videos in order to learn how to give me a better experience, and to practice on a dildo, you proved your love to me!”

Well, yes…I’ve been giving her daily blowjob since that 18th of August: calculator on hand, I gave her 19 orgasms…maybe a little too much. She was almost depressed getting closer to the exam date, and I really preferred to just lick a piece of plastic rather than actually be a woman again! So…I studied too…how to please her. Marie was useful indeed.

I like how my Sylvia managed to achieve her goal, for the first time in a long time, but I’m not sure I really like how she’s getting more and more dominating. Indeed, she pushes me on the sofa, and she sits on me, violently. She grinds her pelvis on mine, and she gives me a passionate French kiss: I’d definitely like her to pass an exam every day!

“My dear love, we’ve not been having sex in 3 weeks! I guess you’re craving to do it, am I right?”

“Yes!!! You could bet on it!” I answer, starting to squeeze her butt: I like how the elegant skirt she chose for the exam highlights her small toned backside.

She kisses me again. My balls are exploding. “Then, I’m going to offer you a deal: if you accept, you’ll have all the sex you’ll like for the whole day!” She’s massaging my nape with her dainty fingers, continuing to grind on my pelvis.

“I…I am interested, what is it about?” I’m honestly tired by those deals…she’s my girlfriend, and we should just fuck like rabbits as we used to do at the beginning of our relationship.

“Just promise me that you’ll give me a blowjob, and I’ll ride you right here, right now!”

“Of course! What’s one more?” I laugh with joy. That was easy.

“I mean…an actual blowjob!” she corrects herself.

“You said I…have become like a pro, aren’t those actual blowjob?”

“I mean…on a real penis!”

“Wait…what are you suggesting?” I ask, worried.

“Let’s swap bodies, and you’ll give me a blowjob! Simple and clean!”

“…” I don’t know what to say.

“Come on, Michael! I deserve a little reward, and you’ll get yours too, right now! That’s why I’ve been training you during those last weeks: you were always on your knees, you took care of my fake morning woods, one time you even licked your own cum from The Penis after I preserved it and I spread it on my dick!”

“You’ve been…training me? Does it sound fun to you???”

“It actually does!” she laughs out loud. “Listen, Michael, I don’t have any time to lose!” she gets closer to me, touching my nose with hers, and staring me right into the eye balls with confidence. “Do you want to fuck, or not?” She doesn’t move her gaze, waiting for my answer. I can’t recognize her anymore.

“I…I’d really love to…I’m dying to do it…” I answer, lowering my head.

“Then, what’s one more blowjob?”


“Good boy!” Sylvia smiles at me, with a triumphant expression. She doesn’t waste any time: she unzips my trousers, sticking my rock-hard dick out. She moves away her skirt and panties…and she rides me!!!

“Wait…may I choose the position? I’d really like to do it doggy style…”

“No, you may not: I’m the one in control!” she answers, without any hesitation, continuing to stare me right into my eyes.

I decide to let it pass, focusing just on the wonderful experience of fucking again, like tasting a sweet fruit you’ve been storing for a while.

What happens next manages to surprise me: Sylvia is reading me, with a steady confident pace, and she…starts to moan, loader and loader!

“Oh my…Michael! Michael, I guess it’s happening: I’m going to have my first female climax!!!”

I can’t believe my eyes, as she gets up and down, with the energy of a Stakhanovite.

Finally, it really happens.

Sylvia crumbles on my shoulders, in ecstasy, and exhausted. I continue to fuck her like that for some other seconds, then I get my piece of the cake too. We stand there, thrilled, yet calm.

She licks my ear lobe, then she whispers “You were right: a female orgasm is much stronger than a male one: thank you! …are you ready to be me, again?”

Chapter 21 – Shifted ROles

7 September 2018

I open my eyes, and even if I’m just watching the same ceiling, I already know that the swap has already taken place: I raise my arms, and, as a confirmation to my thoughts, I see Sylvia’s delicate hands.

“I’ll make you enjoy our afternoon!” a deep voice from my side says: it’s mine.

I turn my head to Sylvia, and I notice that she’s already at ease. She moves her now big hand across my belly, reaching my breast. “With your hands, my tits seem so small! But I like their compactness!”

“I like it too…”

She grabs my neck with confidence, giving me a deep passionate kiss. Then, she guides my hand to her…penis. I don’t resist: it’s better to just get it over with!

It’s flaccid, and touching it feels…strange: if I focus, I can remember the sensation of masturbating myself, but without the actual feeling of my hand on it…it’s just strange.

Sylvia stops kissing me, and she lays on her back, making herself comfortable. She stares right at my eyes, knowing that I know what to do: right now, I actually feel trained, and the whole situation it’s not so different from the ones she got me into in the 3 previous weeks.

I take my old dick back in my hand, and I start to stroke it, up and down. I look at her face, and I wonder if I look so confident when she’s doing this to me: probably not. I move my hand up and down, and her dick starts to appreciate it. “My dick seems so big in your tiny hands…” I comment.

“That’s true, but that’s also because now you’re accustomed to The Penis, that is smaller! And wait to see once my current dick gets to its maximum size! …but I think you’re on the right way!” she laughs. “Don’t you feel proud that you’re giving me pleasure, good girl?”

“Good…girl?” She’s always been teasing me calling me good boy, but that’s the first time she refers to me as a woman.

“You are one now!” she mocks me. “I’m just kidding…does it bother you if I think of you as myself? It turns me on…it’s like the hottest dream I’ve ever had!”

“I’d rather not…”

“It doesn’t matter: use your mouth, please!”

I obey. I bend my beck, and I get closer to…my girlfriend’s real cock. Oh no, it has an intense smell…it’s not like sucking on a plastic dildo this time. I open my mouth…and I give the first lick at her frenulum. Oh no, it tastes salty…and I wonder if I washed it before the swap: I hope so. By now, I’m actually quite experienced in giving her blowjobs…may The Penis and Marie be damned. I look at my old face right into the eyes, while I suck the upper part of my old dick, massaging with rhythmical helix movement its lower part. This time, I can even massage her testicles. Sylvia is in ecstasy! Maybe I could teach her a thing or two about blowjobs: isn’t this ironic? Although, some things are different: her black straight hair continue to fall on her pelvis; some of her pubic hair get in my mouth, and I have to stop for a couple seconds in order to remove them; and her mouth it’s so small that it’s hard to go deeper and to avoid touching her cock with my teeth.

“Oh my god, Sylvia…you’re a great cocksucker!!!” she mocks me. Actually, that’s true: it’s embarrassing to say, but when I focus on something, I’m a fast learner!

I stop to answer her “Sylvia, come on…not that nickname again…”

She laughs, then she forces my head on her cock: dammit, this is not ironic anymore…she’s quite stronger than me in the current situation! I just hope she doesn’t make me gag.

As I notice that the first drops of precum are leaking right into my mouth…Sylvia takes her smartphone, texting something to someone. I’d like to ask her what’s going on, but my head is stuck on her penis, held by her left hand.

A couple minutes later…I can feel her cock throbbing: oh no, I definitely don’t want to swallow my own stinky cum. But, once she really comes…it doesn’t bother me so much to actually do it: damn training!

“Lick it clean, Sylvia!” she orders me, while she tingles my labias with her big toe. I don’t know why, but the right thing to do seems to obey her…come on, it’s not a big deal, I’ve already swallowed a lot of her ejaculate, and I know how annoying it is to wash the still erect cock after a climax!

“Thank you, sweetie! A real dick is indeed more sensitive! And having it makes me feel even more confident!” She forces me to lay down. “Now relax, I’m going to return the favor!”

“No, no…don’t worry…” I try to push her away…but she’s too strong.

Lick after lick, finger after finger, I lose track of time…until I hear someone knocking at the door. Sylvia stops her cunnilingus and goes to welcome our stranger guest…without wearing anything: what the hell is happening?

I hear some whispers, then some steps towards our bedroom. Phew…it’s just Marie: I should have expected this!

“Ehm…Marie? …why are you here?”

“Come on, Sylvia…can’t you get it?”

Not that again…I’m not Sylvia, and they know it! “Come on, Marie…I’m not calling you Anthony or something!”

“Anthony? That’s a nice name: call me however you like to! Actually, this kinda refers to the reason I’m here!”

I’m afraid to ask. “…so? Why are you here, again?”

She walks to Sylvia’s night stand. “I’m here to continue your training, of course!” She looks at Sylvia, while she opens the first drawer. “We know you’re not going to let Sylvia actually have sex with you in the current form, but you’ll change idea once you’ll experience sex as a woman with me!” Oh no…I’m starting to understand the situation now that she’s taking The Penis from that drawer.

“And that’s also why I’ve just given you a cunnilingus” Sylvia participates to our conversation “so that now you’re wet and ready to accept Marie!”

I don’t know what to say: are they crazy or what?? Do they expect me to just stay here, while they try to train me to match their weird perversions?

While I think about that, Marie is already stripping. Sylvia helps her to place The Penis in position. “Hey…what are you two doing? I strongly disagree with your plan…”

“You won’t disagree anymore, trust me!” Marie answers me, in a seductive tone, sending me a kiss.

Once they’re done, Marie grabs The Penis. “Yes, that’s as nice as I remembered it to be…but I’ve never tried it on an actual woman!” she comments, looking at me.

“Oh well, I’m not an actual woman, you know…”

“And this makes it even more fun!”

“…I wouldn’t bother if you two tried that out, let’s just swap back, Sylvia, alright?”

“Let me think about it…” Sylvia answers me “…nah, I think I’ll just accept another blowjob!” she continues, as she gets closer to me, in order to get what she wants. This is not the worst part of it: okay, I could give her another climax, that’s fine, what’s one more time?

The worst, instead, comes when Marie starts to rub The Penis on…my pussy, my wet pussy: dammit, Sylvia! “No, no Marie: you can’t fuck my pussy!”

“Oh…so know that is your pussy? Then, why can’t we call you Sylvia?”


Marie interrupts me “Sylvia, may I fuck your body pussy?”

“You may!” Sylvia laughs.

“You see, Michael, then? I have every permission I need!” Marie states, as she finally enters me.

This is my first time as a woman…oh no! Why is this happening to me?? Luckily, Sylvia’s cunnilingus has already lubricated me…but this still feels wrong. It’s not painful or anything…it’s just that I can’t feel any pleasure!

Marie, in the meanwhile, seems in ecstasy. “Oh my…oh my…Sylvia, cutie, your pussy is so tight! And warm…and wet!!!” One thrust, two thrust: I still feel awkward. At least one of us is having fun.

Sylvia calls for my attention “Hey, myself, what about that blowjob?” she asks me, as she rubs my old cock on my current cheek. It’s already half-hard, so I guess she’s enjoying the show. It’s okay, I pick her member in my hand, and I raise my head a little bit to welcome it in my mouth. Its flavor and consistency isn’t bothering me anymore too much…I guess this is what happens when you even swallow your own cum.

“Sweetie, I’m so jealous: you’re the first one to get a threesome in my body!” Oh God, a threesome…and she’s right.

Now, she turns to Marie “Do you like it? From this perspective?”

Marie, on the other hand, is lost in pleasure. “…uh? Oh…it’s wonderful: it’s not just about the pleasure itself, it’s also about the power, the control!”

“Yeah, now you get it! And having a previously big tall handsome man blowing your – real – cock is even better! Come on, give him a creampie, it would be so fun!” she laughs. “It’s not like you could get him pregnant…I’m even on the pill!”

Wait…what? Oh, who am I kidding? I’m starting to enjoy this…damn Sylvia’s body!

Marie’s thrusts start to get faster, and I realize that she’s about to finish! Actually, this is the first time I’m being fucked by The Penis, having always refused to approve Sylvia’s desire to peg me, but I know very well when it’s about to cum…since I’ve sucked it more times than I would like to admit.

“Uuuh…Oh…My!!!” Marie keeps her eyes shut, and she starts to moan louder and louder. Finally, she stops, and a warm drop of something falls inside me. At least, I hope that the whole show is ending with this, and that I won’t have to swallow anything again tonight.

Marie comes out of me. Triumphant, she slaps my butt-cheek. She turns to Sylvia, and she speaks with a seductive voice “This is not enough for me: I want to do this again! Luckily, The Penis has endless stamina, and my muscles are not tired yet! Come on, Michael, let’s take your girlfriend to the chair next to that mirror: I’m going to do it doggy-style this time!”

Sylvia doesn’t complain about the sudden end of her blowjob, and, with a rock-hard throbbing cock, she lifts me up, like if I were a feather, and she places me on that damn chair in front of the mirror. What’s the worst part of all of this? It’s that I’m not planning to stop: Marie came too soon!

Marie looks straight into my eyes “Dear Sylvia, you’re not relaxing enough! We want you to have fun too: let’s try to blindfold you!” Again, I won’t resist, as Marie puts a big band over my eyes: I want to enjoy this too, given that at this time I couldn’t be more embarrassed than this!

I hold myself to the chair with my tiny hands, and I can feel my perky breast squeezed on my forearms. I lay my chin on the seatback.

“I don’t care if you want to continue that blowjob!” I say to Sylvia “Now let me see if Marie is so good at this, after she made fun of me the last time. Here’s a spoiler: the first round didn’t go very well!”

“It’s okay, my dear, I’ll just pat your head while you enjoy your evening!” I hear my deep voice answering me, by my side.

“Challenge accepted!” Marie’s voice answers too. I hear some steps towards me, while Sylvia and Marie take their respective place. Sylvia starts to pat my hair…it’s a comforting feeling, and she’s very tactful to touch me! Maybe she really wants me to have fun, and she’s controlling her brute force.

In the meanwhile, I feel The Penis on my labia. Marie is so awkward that she’s not even touching my back, trying to fit her new tool inside of me without any support!

“You see?” I mock her “You can’t even enter me!”

No one answers me. Instead, Marie slowly enters my pussy. I can feel the glans at first, then she goes deeper and deeper: wow, in this doggy-style position The Penis seems even bigger!

Marie start to thrust again, and I can sense her embarrassment, while she’s taking the measures.

I want to enjoy this, I really want to! I want to be a part of the team, not just the one that everyone mocks! I realize that I’m not arching my back, as they always suggest in those porn videos I used to watch, so I do it, but no one notices me, no one is talking.

After a couple of minutes…I start to moan! Wow…maybe I could even give Sylvia that blowjob…nah, now it’s my time!

Marie is breathing harder and harder…she’s really into this! Does she have a little bit of mucus in her throat? Right now, who cares?

Wow…I wonder why Sylvia doesn’t want me to do this all the time: this is wonderful!!! My mouth is wide open, while I try to catch my breath, and finally Sylvia does what I expected from her: she puts my old cock in my mouth!

My laud moans are now muffled, and I really can’t focus right now, but I try to include my girlfriend in the show too! I’m moving too much, thrust after thrust, and I can’t really do a good job…so I free one hand, and I grab the base of her cock!

Wait…something feels odd…what is it? Noticing that I stopped moaning, Marie starts to go deeper…and the moaning resumes. This time, she needs all the support she can get, so she grabs my heap! Wow, she’s strong!

Wait…since when are Marie’s hands so big? Oh no…don’t tell me that…what is currently in my mouth…is…The Penis…no! They wouldn’t do that, they wouldn’t!!! …would they?

Panicking, I remove the band from my eyes…and… “What the fuck???”

Ahead of me, instead of my girlfriend, stands Marie. And…behind me, fucking me like an animal…is my own body.

Marie chuckles. Sylvia says, panting “Yes, I’m the one who’s fucking you, shut up, bitch, and enjoy this!”

“Whaaaat??? Don’t call…” I try to speak, but Marie puts The Penis back in my mouth.

With one hand Sylvia spanks me, and I can feel my butt getting sore. With the other hand, she grabs my neck, forcing me to arch my back. Then, she continues to fuck me, deeper and deeper…and I can’t resist, so I start to moan again.

“This sounds like a great symphony to me!” Marie comments my moaning.

Then, Sylvia stops. “Why???” I ask her. She doesn’t answer: instead, she goes to the living room, and she sits on the sofa.

“Come here, Sylvia! Let me see what a great cowgirl you are!” Marie tells me, as she places a hand on my back, guiding me barefoot towards Sylvia.

Don’t judge me: I can’t stop right now! I…sit on my girlfriend’s cock…and I try to move up and down. Am I doing fine? Actually, who cares: I love this!!!

It doesn’t take me too much to finally reach my climax. What’s great about a woman’s body, is that you can continue even after you’re finished.

Marie pinches my nipples, as Sylvia firmly grabs my hips, pushing me down and lifting me up again. After some moment, she pushes me down with force, and I can feel her cock throbbing. Soon enough, she floods my pussy with her ejaculate.

I collapse on her, worn out, but she raises my head, giving me a passionate French kiss once again.

“So, jokes apart” Marie interrupts us “Michael, did you have fun with our little roleplay?”

“…I did”.

“Would you like to try this out again, some time?”

“Okay…” I look at Sylvia “But only if you stop manipulating me! I’d like to have sex as a male too, without any pact or anything!”

“Sure, Michael” she answers me, while she moves my black straight hair apart from my cute face. “As long as we’ll do this again from time to time, our sex life will be great for the both of us, I promise!”

Marie comes closer to us. “Okay, guys…there’s something we should talk about…”

“What?” I ask, while I stand up, feeling Sylvia’s cum slowly running across my thigh.

“I hope you’ll forgive me…but there’s something I should tell you!”

“What is that, Marie? Don’t be scared!” Sylvia asks her.

“Do you recall The Penis?”

“Yeah, the one you’re currently wearing, so?”

“Oh, yeah, about that…let me fix myself…” Marie says distractedly, as she removes The Penis and she puts her clothes on again. We stand there, puzzled. “Sorry, here I am again. So, actually I wasn’t allowed to give it to you!”

“Noooo….” Sylvia reacts “we were having so much fun with it!”

“No, no, you didn’t understand my words! You can keep it, I don’t care if I get fired, because I got a new job!”

“Wow, congratulations Marie!” I congratulate her. “Which job is that?”

“It’s at…McBroom & Lee…”

“That’s great! You’ve always craved to work for my father!” Sylvia says.

“And…there’s a good news: you’ll spend a lot of time in that masculine body you like so much in the next month!”

“What? What are you talking about, Marie? I don’t get it! And why do our sexual activities regard your new job?”

“Well…let’s say I got that job…in exchange for some information…”

Why is she so cryptic? Me and Sylvia look at each other, perplexed.

“But he’s going to explain everything soon enough!” Marie continues. Then, she gets to the door, and she opens it.

“Hi, my kids!” a familiar voice says from the shadows. “My daughter is going to be a magnificent lawyer very, very soon!” that voice continues, entering our house.

Then, I recognize that person: Joseph McBroom, in flesh and bones, stands in our living room, smiling at his nude dirty daughter, and at her boyfriend next to her.

Chapter 22 – The Betrayal

7 September 2018

“Michael, you’re going to live as Sylvia until her degree. Don’t worry about your job: I’ll replenish your salary, and I’ve made a pact with someone who matters, so that you won’t have any case in the forthcoming future” Joseph McBroom states, with his usual composure.

Me and Sylvia, on the other hand, are freaked out: what is he talking about?

Sylvia looks at Marie looking for an explanation. Marie, then, moves her gaze “I’m sorry guys…I know you trusted me, but this job it’s too good to be true…and it’s not a big deal for you, I guess Michael will succeed in a record time…”

“Wait, wait…” I finally speak, wondering if I have to get used to Sylvia’s delicate voice “…if you have so much power, why can’t you just corrupt someone who matters at the law school and get Sylvia her degree? It’s not like she would do anything this way either…”

“Hey! I’ve passed a lot of exams on my own, and I don’t like this situation either!” Sylvia shouts at me, and her powerful voice almost manages to scare me.

“Michael, Michael…don’t you recall that Sylvia is attending in the best Law School of our Country? It’s not that easy to corrupt. Then, what makes you think that I would ruin my reputation for something that I could solve with the current agreement?”

“But…” I don’t know what to say. Wait! “Wait: how and what do you know about us?”

“Everything started with a text from Marie…she told me that you two bought a model of The Swapper and that you used it more than once. Of course, I didn’t believe her at first, but you couldn’t reach a position like mine in the society if you wouldn’t have a discriminating mind. So, I observed you: after Sylvia’s block at law school, she suddenly passes two exams in a row with the best grade. That’s why I wanted to have lunch with you, Michael…and I have to admit that you two were very great at pretending to be each other, but I know my own daughter, and you couldn’t fool me. Then, I did my own researches, and by now, I have all kind of proofs of what you have done: law school video clips, the credit card purchase of The Swapper etcetera, just name it if you don’t believe me. Long story short, after all you’ve done, I don’t think that you will have any problem in being each other for some time!” Joseph explains to us.

Right now, I’m quite angry at Marie, who betrayed us…yet I feel ashamed: how will the best lawyer in town employ me after watching me in her daughter body, with cum dripping from her pussy? I look at Sylvia “We have to do what he wants…we have no choice”.

“But…he wouldn’t press charges! That would ruin my life…and his reputation!!!”

“Sylvia, darling…you’ve already ruined my reputation! I paid for the best education money can get, but you failed. Michael, on the other hand, has a brilliant mind, and he could really save my law firm”.

Sylvia starts to cry. I’ve never seen my body crying like a little girl. “But…but…daddy! I…I am shy…but I’ve always done my best…”

“Let’s say I pass these last 10 exams and Sylvia gets her degree, she would still work for you! If you don’t believe she’s worth it, wouldn’t it ruin your so precious reputation?” I shout at him.

“I think you’ll do her job in her stead, so that we’ll keep appearances” he states. Damn, I’ve always wanted to work for McBroom & Lee, but not in my girlfriend (or future wife) shadow! I want my own name to shine!

“I’ve checked the next exams” Marie suddenly interrupts us, with Sylvia’s laptop on her knees “Michael will be able to pass them in just 7 weeks! He doesn’t have to study them again after all, our wonderful genius!” she smiles, with my surprise, sincerely.

“That’s perfect! Alright, Michael, you’ll dress up and you’ll come to live at my house for these 7 weeks. You’ll have the permission to visit Sylvia, in your old body, but Marie will accompany you, and The Swapper comes with me: you two will swap your bodies back after these 10 exams. Don’t worry about the degree thesis, I’ll arrange everything, and Sylvia will just have to learn her dissertation by heart”.

“Wait…why do I have to be in her body? And why do I have to live with you?” I ask Joseph, scared.

“That’s because that’s what I order you to do, have I made myself clear?” he states, staring me into my eyes, or, should I say, in my girlfriend’s watery eyes.

“Don’t be scared, Michael!” Marie hugs me “I’ll buy a lot of nice clothes for you, and you’ll be fine, I promise! And, of course, you’ll come and see Sylvia anytime you’ll want to, as long as you study and you pass her exams!”

“Speaking of that, I guess it would be best if we called Michael with my daughter name in these 7 weeks, and vice versa, in order to not cause any more problem.”

“This it too much!!!” I shout at Joseph, finally starting to sob.

“Maybe you wanted to say this is too much, daddy…am I right?” he piles it on.

There’s nothing more to do: I have lost this battle.

Chapter 23 – Svetlana

24 September 2018

It’s been 17 days since our last swap, so I’ve never been so much time outside of my body. Joseph and Marie kept their promises, so that I was able to visit Sylvia almost every day. What shocks me is that she’s surprisingly adapted to my body: it’s true that the more you stay in a body and the more it affects you, but I think that all the…sexual consolation I’ve been giving her has contributed. I don’t even feel ashamed anymore to fulfil the female role in bed…it just feels more and more natural.

Living at dad…I mean Joseph’s house it’s not so bad: I have all the comforts I need, and maybe I’m even getting lazy. What I don’t like is that Sylvia’s body is really affecting me, and I’m becoming more and more shy! With the exam I passed today, I’ve already passed 3 of the 10 exams that divided my girlfriend from her degree…but every exam feels harder, I feel almost…blocked: now I get what Sylvia always feels! She, on the other hand, in my body, feels more and more confident, and at ease.

What I’ve not lost is my habit to daydream: I come back to planet Earth once I open the gate of Joseph’s house. There’s Marie’s car…I wonder why. I try not to make too much noise as I enter the front door…and I can hear the two of them talking out loud.

“Yes, he’s adapting well, but he still identifies himself as Michael, no matter how many times we call him by my daughter’s name or he calls me dad!”

“Well…I’ve already proposed that…but what about the 2nd generation of The Swapper? It allows to apply some mild mind control! It’s just around 500 thousand bucks, I guess you could afford that!”

“NO, Marie! I won’t mind control anyone! First of all, it’s still illegal, and it will always be immoral. Then, I want to do it with intelligence, not with force!”

“Oh…I didn’t want to be intrusive, sorry. So, why don’t we make him live in yet another body for some days? By now, I guess he’s attending the third exam, and the 4th one won’t be until Friday, so we have 4 more days to work with!”

“…I’m not following you, why should we do that?”

“You see, if he lives in another body for some days, and then he comes back to Sylvia’s one, he will perceive the latter as the familiar one, he will actually feel Sylvia…because it will have been a lot of time since he’ll have been in his old body!”

“Wooow: this is genius, Marie! It may actually work!!! Whom body are you thinking about?”

“What do you think about…mine? I would be a perfect Sylvia McBroom for those 4 days!”

“No, no…I know how much you desire to be my daughter, but I won’t risk it. You actually have all the knowledge and abilities to steal her life, and I still don’t fully trust you. Then, you know…Michael has never liked your body, so it would be harder to persuade him.”

“Ok, no offense taken…you’ll trust me over time, Mr. McBroom. Then…what about you?”

“…me??? No, no, I won’t be in a female body, especially if it’s my daughter’s! And I have work to do…”

“Well, you know, our options are getting thin…we won’t be able to find someone we trust with such a short notice to go under a body swap! And we don’t want anyone else to know about this!”

“Anyone else…you’re right! What about Svetlana? I trust her, she loves her own body so she wouldn’t exchange it with a petite average one and she knows nothing about Sylvia to actually steal her life!”

“…WHAAAT???” I finally shout, coming out from the shadow corner where I was hiding. “What are you talking about? I’m handling my hand of the bargain, and, by the way, I’ve passed the 3rd exam. The next body I’ll swap with will be mine, forget about it!”

For the first time since I know them, Joseph and Marie are shocked.

“…Sylvia…what…what have you listened to?” Joseph timidly asks me.

“Everything, dad!” Damn that dad stuff…they actually managed to condition me.

“I’m sorry…It’s for your own good…”

“My own good??? To be in a gorgeous Slavic body for 4 days? What are you actually trying to do?”

“You see, Sylvia? You want that body, otherwise you wouldn’t have use the term gorgeous! I can tell how you look at her: you want to be tall again, you want a pale skin with big blue eyes and blonde hair, you want to know what it feels like!” Marie interrupts us.

“That’s…bullshit! And you know that!!!” I answer to her insinuations. If my skin would have been that pale, I would have blushed.

“Come on, Sylvia…it’s just for 4 days! Make your dad happy!”

“No, never! Your goal is to manipulate me, to make me more comfortable in my boy…girlfriend’s body!!!”

“And what’s wrong about that?”

“…” What’s wrong about that? Oh… “I don’t want to live as him…her a moment more than needed! I want to go back to my own body!!!”

Marie chuckles, and she whispers “We’ll see about that!”

“What have you said, Marie? I couldn’t hear you!”

“Ahah…nothing, Sylvia, nothing! Now listen to me: you’ll do it, end of the story”.

“What makes you so confident?”

“This! Let me show you” she answers, as she takes her smartphone and she looks for something. “Here it is!”

Horror. She shows me a video of me, in Sylvia’s body…being fucked doggystyle by someone. When did she shoot that? I didn’t even notice! I don’t know what to say…

“That’s right, Michael!” Wow, she’s calling me by my old…ehm, by my actual name. It feels so…strange. “If you don’t agree to swap with Svetlana for 4 days, I will upload this clip to the web, and send it to every one of Sylvia’s acquaintances!”

I really don’t know what to say.

“It’s settled, then!” Joseph asserts, triumphant. Wouldn’t it bother him to if that clip was actually uploaded? “SVETLANA! COME HERE!”

After some moments, I hear some fast footsteps, and Svetlana enters the kitchen we’re in from the upper floor. Wow, she’s actually…gorgeous. I wonder how it would be like to be tall again…yes, she’s just 5’6ft tall, against my old 6’1…but that’s still much more than my current 5ft…and she’s really toned, does she have time to go to the gym? Oh…of course she has, she just cleans and takes care of her master, and for the latter task she really needs a fit body.

“Fine…I’ll do it…” I finally agree.

Chapter 24 – Who Is Your Daddy?

25 September 2018

It’s cold. I’ve been the whole day outside, at the park, wearing just a pair of jeans with black leather booths and a t-shirt. I’ve tried anything I could: I asked Marie to host me for the day, but, of course, she’s just Joseph’s servant. I asked my dear Sylvia for help, but she didn’t believe that it was actually me! And, at the end, I couldn’t actually ask any friend…they wouldn’t understand. I looked for shelter at Sylvia’s law school, but they sent me away.

Since I didn’t have any money for the taxi or even for the public transportation, I had to walk all over the city! Luckily, Svetlana has long toned legs, and I was able to walk fast even with these heeled leather boots. I think I’ll have to surrender: I don’t have any choice. Surely, I won’t spend the next 3 days without food and without a roof on my head.

Everything started this morning! Yesterday, I swapped Sylvia’s body for Svetlana’s one, like I had agreed with Joseph and Marie. Everything went fine, and I was astonished by how beautiful and comfortable her body was: very trained, 5’6”ft, ivory skin, deep blue eyes, blonde curly long hair…she’s Sylvia’s opposite! Of course, I prefer my girlfriend as a person, but I have to admit that Svetlana’s body has no comparison.

And that’s when I realised it that the problem started. Svetlana wasn’t very happy to be in a petite American average woman body, and, noticing my enthusiasm for her body, she remembered me that this was just temporary, and that I’d better forget her perfect body soon enough.

“Don’t worry, I get it, and I wouldn’t want your life anyway!” I replied to her.

“…what’s wrong with my life?” she asked me, and it was funny to hear that eastern European accent from Sylvia’s mouth.

“Well…with this body you could be a model, an actress…whatever you’d like to!”

She looked sad. “Don’t think that’s so easy…I tried to realize those dreams once I arrived in your country, but all that was proposed to me was the job of a pornstar…you know, it’s not that easy to find a good job when you don’t even speak the language, and you don’t have any culture or job experience…”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to grieve you…but I mean, what are you doing here? Cleaning an old man’s house…and being her sexual servant!!!”

After she said hi to me, I thought that the conversation was over…but, this morning, Joseph himself woke me up. “So, do you think that Svetlana’s life is ruined next to me?”

“Well, dad…I mean Joseph, she’s gorgeous! Look at me!!!” I replied, peaceful, at him, not expecting his reaction.

“I see…but why wouldn’t I deserve that body?” he continued. That was the first time I’ve ever seen him angry at me.

“She’s even taller than you in heels! And…you’re old. Then, she’s not your wife, but your maid! That’s not fair…you’re just a lonely man who abuses his power!”

At first, he didn’t know what to say. Then, he became furious…and I’ve never thought that Joseph McBroom could lose his temper so easily, but I guess that everyone has his weak point.

“Alright, I’ll let you understand why I can do it to her, and then you’ll get why she actually craves me. First of all, I’m not dad or Joseph for you, but I’m Mr. McBroom, because until Sylvia’s 4th exam, you’re my maid Svetlana. Then, get on your knees and suck my cock, right now!”

“…excuse me, Joseph? Are you out of your mind?”

“Shut up, bitch! Suck my cock or you’ll have to look for another shelter from now on!” the mighty lawyer yells at me.

I crossed my arm on my chest…and wow, Svetlana’s chest is…remarkable. “That’s not going to happen, forget it”.

“Okay, then, Svetlana, I’ll teach you some discipline!” he states, violently grabbing my combed hair, dragging me downstairs and out of the front door. Dammit: I felt more powerful going from Sylvia’s petite body to Svetlana’s strong one…but Joseph is still much stronger than me. “Go away! I’ll give you permission to enter my house again only if you accept to submit, or if it’s time to swap back for the exam!” Finally, he literally kicked me out. I landed on my butt, and it hurt, both physically and psychologically.

There I stand, right now, remembering my nightmare morning. It’s already bed time, and I have nowhere to go: don’t judge me. After all, I’ve spent something like 3 weeks in total in a woman body, I’ve given plenty of blowjobs and I’ve even had sex more than once: what’s one more blowjob? I’m shivering because of the cold. The living room lights are on, but the ones in Sylvia’s room are not: either Svetlana is with Joseph, or she’s already sleeping. I decide to ring the bell.

After some exasperating moments, I hear some footsteps towards me, and…Svetlana opens the door, with a smirk on her face. “Are you ready to submit to Mr. McBroom, Svetlana?”

I can’t believe her arrogance, she’s always been such a nice maid to me. It feels good to look down at Sylvia’s body again, but, strangely, she’s still more confident than me. Again, I have no choice but to respect her right now. “…I am”.

She grabs my hand, carrying me to the living room. I am shocked when she gives a French kiss to Joseph, and she massages his…tender zones.

My jaw drops. “Have…have you done sexual stuff with…your daughter’s body?”

Svetlana answers my doubts. “Of course! He’s my lonely man, and I want to comfort him! Just name it: blowjobs, sex, creampies…we’ve done it all! After all you’re on the pill, right?”

Am I on the pill? Oh my…I’ve been in Sylvia’s body so much that she’s right: I’m on the pill. “But…”

Joseph interrupts me. “And I have to thank you! You made me understand that the way I was treating Svetlana was not right: so, we’ll get married! Once she gets back in that stunning body you’re currently wearing, of course. I’m sorry if your inheritance will be halved, and that’s the actual reason why I’ve waited so long, but we’re going to have a baby too!”

My inheritance? He’s talking about Sylvia’s one…but I guess he’s right: if we’ll still be together when he dies, we’ll be a rich couple. “Great, I’m happy for you! So…do you want to swap back right now, Svetlana? To do whatever you two want to?”

“No, no, no, dear Sylvia!” Svetlana corrects me. “From now on, you’ll call me mom! Come here, sweetie” she continues, hugging me. This is so confusing.

I awkwardly hug her back. “You didn’t answer my question…”

“You’re right!” Joseph finally considers me. “From Thursday, the day before the 4th exam, you’ll return to be my lovely daughter! But, in these days, you deserve a punishment: I want to embarrass you and I want you to fear me. In due time, you’ll add love to the respect you already have towards me.”

“And your punishment…” Sylvia stops the hug “…is to get pregnant, in my stead!” she affirms, with a wide smile.


“You don’t have to worry! I’ll carry the baby and everything, but it would be a lovely act toward your brother or sister to actually conceive him or her, don’t you think so?”

No, no, this can’t be happening! I thought the submission was just a blowjob…I couldn’t do this… “How are we supposed to swap back if I get pregnant?”

“It’s just the mind that gets swapped, the pregnancy won’t affect anything!” Joseph explains to me. “Come here, darling, I’m looking forward to it!”

Svetlana tenderly guides me to the various phases: the undress, the blowjob, the fucking. I stand there, blocked, and speechless, when Joseph spreads his ejaculate in me, in that body that is not on the pill, and that he’s always fucked only with condoms.

I won’t lie: this time I won’t adjust at all. Creampie after creampie, three whole days will pass. I will learn my lesson: Mr. McBroom is powerful, and I couldn’t stand a minute against him. Some weeks after I’ll come back to Sylvia’s body, Svetlana will find out that she’s pregnant.

Oh, it feels so good to be back in Sylvia’s body! Marie was right: after 4 days in a completely stranger body, now I find my girlfriend’s one really, really familiar, and I’m glad for that.

Chapter 25 – The Charge

26 October 2018

The 7 weeks have come to an end, and I succeeded: I passed every one of the 10 exams Sylvia needed to take her degree! Now, it’s time to go back to my body, and let my girlfriend enjoy my work.

I have to be sincere: Joseph was actually a fabulous dad in the last month. After that Svetlana incident, I thought he would have raped me whenever he liked to, but he used all his sexual energy on his now fiancé, or Sylvia’s future stepmom. Now, he’s just a loving father.

Sylvia couldn’t believe that I was actually in Svetlana’s body, and she was sorry that she refused to welcome me in our home. She was really worried after she hadn’t see me for 4 whole days, even if she just thought I was busy with some exam. She has actually really enjoyed those 7 weeks as me…or I should say as the holiday version of me, since she didn’t have to work. She really liked to have the male role in our relationship…and in bed. Luckily, this period of our life is coming to an end: since I did what I had to do, now we’ll swap back, she’ll get her degree, and we’ll live happily ever after.

I have to admit that I’ve learnt a lot of things from this experience! I’d rather forget the 4 days as Svetlana, and I’m glad that I’ll never have to be a stunning woman with no skill at all who eats and sleeps only thanks to a rich old man. But I didn’t hate Sylvia’s life! Let’s be honest, she’s rich, she’s beautiful, she’s smart, she has an attentive boyfriend: my girlfriend kinda has the perfect life. After her degree, she’ll even become partner in his father’s law firm, the mighty “McBroom & Lee”.

Right now, I’m daydreaming, again, waiting for dad…ehm Joseph to come back from the bathroom. He took me to a wonderful restaurant to congratulate for my excellent results in the last 2 months.

Oh, he’s back. I hear him talking about some work stuff with Marie…I guess she’s accustomed to her new job right now, the one she got betraying her best friends.

“Hey, Sylv…ehm Michael, I’m back!” Joseph catches my attention. “The day of your swap is getting closer…but I wanted to thank you for everything, and to tell you that your parents are really lucky to have such a special boy!” he pats my shoulder.

“…thank you, Joseph! You know I’ve always admired your success, I deeply respect you as a lawyer, and your words mean a lot to me!”

“You know, Michael…I’ll give Sylvia the partnership of my law firm, but I don’t think she deserves it. Maybe I’ve spoiled her too much, maybe I’ve done something wrong as a father…but I’m not really satisfied with her…”

You shouldn’t say bad things about your daughter to her boyfriend. “…why are you telling me this?”

“That’s because I want you…to work for me! You would protect Sylvia from the dangers of our world, since she’s not capable of managing such a big law firm!”

“Wooow…really??? I’ve always dreamed to work at your firm, that would be an honour!!!” And that’s actually part of the reasons why I accepted to take these 10 exams for Sylvia: to show Joseph my worth!

“Of course! You’ll see, trust me, I’ll make you very happy! And I’m even going to offer you free law assistance for your entire life!”

“…thanks, I guess?” Why should I need law assistance?

“I want to write everything black on white, give me a few minutes!” he says, focusing on his laptop, and coming back with a contract and a pen.

I know, as a lawyer, that I should always read before signing…but, come on, it’s Joseph McBroom we’re talking about: I can’t make him wait!

Strangely, he takes the contract I just signed, and he secures it in his strongbox.

That’s fine, we turn on the television, waiting for Marie to pick me up, for my daily visit to Sylvia.

Once Marie arrives, I notice that she has another contract in her hand, folded. She handles it to Joseph, and he puts it next to mine. It’s probably just work stuff.

I’m watching a repetition of my favourite late show, when Marie turns off the television.

“…wait, I was watching that!”

“I think we have more important thing to discuss, Sylvia” Joseph tells me. Why is he calling me Sylvia again, while he has just restarted to call me by my own name?

“What is it?”

“Michael was already informed by you, am I right?” he asks Marie. She nods. “I know you this will probably sound strange to you, but there’ll be some major changes to your life, darling” he turns back at me.

“…what are you talking about?”

“From now on, you’re stuck as Sylvia McBroom, forever. You’re my daughter, and you won’t be allowed to swap back ever again. My previous unworthy daughter, on the other hand, will carry on your old life as Michael Russel: whether you continue your relationship or not doesn’t matter to me, because that’s the way things are now”.

If it weren’t for his deeply serious face, I would believe this is a joke. “This is not possible…” I take my head in my hands.

“Indeed it is! But don’t be afraid, I promise you’ll love your new life!” Joseph comes close to me, patting me with delicacy. “Marie, please, explain my lovely daughter what’s happened: we won’t have any secret from now on!”

“Well, Sylvia, the contract you just signed allows Mr. McBroom to represent you in the courthouse. Michael already knows everything, since I’ve just explained him what he needed to know, and he voluntarily signed a similar contract. Mr. McBroom, then, as the lawyer of both of you, accepted a special plea deal!”

“Wait…what are you talking about? How could there be a plea deal without a trial???” I ask Marie, shocked.

“Indeed, there was a trial! I pressed charges against Sylvia McBroom and Michael Russell for fraud. I disclosed every proof I could, since this was my first job at McBroom & Lee.”

“No, no…that’s not possible! A trial always takes much more time than that, and the courthouse had to notify me about that!” I shout.

“You see, darling…” Joseph comforts me “…I have a lot of connections in the law field, especially in our town! So, I was able to speed everything up…and it was not hard for me to fake the notification. Then, a few minutes ago, you and Michael gave me permission to accept the plea deal I wrote myself!” I can’t help but notice the scorn in his voice when he pronounces his previous daughter new name.

“But I have my family…my life…”

“Michael will take care of those, you’re not dead after all! You do trust him, don’t you?”

“Of course I do…”

“And I promise you’ll have a wonderful life! Actually, you could press charges on me and Marie, and try to reject the magistrate verdict, but that would take you a lot of money and time, and I truly hope that in that time you’ll accept your new life as my precious daughter!” he smiles at me. This is so surreal…he’s tricking me into a life that I don’t want, and it all seems so natural to him.

“But I’m not a petite woman…I’ll never be one! I’m a man! I’m Michael Russell!!!”

“Darling, you’ve already been a woman, actually more than one, for quite some time by now! You’ve done every sexual thing a woman could do, and you liked them. You know how to walk in heels, how to apply makeup, how to dress up! You’re even more shy and delicate, thanks to my previous daughter’s body influence on you!”

“But I loved to be tall…to be strong, and powerful…”

“You’ll be more powerful than ever, and you don’t need the other things, since you’re so beautiful!” Joseph states, kissing my forehead. “You know…there’s a 2nd generation of The Swapper…it even allows us to apply some mild mind control: would you want that? I could give you Sylvia’s memories, make you think you’ve always be called like that, I could turn you…more straight…what do you think?”

What? Is there a 2nd generation? Now I get why that modelling agency sold that model to me…and I really hope they’re not mind controlling their models right now. “No, no, no mind control, please!!!”

He hugs me “I knew it! I’m so proud of you, Sylvia: you’ll never choose the easiest way!”

“Ehm…” Marie interrupts us “Mr. McBroom, do you want to read her that famous plea deal?”

“Oh…of course!” Joseph (or should I say dad?) takes his laptop on his knees, and he reads out laud “We, Sylvia McBroom and Michael Russell, accept the following plea deal. We won’t be ever allowed to use The Swapper again, as we’ll now be in its company black list. We will, as punishment, continue each other life. Michael’s, the new Michael, degree will be nullified, but the new Sylvia will be able to graduate as normal, since half of her exams were underwent by herself, and she actually was a lawyer before the fraud”.

Like that, in a few lines, it’s my future. I’m now Sylvia McBroom, and I’m about to graduate…again.

Chapter 26 – TogetHer, Again

27 October 2018

Joseph suggested me to sleep over my decision to accept my new life or to fight the reality, adducing that Michael (or my dear Sylvia…) would need a little bit of time to think about it too. And so I did it.

Now I’m in front of our house door, trying to find the courage to ring the bell.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Marie interrupts my daydreaming. “I’ll do that for you!” she proposes, as she rings the bell. Soon, Sylvia opens the door: she has probably heard our car or our voices.

There she stands, enormous, looking down at me, from my previous body. Yes, during the last hours I have taken my decision: I’ll accept Sylvia’s life, I won’t protest.

We stare at each other, embarrassed.

“I’ll give you some time to talk” Marie breaks the silence, before going back to her car, to type some work emails.

“Sylvia…do you know what they have done?” I ask her.

“Yes” she smiles at me. “Come in, let’s have a tea. We have a lot to talk about!”

Once I’m sitting on our sofa, drinking the tea that Sylvia has prepared for me, I ask her “Are you alright?”

“Yes, I am! What about you?”

“I…I think so…everything is so strange! How could we accept the lives they’ve forced on us??”

She’s smiling. “You’re right, they forced our respective lives on each other! But…I’ve thought a lot about it: what’s wrong with that? The best thing of my life was you, and you’re still by my side!” she states, giving me a peck on my lips.

“I…why are you so calm, Sylvia??” I ask her, wondering why I’m much more stressed out than she is.

“Michael…I’ve never liked my old life so much! Yes, I was wealthy, but I won’t starve at all until we’re together! Then, I always felt so insecure…I felt forced to study law because of my father prestige, but that’s not what I want to do for a living!” she looks damn serious, pondering every word that comes out of my old mouth. “And, because of all that pressure, I’ve never liked my fath…I mean Joseph! He never understood me, what I really wanted!!!” I’m pretty sure that, by now, if she were still a woman, she would be crying. Is she already influenced by the social stereotype about the strong male? Or is it the influence that my previous body has on her?

I try to comfort her, massaging her muscular shoulder. “I…I didn’t know about that! You should do whatever you want to in your life!”

“Now I will, finally: I will find my place in this world! What about you, Michael? Do you like my life?”

“I…I think so? I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer since when I was just a kid…and now I’m going to become a partner in the best law firm in town! And that’s just the beginning, I’ll make them know me not just for your father’s name, but for my feat too!” I find myself almost screaming of joy.

“No, he’s not my father anymore! I have two wonderful caring parents now, that will love me no matter what I’ll do!”

“Oh…mom and dad…I’ll miss them, I’ll really do…”

“No, you won’t! You’ll always meet them with me!”

“That’s not the same thing…and you know it…”

“I know it…I don’t know what to say, but we’re already in this situation, and there are some advantages together with the disadvantages! Think of your old life as a gift to me!”

Wow, I’ve never seen it this way. “So…is this our ultimate gift? Our way to really love each other, our final synchrony?” I ask her.

“Yes, indeed! But be honest with me, is there something you don’t like about my old life?”

“I…as long as I’m with you, I won’t miss any personal relationship, even if I have to admit that your…ehm my father is not an average human being…in every sense” I explain to her, thinking about the weird stuff he did to me during my 4 days as Svetlana. “And, physically speaking…I actually don’t want to be a petite woman forever! It was fun the first days, but I can’t think about getting old in this body, going through the menopause, having periods before that…maybe getting fat…”

“I see…but I’ll take you to the gym, I promise, so you won’t get fat! The pain of your periods will be balanced by the pleasure I’ll give to you” she winks at me “and the menopause is still far away, don’t you recall that you’re 5 months younger than me? And that women use to live longer than men?”

Wow…is she actually giving me years of life? And what will I do on my own all those years…without her?

Noticing my worries, Sylvia says “Don’t worry, sweetheart, we’ve still a whole life to live!”

“You’re right…now it’s your turn! What else, other than your freedom at work and your new family, do you like of the life I’m handing to you?”

“Are you kidding? Being a handsome strong tall man is great!!! I can do everything I want to! And what about the sex? I love to fuck you, and to give pleasure to you!” she caressed my cheek. “The look on your face when I drive you to ecstasy…it’s priceless! And what about you? Do you like our renewed sex life, or do you regret something? We could still use The Penis that Marie gave us from time to time…”

I smile back at her “I won’t need The Penis: it’s actually so much better to not have to worry about coming too soon, and whether you had a climax or not! Now, I’ll just relax and let you do all the work, enjoying orgasm after orgasm!” I laugh, thinking about all the times we’ve fucked during the last 2 months. I have to admit that she’s even better than Joseph: when he tried to impregnate me in Svetlana’s body, he was far less…mighty!

Sylvia kisses me with passion, and I wait her to unbutton the pink blouse I’m wearing. Then, I say “Fuck it! I’m a woman now, for the rest of my life: I won’t play the shy little girl if I don’t want to!” So, I decide to sit on my Sylvia, to unhook her belt and to rub my tiny hand with red nail varnish on her already half-hard member.

“Oh, Michael, I love this side of you…”

“There’s just one Michael from now on, and he’s you! I’m Sylvia, your girlfriend!!!” I can’t believe what I’ve actually said. In my mind, she’ll always be Sylvia, my love, but I have to accept the fact that I’m now Sylvia McBroom, and she’s Michael Russell, forever.

I remove her shoes, socks, pants and underpants, then I open her legs, and, standing on my knees, I welcome her member in my mouth, craving to feel it stiffen because of my good work.

Just when I’m savouring the first drops of precum from my girl…ehm boyfriend’s dick, she stands up, undressing me with confidence. At first, it’s the turn of my pink blouse. Then, she unties my black lingerie bra and she removes my heeled brown leather booths, my jeans and my thong. She lets me lean on the kitchen countertop, and she…finally penetrates me!

“Who is your man, Sylvia?” she asks me.

“You are!”

“Am I better of the previous owner of this body and penis in using it?”

“Of course not…just as I’m better than you!”

Her answer, this time, are countless thrusts in my pussy. Rhythmically, she knows when to raise my leg, where to grab me, how to massage my back…and she has developed quite a nice endurance!

Don’t judge me, but in this moment this seems the right thing to say to me: “Oh, Michael, come in me! Spew your ejaculate in my craving womb! In the next days I’ll throw the pills away, because I want to carry your babies!”

“Wow…this is unexpected, but for now I’ll satisfy you, my lovely bitch!” she answers me, accompanying my climax with hers.

She exits from me, and I feel her cum running through my thighs. “Don’t think I’ve had enough yet! Follow me to the shower bath!” I tease her, after a passionate French kiss.

Dammit, it’s hard to kiss someone more than a feet taller than you, but I guess I’ll have to get used to it.

Chapter 27 – The Cycle Closes

12 September 2022

8:45AM. “Shit, I’m ever more late than before. Was I daydreaming again?” I think, while I shift my gaze from the table where my story started to the sidewalk again. Years and years of memories have just rushed through my mind, but I don’t have time for this!

So, I start to walk again, to my firm: “McBroom & Lee”. Before my father’s retirement, this was his law firm, but now I am the boss! I earn more than I would have ever thought I could…and maybe I should donate something to charity, but that thought swiftly leaves my mind as I notice the clear blue sky above me. There are so many people in this world, and all of them stand beneath this same beautiful roof: our sky!

Speaking of people, there are plenty in my life too.

My husband, Michael, is the best man I could have ever dreamed of! I actually mean it when I say that he knows what’s like to be me, and that he truly understands women. Starting again at 26, he managed to become an art teacher at an elementary school: he really loves art, teaching, and kids. Speaking of kids, we have two of them: a 3 years old boy named Michael Junior, and a 1 years old girl named Elizabeth. I love them from the deep of my soul, and it doesn’t matter if I sleep much less than before, if the frequency of my sexual encounter with my husband has been (slightly) reduced and if I had to work hard at the gym after every pregnancy to get back my fit healthy body. After all these experiences, my vagina is not as tight as it once was…but I know how to please Michael anyway: that’s what love is, to grow old together.

Marie, my best friend, is currently my deputy at my law firm. She once betrayed me for her own advantage…but, since everything went out perfectly fine, and since she knows how to do her job, there’s no reason why I should fire her. She’s still single, but something tells me that she has fun in her free time anyway.

My father, Joseph McBroom, enjoys his permanent holiday with his young gorgeous wife Svetlana: he deserves it, after a life of work! He and my stepmom just had another kid, and, for the first time in a long time, I have a brother: welcome to the world, Michael. You have both a heavy name and surname to pass on.

I look down at the heeled shoes beneath my skirt: even if they are perfectly comfortable right now, I already know that this afternoon I’ll wish I had chosen a pair of flat shoes. It’s not like I feel uneasiness…but those extra inches are useful to a petite woman like me.

In a few minutes, I’ll get to my office, and my secretary will greet me with a cup of coffee, summarizing today’s appointments, and another hard day of work will start, but not right now.

Right now I’m looking at that clear blue sky again, while the rays of sunlight hit my bare forearms, rays from the same sun that’s warming my parents and billions of people around the world.

Right now, I’m the happiest woman on Earth.


PIXIV – https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=12269784

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